How Long Do You Walk Your Dog?



    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I WALK MY CAT!!!.,
    he is as big as a dog,,,,
    people stop and stare, then ask questions on how i can teach them to walk their cats too.,.
    he walks just as fast too..
    some times we walk 5 times a day........
    and guess what.,...
    today is his birthday...... he is 4.
    his name is SNICKERS.
    can you tell that i love my cat?????????
    ha ha ha ha
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    I have huskies and 1 black lab. I can only handle 2 at a time and I walk them for about 20-30 minutes each. I love it. My favorite activity :)
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    when the weather is nice enough to go (unfortunately its been so cold lately) when we go in the nice weather, we go for 45-70 minutes, depending on where I walk. My dog is a toy poodle, he's 8.
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    Thor - Hes a black lab, akita, Cocker Spanial Mix .. hes a little squatty dog about 60 lbs
    Zoey - Black Lab, Shepherd Mix - Shes my little princess - she does no wrong

    We go to the park everyday after work, and they just run and run and run, until they dont feel like running anymore then come sit by me and we go home, and they go for a walk at 4am before i leave for work .. but thats not as much fun because its dark cold and they get just enough time to go to the bathroom.
  • charman99
    charman99 Posts: 88 Member
    Zoey (my boxer) gets a 30-45min walk when it is nice out...
  • morielia
    morielia Posts: 169 Member
    I have a Great Pyrenees and an Australian Shepherd. We usually walk them along the canal road, but it's been soggy, so they've been playing in the back yard as of late. Generally, walks are 40-60 minutes and sadly not every day. They spend a lot of time out in the yard running around together. They go to the dog park twice a week for 2-3 hours, and I run around with them in the back yard every day before I log into work, on my lunch hour, and before dinner.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    An hour offleash, with about 40 mins of that chasing a tennis ball being launched far into the distance, 5 days a week.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    I have a Sheppard and a Lab, 30 min. a day on leash and 20 min off leash.
  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    I just adopted a 9 month old Pointer/Lab/Hound mix. When going for a regular walk on a nice day, I'd say we get 30-45 minutes. We also get off-leash time in the yard for the same amount of time. On sad, cold, rainy/snowy days like today, the walks are just enough for her to do her business and come back in. She is a drama queen and doesn't like precipitation but will play in the water, if that makes any sense. We are also in the process of training her, so right now she spends a lot of time in her crate.
  • dj_phx
    dj_phx Posts: 115 Member
    I have an 8 year old black lab mix and an 11 year old border collie mix. They get about a half hour walk at night. We know when it's time to get our border collie shaved when he walks to whole walk with his head down looking miserable. It's rough being a long haired dog in Phoenix.
  • ChloeRoseLejeune
    I have a pom and usually walk her for 60-80 minutes a day.

    She also likes to runs laps inside the house.. continuously, and if you've ever heard/seen a pom run on hardwood at full speed, you'll know exactly how hilarious it is.
  • Lieann22
    Lieann22 Posts: 67 Member
    I have a 3 year old Chocolate lab called Lola. I walk her for 30 minutes three times a day. So thats about 6 miles over 1 and a half hours.

    Sometimes I take the ball launcher with me and she has a good blast.

    She is currently flaked out on the floor after her third walk....
  • Katychla
    Katychla Posts: 23 Member
    I have a cattle dog/am staff/chow mix, and we walk an hour every day at a pretty good pace. I'm working up to 2 hrs and then jogging/running.

    I also have a greyhound/catahoula mix but she's technically my roommate's dog so I try to get HER to walk her.
  • sqwackingbird
    3 years ago I walked my wee beastie about 5 ,iles a day we were both in good shape now I'm lucky to do1 mile a day . We are both aging and the couch is very comfortable 20 min to 30 min a day now hes a Pomeranian I am a terrestrial huma n
  • DjDiggity
    DjDiggity Posts: 20
    I walk my dogs three times a day and they also love chasing me while I horseback.
  • SquidandWhale
    I have a year-old Boykin spaniel. She gets a 15-20 minute walk in the morning and another at lunch, and then playtime in the evening. We're working on running, now that she's old enough. I'm basically doing C25K for her :-)

    I had a Boykin Spaniel growing up--she was extremely vindictive, and scary smart, but I loved her.
  • ldylion
    ldylion Posts: 3 Member
    I walk my 2 year old Shih tzu and 3 year old Doxie mix, 2 miles every weekday... It's beneficial for all of us.
  • chubaway
    chubaway Posts: 1,645 Member
    It takes me about 15 to 30 minutes to walk my dog.
  • marniesworld
    marniesworld Posts: 74 Member
    I have my two Chihuahuas and I typically walk them for 30 minutes at a time. They're a bit older and get tired quickly so I like to take them to the dog park where they can walk or just sunbathe for a bit if they want.

    Slightly off topic, but I just adopted two chihuahuas last month (brothers from the same litter) and while they LOVE running and being in the backyard and going to dog parks, they do NOT do well on the leash!

    One of them just doesn't walk at all. No matter what, he just sits and stares like "Get this off".

    The other is slightly better, but he insists on walking behind me, and on the opposite side to whatever hand I have the leash in. I twist around to switch hands and he just walks to the other side, but again, behind me, so we just keep getting tangled or I have to walk backwards to see what he's doing or if he's stopped to sniff, etc.

    I've tried harnesses instead of collars because I thought maybe they didn't like the pull on their neck, but that didn't help. I also tried super lightweight leashes in the hope that they wouldn't even notice, but it's all the same.

    I've tried pulling the leash more taut so they have to walk, but short of dragging my poor babies down the street, I don't know what else to do! They LOVE being in their carrying bag and jump right in it as soon as they see it, but to be honest, I want them to be able to walk places on their own outside of home and inside the gates of the dog park! LOL.

    With two chihuahuas, did you ever have that issue, and if so, how did you combat it?

    Or do I just have really stubborn little dogs? LOL
  • withabandon
    withabandon Posts: 168 Member
    This thread makes me feel like a slacker, LOL. I have an 8 year old show-bred Miniature Australian Shepherd (18", 35lbs) that goes 25-30 minutes twice a day on a regular day. Sometimes he will have a third, hour long walk later at night when my boyfriend gets home and we are itching for some fresh air, sometimes we add some chuck-it fetch play in a soccer field at the end of our street... but when I am working (I work about 15 out of 31 days, 12 hour shifts, days and overnights), he gets short walks because I literally don't have time for anything more. Then we will sometimes go to the farm where they have a whole pack of dogs for him to play with and a fenced yard and I don't actually take him for a walk anywhere. :P

    To be fair, he's pretty low energy and if he has extra to burn, he will throw a ball around for himself in the house. If it gets too bad and we don't have time for a real walk, we have a small strip of grass behind the place we rent that I can throw a ball for him - that's what I do post night shift when I just don't have enough mental alertness to take him for a walk and my boyfriend hasn't gotten up to walk him yet.