Anyone else who doesn't weigh much, and is only losing a lit



  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    Hi,, i'm in the same boat really! I'm 5'10 and 159 lbs,, my goal is around 145lb, as I know I put on about 20 lbs in the last year or so, so want to get back to where I was.

    I've been eating really healthy and lots of working out, but only losing about 0.5lb per week, if that!
    The only thing is I have noticed a difference in my body shape, it is really starting to tone,, and a few people have started to comment that I've lost weight, and I'm like "I've lost 3 pounds!" , so it must look like more than 3 lbs,,

    So, yeah, the only advise I have is to keep with it,, its encouraging to me to see others in the same boat to be honest. and now, instead of aiming for 1-2 lb loss each week, I'm aiming for about 0.5 lb..

    Another thing, as I quizzed a personal trainer on this,, is to look at your body fat. I've gone from 24.1% to 23.1%,, which is apparently pretty good, He said that aboud 0.1% per week is a good amount, and that's the figure I should really go by, not weight as I'm building muscle etc so the weight isn't going to change very much.
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    I started on here at 142 and I'm 5'7" I just wanted to loose 10 lbs and I figured I would loose some body fat and try to gain some muscle. I did really well eating 1200 calories everyday for a little over a month and I lost 4 lbs. But then I gained it back and I got really frustrated and stopped using MPF and just went back to eating "normal" but in a week I gained 9 lbs. Which I thought was water weight but it stayed with me for a month. So then I started again on here at 150 and I bought a gowearfit which is awesome and I love it! It's pretty much the same thing as a bodybugg and it tells me exactly how many calories I burn everyday. I can burn anywhere from 2200-2900 calories a day on average about 2500 meaning when I ate 1200 calories I was at a 1300 calorie deficit which for someone who only wants to loose 10lbs that is way too big a deficit and I think caused me to go into a starvation mode causing the initial weight gain after I stopped. Now I'm eating between 1500 and 2000 calories a day depending on how active I am, I'm not hungry all the time and I'm still loosing weight!
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,177 Member
    I also only had about 10 to 15 lbs I wanted to lose, although I was in my "healthy zone" I was looking a little too fluffy for my liking. I am a tad taller than 5'5" and weigh 123. What worked for me thus far is to follow MFP religiously 6 days a week. This means eating the calories alloted, if you those calories (or most of them). Also exercise when you can five days a week (I have an advantage, I teach group fitness so it is not an option to skip). The hardest part is that it takes time, I started in Jan. 2010 and it has taken me 6 months to lose 12 lbs. I also don't stress when I have a bad day (like yesterday). If you stick with it long enough you will find the right formula that works for you whether it is cardio or weight training or a combination (I am an advocate for both!) Good luck all!!
  • sunnysashka
    sunnysashka Posts: 296
    I started on here at 142 and I'm 5'7" I just wanted to loose 10 lbs and I figured I would loose some body fat and try to gain some muscle. I did really well eating 1200 calories everyday for a little over a month and I lost 4 lbs. But then I gained it back and I got really frustrated and stopped using MPF and just went back to eating "normal" but in a week I gained 9 lbs. Which I thought was water weight but it stayed with me for a month. So then I started again on here at 150 and I bought a gowearfit which is awesome and I love it! It's pretty much the same thing as a bodybugg and it tells me exactly how many calories I burn everyday. I can burn anywhere from 2200-2900 calories a day on average about 2500 meaning when I ate 1200 calories I was at a 1300 calorie deficit which for someone who only wants to loose 10lbs that is way too big a deficit and I think caused me to go into a starvation mode causing the initial weight gain after I stopped. Now I'm eating between 1500 and 2000 calories a day depending on how active I am, I'm not hungry all the time and I'm still loosing weight!

    This is exactly my point!:wink: Do not put your body onto starvation mode! EAT! My BMR is 1300, MFP tells me to eat around 1500/day, I work out everyday, so I eat at least 1600-1700/day!
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Hi,, i'm in the same boat really! I'm 5'10 and 159 lbs,, my goal is around 145lb, as I know I put on about 20 lbs in the last year or so, so want to get back to where I was.

    I've been eating really healthy and lots of working out, but only losing about 0.5lb per week, if that!
    The only thing is I have noticed a difference in my body shape, it is really starting to tone,, and a few people have started to comment that I've lost weight, and I'm like "I've lost 3 pounds!" , so it must look like more than 3 lbs,,

    So, yeah, the only advise I have is to keep with it,, its encouraging to me to see others in the same boat to be honest. and now, instead of aiming for 1-2 lb loss each week, I'm aiming for about 0.5 lb..

    Another thing, as I quizzed a personal trainer on this,, is to look at your body fat. I've gone from 24.1% to 23.1%,, which is apparently pretty good, He said that aboud 0.1% per week is a good amount, and that's the figure I should really go by, not weight as I'm building muscle etc so the weight isn't going to change very much.

    Hi Edelq!
    Our numbers are so similar :) Im wondering how many calories you are eating each day. I am tempted to drop back to 1200 cals a day (plus exercise cals), but I keep hearing that BMR is the way to go (1560 according to MFP).
    What is working for you? I dont mind .5 lbs a week....i just want to be moving DOWN the scale :) My ulimate goal weight is 145lbs., but i'd settle for 149 :)
  • cehrenhaus
    cehrenhaus Posts: 42
    I agree that you should eat all your calories, however I have a really hard time eating past 1400, even if that day I worked out. I sometimes try to force myself to eat more, but I end up feeling sick. Do you have any method to eat all your calories?
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    I started a year ago very close to the OP's numbers. I'm almost 5'5 and last June 1, I weighed 129. I started p90x the second week in June 2009. In those 90 days I got down to 120, lost 7% body fat and numerous inches. I ate about 1700-1850 calories a day during that time. I followed that up with a round of Insanity...didn't really lose any more weight, but gained some definition. Then January of 2010, I did another round of p90x mixed w/Insanity and 1.5 months into that I got to 117 and had dropped about 7% more body fat since the end of my 1st p90x round. I now bounce between 117-120 pounds and don't consider myself at all on a "diet". I continue to workout 6 days/week and still eat pretty much the same amount of calories...although I'm not working out as intensely right now and so I've dropped cals down to about 1600. I could could not go as low as 1200 calories. I would not have the energy to workout & would be moody as all heck!

    Good luck in your journey!! I used to think i just HAD TO weigh 116 (weight I've been most of my adult life) I find I'm pretty happy at 119-120 because I can pretty easily maintain it without making myself nuts!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    I agree that you should eat all your calories, however I have a really hard time eating past 1400, even if that day I worked out. I sometimes try to force myself to eat more, but I end up feeling sick. Do you have any method to eat all your calories?

    I plan all my next day's food the night before so that I know what I'm working with & not trying to cram 300 calories in at 7pm. But planning ahead for me is the key.
  • sunnysashka
    sunnysashka Posts: 296

    I plan all my next day's food the night before so that I know what I'm working with & not trying to cram 300 calories in at 7pm. But planning ahead for me is the key.

    Yep! I do the same thing. Sometimes I even log my next day a night before, so I do not struggle with choosing last minute what to eat and how many calories it will be!:wink: I'm totally addicted to this website!:blushing:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member

    i too have the same problem. i think the most important thing for us gals (and guys) to remember is is to eat healthy food. i am sure that would make a world of difference. i stay around my cals and exercise regularly...and it barely comes off.

    the one thing i dont do is consistently eat healthy. i eat veggies, i eat healthy proteins, but i still eat bad carbs.

    ie. yesterday i ate corn flakes with some milk, pineapple. quarter chicken with garden salad from swiss chalet but then had their mashed potatos, gravy, and blueberry pie

    not the worst day, i would say it is super balanced...but i have bad carbs every day, the day before i ate pizza...i think i just need to eat cleaner and stay away from the junk

    p.s. i am 5'10 at 145
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    Hi,, i'm in the same boat really! I'm 5'10 and 159 lbs,, my goal is around 145lb, as I know I put on about 20 lbs in the last year or so, so want to get back to where I was.

    I've been eating really healthy and lots of working out, but only losing about 0.5lb per week, if that!
    The only thing is I have noticed a difference in my body shape, it is really starting to tone,, and a few people have started to comment that I've lost weight, and I'm like "I've lost 3 pounds!" , so it must look like more than 3 lbs,,

    So, yeah, the only advise I have is to keep with it,, its encouraging to me to see others in the same boat to be honest. and now, instead of aiming for 1-2 lb loss each week, I'm aiming for about 0.5 lb..

    Another thing, as I quizzed a personal trainer on this,, is to look at your body fat. I've gone from 24.1% to 23.1%,, which is apparently pretty good, He said that aboud 0.1% per week is a good amount, and that's the figure I should really go by, not weight as I'm building muscle etc so the weight isn't going to change very much.

    Hi Edelq!
    Our numbers are so similar :) Im wondering how many calories you are eating each day. I am tempted to drop back to 1200 cals a day (plus exercise cals), but I keep hearing that BMR is the way to go (1560 according to MFP).
    What is working for you? I dont mind .5 lbs a week....i just want to be moving DOWN the scale :) My ulimate goal weight is 145lbs., but i'd settle for 149 :)

    Hi! I wrote you a reply yesterday but it got lost somewhere!!

    For me, I've cut back on carbs, just a little, I try to have lunch with no carbs (well, a veggie soup,, I know the soup will have some carbs, but I have no bread with it), and then for my breakfast and dinner I try to stick to wholegrain stuff as much as I can..
    The last 2 weeks I've been doing this, and ensuring I have some protein with every meal,, this seems to have had the biggest difference for me,, weight loss is still very slow, but I've noticed the difference in my stomach since I reduced the carbs :D
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i cut back on carbs i was a big pasta and rice fan but would eat the equivelant of 4portions in one meal not so good for me and i dropped alot fast 6lbs in 2 weeks just from that
    now im working out more but not eating the exercise calories or only eating a few of them mainly because i went to that thing on here that says if we stayed in bed all day we would burn off so many calories mine was 1273 a day and im allowed 1200 id be dieting forever to lose anything so now im still eating the 1200 but not eating exercise calories or only having a small portion of them to see if that helps have also had doc tell me that 1000cals a day would be ok because of the variety and foods i eat so i dont worry if some days im under now but get a doctor to ok that based on foods you eat etc
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Thanks girls! I decided to try 1200 cals again this week and see what happens. Yesterday I burned 500+cals from exercise, and I ended the day with 200+ cals leftover. So Im eating back exercise calories if Im hungry or Im gonna exercise more in order to eat more. I believe in the theory of the BMR, but for some reason, after several weeks, it just wasnt holding true for me. Bummer...because I REALLLY like food and REALLLY enjoyed eating those extra calories each day without feeling guilty. I just kept telling myself "THIS is the week the weight loss body is just getting used to being fed more..." but that week never came. :(
    I tend to lose my appetite when I work out, so Im hoping that helps keep me around 1200 cals. If not, I wont feel bad eating back exercise calories as long as Im listening to my body and not my cravings :)
    Good luck to everyone! WHY oh WHY do the last ten-ish pounds have to be such a struggle?!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i also wanted to add something that really helps me:

    by only eating clean/natural foods, eat as much as you want. it is so seldom you will go over 1200 cals by eating super healthy, so at times i find it so unneccessary to count cals when i know what i ate all day was unprocessed.
  • DancingYogini
    Hi all,

    I am in the same boat...currently 146 and 5'9", which puts me at a healthy BMI. I messed up when I first joined and put my weight at 155, when I was actually it looks like I have lost more than I really have :smile: . I want to get down into the 130's, I just feel better and my clothes fit better at around 130-135. If I religiously put in everything I eat, and exercise daily, then I actually do drop weight, just not as fast as I would like. The scale is a real motivator or depressant for me, if I have lost weight, it makes me more determined to eat my alloted calories and exercise, if I have gained, I have a tendency to want to throw in the towel and just eat a bunch of crappy food :blushing: I think changing my way of thinking about weight is a huge issue, and realizing that those last few pounds are always the hardest to lose, and to not let it get me down if it takes longer. I eat organic, healthy foods, am a vegetarian and avoid processed food as much as possible. So I have a healthy body and should be extremely grateful!! I would think that a lot of people would be so very happy to be in the same situation as us all, and would love to only have to lose a small amount of "vanity" weight...but still it is frustrating. Because, if you don't feel comfortable in your own body, regardless of how much you weigh, it is a real issue, and shouldn't be discounted...I have a lot of friends that need to lose a lot more than I do, for health reasons, and always get on me for even implying that I need to lose weight....I guess that is a sore point for me. Anyway, sorry for the novel, I guess I needed to get some things off of my chest.

    Have a great day all :smile: