Calories in vs. calories out?



  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    4 Oreos is an acceptable amount for, let's say, lunch at work. Pack some soup or a sandwich (or both if you wish) a banana and a 4 Oreos...personally, That's no different than a few graham crackers really, but nobody would "splurge" on 4 graham crackers.
    It's unlikely someone would choose to splurge on graham crackers, I agree, but a splurge is relative. Maybe swall severely limits her sugar intake. Four Oreos could be a very big splurge.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Well protein does matter less when you use steroids.

    that dude does not look like a roider.

    and protein doesn't matter quite as much as many believe. it's only 20% of my diet

    And this is why using percentages for macros is silly. Your goal is 150 grams of protein a day, which is probably pretty close to 1g per lb of lbm. I imagine you're also eating maintenance calories at 3000 a day, which actually decreases your protein needs.

    totally true and a valid point. total grams ARE more important than ratios, but many people do base their intake on ratios - whether generally meaningless or not.

    point is, some people eat 300g of protein a day. I used to myself. in no world is that necessary - even if you are bulking.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    totally true and a valid point. total grams ARE more important than ratios, but many people do base their intake on ratios - whether generally meaningless or not.

    point is, some people eat 300g of protein a day. I used to myself. in no world is that necessary - even if you are bulking.

    I can't imagine that being necessary for anyone, except maybe a pro where every half-ounce of muscle really matters and they have a ton of lbm.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    I am sure that this question has been asked before, but I have not been able to find a solid answer. So, will I still lose fat as long as I stay within my calorie goal, no matter what I eat? For example, yesterday I splurged and ate four oreos, however I burnt around 500 calories at the gym, so I stayed within my goal. Is it strictly calories in vs. calories out, or do things such as sugar content make a difference? I also want to make sure that I am not losing any muscle.
    it is mostly cals in vs cals out BUT carb sensitivity can be a factor, the thermogenic effect of some foods can be a factor,
  • swall13
    swall13 Posts: 19 Member
    I currently weigh around 140, and so I try to eat at least 90 grams of protein but that is sometimes hard. I currently am running around 5 miles every day without any resistance training, but it seems like I need to add some in or else I will lose muscle. Oh and I am woman btw haha.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I currently weigh around 140, and so I try to eat at least 90 grams of protein but that is sometimes hard. I currently am running around 5 miles every day without any resistance training, but it seems like I need to add some in or else I will lose muscle. Oh and I am woman btw haha.

    one of the biggest myths out there is that women shouldn't do resistance work for fear of getting "bulky"

    women can't get bulky like men unless they're specifically TRYING to. so yes, start lifting some weights!! :smile:
  • swall13
    swall13 Posts: 19 Member
    I just recently started trying to get fit and the hardest part for me has been my sugar cravings. I just cant seem to get past the sweets so that's part of why I posted this. But it seems like as long as I have a balanced diet, I should be able to have sweets in moderation as long as I don't go over my calorie limit....Right?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I just recently started trying to get fit and the hardest part for me has been my sugar cravings. I just cant seem to get past the sweets so that's part of why I posted this. But it seems like as long as I have a balanced diet, I should be able to have sweets in moderation as long as I don't go over my calorie limit....Right?

    Yup. Don't deny yourself stuff you're craving; that's a recipe for giving up. Just plan ahead to allow yourself to have the stuff you crave in moderate amounts that you can fit into your plan.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    I currently weigh around 140, and so I try to eat at least 90 grams of protein but that is sometimes hard. I currently am running around 5 miles every day without any resistance training, but it seems like I need to add some in or else I will lose muscle. Oh and I am woman btw haha.
    i guess it depends on the kind of body you want and the kind of body thats best for your sport.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I currently weigh around 140, and so I try to eat at least 90 grams of protein but that is sometimes hard. I currently am running around 5 miles every day without any resistance training, but it seems like I need to add some in or else I will lose muscle. Oh and I am woman btw haha.

    Yeah, definitely devote time to strength training. That's where that firm, toned look comes from. Muscle is what creates perky butts, flat abs, and shapely thighs. Look at this pic: the girl on the right weighs MORE but is thinner and shapelier. That's a result of the muscle she built.

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I just recently started trying to get fit and the hardest part for me has been my sugar cravings. I just cant seem to get past the sweets so that's part of why I posted this. But it seems like as long as I have a balanced diet, I should be able to have sweets in moderation as long as I don't go over my calorie limit....Right?

    as long as the majority of your calories are coming from good sources, the remainder can come from whatever you want as long as you stay in your calorie goals and hit your macros.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I currently weigh around 140, and so I try to eat at least 90 grams of protein but that is sometimes hard. I currently am running around 5 miles every day without any resistance training, but it seems like I need to add some in or else I will lose muscle. Oh and I am woman btw haha.

    Yeah, definitely devote time to strength training. That's where that firm, toned look comes from. Muscle is what creates perky butts, flat abs, and shapely thighs. Look at this pic: the girl on the right weighs MORE but is thinner and shapelier. That's a result of the muscle she built.


    Yes. This. Agreed. Muscles are hot.

    ya know... to... a point... :tongue:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I currently weigh around 140, and so I try to eat at least 90 grams of protein but that is sometimes hard. I currently am running around 5 miles every day without any resistance training, but it seems like I need to add some in or else I will lose muscle. Oh and I am woman btw haha.

    Yeah, definitely devote time to strength training. That's where that firm, toned look comes from. Muscle is what creates perky butts, flat abs, and shapely thighs. Look at this pic: the girl on the right weighs MORE but is thinner and shapelier. That's a result of the muscle she built.


    Yes. This. Agreed. Muscles are hot.

    ya know... to... a point... :tongue:

    You need to quit agreeing with me. It's confusing :laugh:
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I currently weigh around 140, and so I try to eat at least 90 grams of protein but that is sometimes hard. I currently am running around 5 miles every day without any resistance training, but it seems like I need to add some in or else I will lose muscle. Oh and I am woman btw haha.

    Why do you need 90? Also you should add resistance training. Start light and move up as you feel ready.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I currently weigh around 140, and so I try to eat at least 90 grams of protein but that is sometimes hard. I currently am running around 5 miles every day without any resistance training, but it seems like I need to add some in or else I will lose muscle. Oh and I am woman btw haha.

    Why do you need 90? Also you should as resistance training. Start light and move up as you feel ready.

    Because she has expressed a desire to maintain muscle mass, and the scientific literature overwhelmingly proves that you need that kind of protein intake for maximal muscle maintenance.
  • aubreybouck
    aubreybouck Posts: 9 Member
    I just recently started trying to get fit and the hardest part for me has been my sugar cravings. I just cant seem to get past the sweets so that's part of why I posted this. But it seems like as long as I have a balanced diet, I should be able to have sweets in moderation as long as I don't go over my calorie limit....Right?

    I am a hard core chocoholic, but to help with my cravings, I eat a little bit in the mornings as a dessert with my otherwise healthy breakfast. No more than 80 calories MAX of chocolate! My average, tho, is about 35. The reason I eat it with breakfast is that your body is already creating the "happy" hormones as you wake up, so you wont notice the little bit that the chocolate also makes, reducing your associated craving for it in the afternoons. And your body will use what you eat at breakfast as fuel for the day, and not store as much away.
    Also, I get to eat a little chocolate every day!

    I hope this makes sense to people.
  • swall13
    swall13 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok I feel a lot better now! Thanks for all of the help!:smile:
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I currently weigh around 140, and so I try to eat at least 90 grams of protein but that is sometimes hard. I currently am running around 5 miles every day without any resistance training, but it seems like I need to add some in or else I will lose muscle. Oh and I am woman btw haha.

    Why do you need 90? Also you should as resistance training. Start light and move up as you feel ready.

    Because she has expressed a desire to maintain muscle mass, and the scientific literature overwhelmingly proves that you need that kind of protein intake for maximal muscle maintenance.

    wtf is going on?

  • swall13
    swall13 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok and one more question! Is running for an hour each day going to burn my muscle even if I eat back my exercise calories?? Would it be better for me to run 30 min in the morning and 30 min in the evening at faster speeds as opposed to running at a more moderate speed for a longer time?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Ok and one more question! Is running for an hour each day going to burn my muscle even if I eat back my exercise calories?? Would it be better for me to run 30 min in the morning and 30 min in the evening at faster speeds as opposed to running at a more moderate speed for a longer time?

    You could burn some, yeah. Why so much running? Do you just really enjoy it?