Support for those of us with Heart Disease...

Hi Everyone,

I am 38 years old and last week I was diagnosed with mild congestive heart failure. My world has been turned upside down and I am feeling a thousand different emotions at once.

I lost 50lbs using MFP back in 2011 and gained back and then some after losing 2 beloved members of my family and just not caring anymore. I am currently 290lbs, more than I weighed when I gave birth!!!

My wife and I got married 10-11-12 and my goal is to lost at least 50lbs, if not more by our first anniversary. Ultimately I want to be around 195-200lbs but I am sure that my docs will want me even lower than that! Our two 13 yr olds are very motivating as they want me to LIVE and both love to work out, so I am blessed :)

So if you have heart issues and would like to chat about the struggles, give support and just be there for each other, please chat!


  • kpstacy
    kpstacy Posts: 41 Member
    I work with clients that are older, one of them died 3 times 8 years ago due to massive heart attack.... my mom died at 40 due to congestive heart failure... PLEASE feel free to contact me at any time.... this year will be the 10th year of my mom's passing and I miss her so much.... it is time for change and to take care of yourself... you can friend me and contact me at any time. My mom was 35 when she was first diagnosed and had she taken care of herself she would still be here. At this point, at 34, I do not have any known problems.... but I am more than happy to support you and help you for you and your family in any way I can.
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    Praying for you. I had a dissection, in which my artery split and the platelets blocked up, I had no plaque or cholesterol, but still fall in the category of heart dissease now. I had two stents put in. Take care of yourself. You can do this!
  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
    i was diagnosed with diastolic dysfunction type II and a valve which is not working properly, made a post about this yesterday but no one commented on in... and im 20, been playing sports all my life. also looking for some support, as i do feel alone.
  • Hi Everyone....thanks for posting, I hope that we can all support each other, because I for one am scared to death about my diagnosis.

    Med2017...that dx sounds scary...what exactly does it mean and were you just recently diagnosed?

    Kristine...thanks for the prayers, I know that we really need it. Sounds like you went through a very difficult time.

    kp...I am so sorry that you lost your mom, especially at such a young age...did she make any changes when she was dx at 35? I am so afraid of not being there for my kids...they are 13 and I want to be there for my grandbabies (way down the line!) and possibly great-grandbabies.

    I had my first visit with my cardiologist today and she started me on a very low dose ACE-Inhibitor because my BP is normal to low and she doesn't want it to drop. She told me to drink a lot of water and monitor my BP at home. She said it will give my heart a boost and help with the high pulse rate.
    She told me to really watch my sodium intake (which I am) and to avoid soda and coffee, which I do.

    However, I mentioned that I've managed to gain 7lbs since Friday (and I am eating WELL!!!) and she said it is fluid retention that was likely made worse from all the steroids I was on. I am trying hard to believe her and to trust that they will go away soon...but man, it is hard to watch that scale creep up and up! And I *have* to weigh in every day per her instructions.

    Anyway, I've rambled...sorry, I am just new to this and super nervous!
  • freshstart925
    freshstart925 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I'm glad you wrote. I was searching on here for other people who have been diagnosed with heart disease. When I was 39, I had my daughter and was diagnosed with postpartum cardiomyopathy and had congestive heart failure, so I know what you are going through. I'm now 49 and was told two weeks ago, after testing, that my heart shows scar tissue which indicates I had a heart attack that must have occurred in the past year since my last echocardiogram. I have young children and the thought of them growing up without a mom terrifies me. I have been monitory my sodium, etc. At my dr. appointment yesterday, my blood pressure was much lower and my weight has gone down. The support of everyone on here is incredible, even though I usually only observe. Keep up the good work, and know that you are not alone in this journey.
  • Praying for everyone here. I was dx about a month ago with very high cholesterol but a very low bp so he is sending me to a cardio guy. So very nervous. I am only 38 and have a young child.
  • samcat2000
    samcat2000 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am 38 years old and last week I was diagnosed with mild congestive heart failure. My world has been turned upside down and I am feeling a thousand different emotions at once.

    I lost 50lbs using MFP back in 2011 and gained back and then some after losing 2 beloved members of my family and just not caring anymore. I am currently 290lbs, more than I weighed when I gave birth!!!

    My wife and I got married 10-11-12 and my goal is to lost at least 50lbs, if not more by our first anniversary. Ultimately I want to be around 195-200lbs but I am sure that my docs will want me even lower than that! Our two 13 yr olds are very motivating as they want me to LIVE and both love to work out, so I am blessed :)

    So if you have heart issues and would like to chat about the struggles, give support and just be there for each other, please chat!

    Bicuspid aortic valve runs in my family. While it's a pretty common heart defect in the general population, my older sister who also has bicuspid aortic valve was also diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm 5 years ago. I have bicuspid but no aneurysm developing per the last check-up. We can't do heavy strength training. She had open heart surgery 4 years ago to replace the valve and also get an aortic graft where the aneurysm was. She was 37 at the time of the surgery and was able to power through it, but it was traumatic for her and all of us around her. She was an amazing athlete prior to the surgery. It's been a very hard long road for her trying to get back to her prior fitness level. She may never attain it but we've learned to go day by day and help her weather the bad days, weeks, and months. I have to say that more and more she is like her old self but has a ways to go too (I'm talking about her emotional state). It took her about 8-10 months after the surgery to realize how important patience was as well as realistic goals. In addition, being on coumadin is not easy and requires a lot of patience (in my opinion). It took her quite a while to adjust to it. Her situation has really inspired me to be more attentive to my health.

    I'm so grateful for you that you know your diagnosis now and not when it was too late. You have the knowledge, power, and family support to make changes that could make a real difference. Do you have limitations from your doc in doing cardio and/or strength training? The best advice I can give to you is try to be patient day in day out. I know it's so hard. But if you get impatient, you risk falling off the wagon with your diet or the flip side - overdoing it and getting injured. Try to celebrate all of your small improvements too. Be proud of your hard work and willingness to try to improve your health. Wishing you a happy and productive tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • samcat2000
    samcat2000 Posts: 106 Member
    I had my first visit with my cardiologist today and she started me on a very low dose ACE-Inhibitor because my BP is normal to low and she doesn't want it to drop. She told me to drink a lot of water and monitor my BP at home. She said it will give my heart a boost and help with the high pulse rate.
    She told me to really watch my sodium intake (which I am) and to avoid soda and coffee, which I do.


    Forgot to ask if your cardiologist's office works with a nutritionist. That may be another tool for you and possibly cardiology rehab. Hope you can access some different resources to guide you.
  • klesterslash
    klesterslash Posts: 5 Member
    Hello all,
    I am a 51 year old male, who wa diagnosed with heart failure at 46. I have an ICD, (Due to be replaced), and am exercising daily and really trying to drop 30 - 30 lbs. Hope you will let me follow along with your group, and work on some mutual inspiration.
    Thank you.
  • My mother has been diagnosed with heart disease and despite regularly having to lie down with chest pain, it has been extremely difficult to get her motivated to look after herself. I have been making us both green smoothies, but while I am drinking a bottle a day, she often takes three days to drink the same amount. She won't exercise at all and as I am trying to lose weight, she hides cookies in her wardrobe and pigs out when I am not around.

    Its very frustrating and I don't want to lose my mother, unfortunately I can't force her to be healthier, I can only encourage her to make the right choices.