Confused - 1000 calories too little?

Is 1000 calories a day ok for me? I'm considering changing it to 1200 :) (net calories)

Thanks guys and girls! :D


  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    For today? You'll live.

    Over an extended period of time? You'll be alive, but it probably wouldn't be worth living. Weak, tired, headaches etc...
  • so 1200 then? (and ignore the profile pic - its old)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    You're an 18 year old male? How tall and heavy are you? It's quite possible that 1200 will be too low for you.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    so 1200 then? (and ignore the profile pic - its old)

    No, not 1200 either.
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    R u joking?! If you are serious please read this
  • I'm not sure if I've heard of a situation where 1000 was NOT too little.
    Up it.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    so 1200 then? (and ignore the profile pic - its old)

    For an 18 yr old male??

    Yes, it is too low. You are still growing and need adequate nutrition.

    Do you know what your estimated maintenance calories are?

    EDITED cos I can't spell
  • leotardbanshee
    leotardbanshee Posts: 92 Member
    if i were a boy, i would never eat less than 1500 calories, no matter what! you need energy! i am a 25 year old female 5'4" 120 pounds and i feel like 1200 calories is ridiculously low for me. also eating too few calories can make your body efficient at using them and that is not what you want, it will damage your metabolism in the long term if your goal is to eat too few calories for a long period of time. don't be afraid to eat, but eat the right things. focus on adding fruits and vegetables to your diet and you should have no problem! good luck :)
  • CedricOl
    CedricOl Posts: 8
    I wonder how many studies we need before people understand that this whole lowered metabolism thing is a myth :-) Those myths stay alive no matter what... and that's because people keep repeating them... over and over and over and over again...
  • Thanks guys for the help - whether it be sarcastic or not.

    Basically, I don't really eat that much. I can easily survive with only eating a little bit. I'm still at school, and I walk for about 45 mins each day to get to and from school. I play either rugby or soccer every lunchtime for about 40 minutes, and usually go home, hop on the Exercycle and go at it for a solid 30 mins. It's only been like this for 3 weeks or so. I noticed that I lost weight over the holidays, and I was sick of being fat lol. I'm 174 cm right now, with a weight of 63.5kg. I used to be in the seventies a few months ago. Funny thing is that I wasn't trying too hard to lose weight over that time period.

    My bmi is 21.2, but I'm still a bit chubs. MFP reccomended 1380 calories a day. I'll stick with that. It may be hard eating that much lol. I guess I'll put some more sugar on my porridge :)

    Thanks for all your help guys, and sorry for the long message :)
  • sherlau83
    sherlau83 Posts: 30 Member
    My BMR is about 1750, so eating 1000 calories is actually what I should do is what my doctor said, to lose weight. Everyone is different though! :)
  • My BMR is 1,637. No idea what that means anyway. Doesn't tell me anything
  • leotardbanshee
    leotardbanshee Posts: 92 Member
    naw it's no myth, i have dramatically altered my metabolism through changing my diet. i have lost weight eating 2000 calories now where i wouldn't lose anything eating 1200. regardless it's not healthy to starve yourself
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Thanks guys for the help - whether it be sarcastic or not.

    Basically, I don't really eat that much. I can easily survive with only eating a little bit. I'm still at school, and I walk for about 45 mins each day to get to and from school. I play either rugby or soccer every lunchtime for about 40 minutes, and usually go home, hop on the Exercycle and go at it for a solid 30 mins. It's only been like this for 3 weeks or so. I noticed that I lost weight over the holidays, and I was sick of being fat lol. I'm 174 cm right now, with a weight of 63.5kg. I used to be in the seventies a few months ago. Funny thing is that I wasn't trying too hard to lose weight over that time period.

    My bmi is 21.2, but I'm still a bit chubs. MFP reccomended 1380 calories a day. I'll stick with that. It may be hard eating that much lol. I guess I'll put some more sugar on my porridge :)

    Thanks for all your help guys, and sorry for the long message :)

    MFP advises 1380 PLUS your exercise calories, not just 1380.

    You would be better looking at a TDEE calculator as linked above to work out your daily maintenance, and then deduct a reasonable defict from that.
  • CedricOl
    CedricOl Posts: 8
    MFP reccomended 1380 calories a day.

    I guess it's safe and easy, so I'd do the same thing.
    I guess I'll put some more sugar on my porridge :)

    Monitor your sugar intake as well... it's probably the worst thing you can add to get your calories ;-)
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    My BMR is 1,637. No idea what that means anyway. Doesn't tell me anything

    To extimate your maintenance you would apply a BMR calculator

    •Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
    •Lightly Active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
    •Moderately Active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
    •Very Active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
    •Extremely Active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, etc.)

    So, based on your exercising you are lookin at between 2500 and 3000 as maintenence calories, which means you could lose weight at 2000 calories a day.

    It is better to still eat well and lose, rather than try to survive on the bare minimum.
  • Ridiculously low. You will feel lethargic, weak, and demotivated. It is all about net calories. To maintain your weigh, calories used should equal calories consumed.

    To lose weight, you need to use more calories than you are putting in. This can be done by continuing on 2500 calories a day but adding in exercise each day (10-20 minutes brisk walk + 10 minutes on resistance bands + any other exercise you can fit in), and that way you will lose 1-2 Ibs per week.

    Or, you could be al ittle more strict, and use MFP to guide you, enter a realistic goal - aiming to lose no more that 2Ibs per wek on average, and then let MFP tell you how many calories you should be consuming. It will be far higher that 1200. And remember, the figure given to you by MFP is net calories, so if they give you a figure of 1900, and you exercise burning up 500, then you should ideally consume 2400 calories that day.

    I have done both the above, and I lost 1-2Ibs per (most) weeks, and that is a good amount to lose as you are removing fat not lean tissue.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Thanks guys for the help - whether it be sarcastic or not.

    Basically, I don't really eat that much. I can easily survive with only eating a little bit. I'm still at school, and I walk for about 45 mins each day to get to and from school. I play either rugby or soccer every lunchtime for about 40 minutes, and usually go home, hop on the Exercycle and go at it for a solid 30 mins. It's only been like this for 3 weeks or so. I noticed that I lost weight over the holidays, and I was sick of being fat lol. I'm 174 cm right now, with a weight of 63.5kg. I used to be in the seventies a few months ago. Funny thing is that I wasn't trying too hard to lose weight over that time period.

    My bmi is 21.2, but I'm still a bit chubs. MFP reccomended 1380 calories a day. I'll stick with that. It may be hard eating that much lol. I guess I'll put some more sugar on my porridge :)

    Thanks for all your help guys, and sorry for the long message :)
    So, is "survival" all you're aiming for?

    So, I'm guessing you told MFP you were sedentary (which you're not) and said that you want to lose 2 lbs a week right? 2 lbs a week is a reasonable rate of loss for someone who is obese. For someone who is well within the healthy weight range, 0.5 lbs a week is much more realistic/healthy.

    Being "a bit chubs" is not likely to go away by restricting your food intake so drastically. You'll lose weight, but you probably still won't be happy. You'll lose muscle along with fat, maybe look a bit skinnier, but still flabby. You'd probably be happier with your results if you eat more, and do some strength training. You won't get huge (unless that's your plan). In fact, to put on serious muscle, you'd need to eat a lot, lot more. Strength training will help you look less chubby and more solid though, however lean you are.

    Find out what your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is - this is the amount of calories you burn in a day. There are lots of online calculators to help you with this. I'm guessing it's at least 2,500. You're a young man, and you're exercising a lot. If you keep eating so little over a long period of time, you're going to do your body damage. If you can't be bothered with the calculations, then go back and tell MFP you want to lose 0.5 lbs a week, tell it you're (at least) lightly active, and eat back your exercise calories.

    Eating more than 1000/12000 isn't really that hard once you get used to it. If you're not hungry (not a good sign by the way) then aim for more calorie-dense foods. Thing that are higher in fat are ideal: cheese, eggs, nuts, seeds, chocolate, olive oil, avocados, full fat dairy. Drink milk, smoothies, protein shakes etc. As you eat more, you'll get used to it, and you'll have more of an appetite.

    At 18 (if you are really 18), your body is still growing, your brain is still developing, and apart from anything else, eating so little can have a bad effect on your hormones. This is not a good path to go down.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Nick, can you tell us your settings? If MFP recommends 1380, you would also need to add in the lunchtime activities and cycling and eat those calories back. As a young active male, you really do need to eat much more. Think of it this way--by undereating, you are shooting yourself in the foot with your muscle and fitness that you are working so hard at.