Newbie :)

Hi there, I've recently just decided to come on this site to keep a track of my weight, I'm currently 251lb which is horrible! I'm 21 and shouldn't be the size that I am! I've cut out on crisps which was an addiction for me and haven't drank any fizzy drinks for a good 14/15 days too. I work out 20 minutes everyday ( well nearly ) using Josie Gibson's 30 second slim, which is fab but I can't do most of the things on it because of my size! I keep gaining weight, I got a scales last Thursday and I had lost 6lb but now I keep gaining!:( I'm really scared in case people judge me, I've been bullied most of my life and just want to be skinny!:(.I'm not sure what else to say right now but if you want to chat then that would make me smile so much! Look forward to hearing from you and hearing your stories soon guys!


  • mooshie89
    mooshie89 Posts: 38 Member
    hey!! I just joined yesterday!! I understand how you feel about just wanting to be skinny I have struggled with my weight my whole life!! add me! we could be motivation buddies!!!
  • I defo will add you, thank you so much for replying, didn't think anyone would:)
  • Foxxy18
    Foxxy18 Posts: 119 Member
    Feel free to add me(: I'm 18 & I log everyday. I've lost 14 pounds so far(: I love to encourage!(:
  • Hey. I may not have been overweight, but I've always been ashamed of the shape and flabbiness of my body, (and envious of larger women with beautiful curves) particularly my legs since I've inherited my dad's thunder thighs rather than my mom's chicken legs. .They were extra big, jiggly, and sausage-like instead of shapely, which really is a shame during my prime because legs are not only a huge part of one's body(That I wanted to cut off or at least wished I were the Little Mermaid with a tail fin instead)--but they are part of a woman's attractiveness. Instead of flaunting shorts or skirts, I've always hunkered down in baggy jeans. After college, I gained a bit of weight. There's no WAY to hide cellulite worn, fat legs during swim suit season. I've cried in dressing rooms all while people close to me didn''t pay me a bit of sympathy because they didn't understand my proportions. I've got a tiny upper body. (think T-rex shape--hidden under bagging pants) Then, when I walked around the mall in shorts, I got 'the stare' (TM) from other women. You know that stare. It means, "Is she really wearing those shorts? She should cover up." Yeah. No more. Oh no.

    I'm also new here and wouldn't mind having friends. I feel like people don't really want to talk to you unless you have a picture of golf-ball sized muscles protruding from your arms or core since joining. :/
  • Foxxy18 that is amazing well done you! 14 pounds is AMAZING! Keep up the great work! :)

    Prismapencils I no how you feel, I won't go into town or anything, I'm stick in the house all the time and I really want to be able to go out and enjoy myself, I must be the only 21 year old that doesn't go out drinking or partying, I stay in my PJS unless I have to get dressed but I feel everything is too tight on me and I don't want to get a bigger size! We can all do this weight loss together :)
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    Here for you! Every step. Add me if you'd like
  • @KellyBlackx: That's terrible. I don't know where you live, but the weather has been beautiful in my area. I really, really want you to feel better about yourself, so you can enjoy life. I am a shut-in, but mostly due to school or lack of interest in social events. As in, I'd rather do a workout video or play music or sing by myself as I'm nervous around others or just don't want to do what they want to do. I'm very selfish with what little free time I have. I also rock the PJs 24/7. ;P

    EDIT AS IM SLOW ON FORUMS TO REALIZE SAME POSTER: What kind of exercises are on that DVD? I usually use Jillian Michaels' DVDs. The jumping is definitely hard on my knees and ankles at times. Maybe a lower impact form of aerobics and weights would work? As for the scale, a lot of people I know who have lost inches don't even look at theirs. I was upset at first with mine because the change in activity level as well as water retention from the new regimen caused me to gain weight like crazy after exercising. It was completely demotivating. Then I gave up. Then, I made sure I ate whatever I wanted in huge quantities to make up for any slight pang of hunger (It was also some weird, stupid form of retaliation at my exercise/diet for failing me). Then, I ballooned again. Right now I'm just trying to focus on the diet goal given to me by the site while making sure that I do an extremely hard or long cardio and strength session from the DVD. I've begun losing again. Maybe the trick is the cardio...
  • I started 3 days ago.... I have been struggling with my weight for 6 yrs now. I'm 215 an want to loose 50lbs. I think my problem is nt eating enough. I skip meals all the time. I need help with knowing wat an when to eat. How many calories should I take in? Need help an motivation. I want to be a traffic stopper! Lol
  • Here for you! Every step. Add me if you'd like

    I will add you:)
  • @KellyBlackx: That's terrible. I don't know where you live, but the weather has been beautiful in my area. I really, really want you to feel better about yourself, so you can enjoy life. I am a shut-in, but mostly due to school or lack of interest in social events. As in, I'd rather do a workout video or play music or sing by myself as I'm nervous around others or just don't want to do what they want to do. I'm very selfish with what little free time I have. I also rock the PJs 24/7. ;P

    EDIT AS IM SLOW ON FORUMS TO REALIZE SAME POSTER: What kind of exercises are on that DVD? I usually use Jillian Michaels' DVDs. The jumping is definitely hard on my knees and ankles at times. Maybe a lower impact form of aerobics and weights would work? As for the scale, a lot of people I know who have lost inches don't even look at theirs. I was upset at first with mine because the change in activity level as well as water retention from the new regimen caused my to gain weight like crazy after exercising. It was completely demotivating. Right now I'm just trying to focus on the diet goal given to me by the site while making sure that I do an extremely hard or long cardio and strength session from the DVD. I've begun losing again. Maybe the trick is the cardio...

    I live in Scotland in a tiny little village were there is nothing to do:L - nothing better than being in your PJ's all the time huh? (: I will link you to the promo of the DVD on youtube and it's kinda hard to explain. - I do level one, do you think I should be doing this? Or should I go back to my other DVD which has Cardio in it?
  • I started 3 days ago.... I have been struggling with my weight for 6 yrs now. I'm 215 an want to loose 50lbs. I think my problem is nt eating enough. I skip meals all the time. I need help with knowing wat an when to eat. How many calories should I take in? Need help an motivation. I want to be a traffic stopper! Lol

    Haha this is SO me!:L I skip breakfast and lunch because I'm always sleeping:) I never no what to eat, I get so hungry after I have my tea at 5pm. Good luck on your weight loss, you will do great:)
  • Feel free to add me. I log daily and participate fully with my friends. I have a great circle of friends that offer a solid support system here. Anyone can add me.
  • Feel free to add me. I log daily and participate fully with my friends. I have a great circle of friends that offer a solid support system here. Anyone can add me.

    I will add you.
  • colleenarmstrong
    colleenarmstrong Posts: 3 Member
    I think that this is a good first step to get an idea of why we are gaining weight. I am still shocked to find out that I am starving myself /it is really hard to eat the right things and enough of them, at the right time of day. good luck girl, you can do this!
  • I think if you keep doing this every day, you will be doing wonders for yourself because it seems to mix cardio and weights. The exercises are very similar to what I'm doing. My only gripe is that I'm not sure if the trainer will show you some modifications if something is too difficult. If that's the case, or that something is REALLY hurting you in a I-shouldn't-have-bent-that-way rather than in an exercise-bites-way, I would just stop and get water or do jumping jacks or something to keep my heart rate up until it's time for the next exercise. Or do the modification if it is available or if I can think of one.
    Have you started logging your food here under the 'food' tab? I picked a reasonable goal weight for my height, and the site gave me an ideal goal as far as what nutrients and how many calories I should consume a day. I am so happy to have found the site because I can literally type in any food, and someone will have already recorded the nutrition information for that. It makes life so much easier than calculating every little thing. I've been surprised by my own dietary habits at times, and realized why I've gained some weight certain days. I also know that on days I've cheated with my eating that I need to do a longer DVD than normal to try and counter that. But, y'know, some days you just gain weight. It might be that your body is busy building muscle or retaining water or helping you heal. Just give it some time. The scale is not as important as how I feel. If I feel like I worked my butt off or if I can see a tighter arm or gut the next day, mission accomplished, regardless of the two or three pounds of water weight determined to make me mad.

    PS. Not sure if scared everyone off or if time zones suck.
    PS. PS. Wow. Five Am. Confirmed: time zones suck.
  • I think that this is a good first step to get an idea of why we are gaining weight. I am still shocked to find out that I am starving myself /it is really hard to eat the right things and enough of them, at the right time of day. good luck girl, you can do this!

    I have just worked out for 20 minutes and I had lost about 5lb ( ish, well so the scales said ) then I washed my hair, washed etc then I was up 1lb? Dunno what is doing on? I haven't ate yet.
  • I think if you keep doing this every day, you will be doing wonders for yourself because it seems to mix cardio and weights. The exercises are very similar to what I'm doing. My only gripe is that I'm not sure if the trainer will show you some modifications if something is too difficult. If that's the case, or that something is REALLY hurting you in a I-shouldn't-have-bent-that-way rather than in an exercise-bites-way, I would just stop and get water or do jumping jacks or something to keep my heart rate up until it's time for the next exercise. Or do the modification if it is available or if I can think of one.
    Have you started logging your food here under the 'food' tab? I picked a reasonable goal weight for my height, and the site gave me an ideal goal as far as what nutrients and how many calories I should consume a day. I am so happy to have found the site because I can literally type in any food, and someone will have already recorded the nutrition information for that. It makes life so much easier than calculating every little thing. I've been surprised by my own dietary habits at times, and realized why I've gained some weight certain days. I also know that on days I've cheated with my eating that I need to do a longer DVD than normal to try and counter that. But, y'know, some days you just gain weight. It might be that your body is busy building muscle or retaining water or helping you heal. Just give it some time. The scale is not as important as how I feel. If I feel like I worked my butt off or if I can see a tighter arm or gut the next day, mission accomplished, regardless of the two or three pounds of water weight determined to make me mad.

    PS. Not sure if scared everyone off or if time zones suck.
    PS. PS. Wow. Five Am. Confirmed: time zones suck.

    Some of the things in that DVD I couldn't do so instead I was just jogging on the spot but I took your advice and done jumping jacks - I thought I was going to pass out but I kept at it. I still don't understand why I'm still putting on weight, I'm not eating junk food but I am eating what my parents have at tea time then I do snack on something like a baked potato with tuna and onion or something like that. I'm having beef olives with white pudding in it ... I dunno if that's good or not? I'm also having mashed potato and veg ! :) but I am missing out on meals!
  • keely1998
    keely1998 Posts: 148 Member
    hay girl i'm n the same boat as u but i didnt start gaining weight till i started having kids, i really need to get my sexy back, this website is GREAT 4 motivation, just dont get bumbed out, feel free to add me as a friend if u like
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Every little bit helps. Sticking to healthy eating is key. I've lost most of the 90lbs I'm down through pure healthy eating. I've started doing serious weights and cardio (now that I am in shape enough to not die during it), although that is really more about health and fat cutting than about weight loss. Feel free to add me. I'm on pretty much every day.
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You have made the first step in helping get healthier! How many calories are you eating? Are you going with the MFP suggested or have you adjusted for your age, weight, height and lifestyle? You may want to check out this website - - that takes all that information into account and then tells you how many calories you should eat to maintain. Then, it gives you a number that would be a deficit for losing weight. You may not be eating enough. Your diary is closed, so I can't go in and view.

    Also, are you tracking your calories? Are you eating fruits and vegetables? It is great that you cut out the items that were trigger foods for you, but you may need to do more.

    Feel free to add me. I am older than you and also have health issues, but have dropped 21 lbs since the first of the year. It is slow, but that is the healthiester way to lose.

    Keep working at it, you'll get there if you work hard at it!