I've been following this for 2 weeks now and not lost a sing

I'm just feeling a little disheartened as I lost a stone on my own... following calories... weighed in on this site on my first day, having lost a further 3lb... and have now been on this site counting my calories for just over 2 weeks and haven't lost a single bean!!! not sure what I'm doing wrong, or has anyone else experienced this. I'm not going to give up but feel a bit fed up with it lol! thanks for reading!


  • decemberg
    decemberg Posts: 26
    Are you exercising and eating those calories burned during exercise? That could be a reason.... Based upon the info you put into the site...what is your calorie number for the day? Maybe you are eating too much sodium?? There are many different things that could come into play.
  • worldtravelgirl98
    If you are watching what you eat and doing cardio, but not strength training, this could be the problem.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    two weeks is not nearly enough time to begin feeling disheartened and frustrated. We all want the weight to come off fast but sometimes the key is patience and it's ALWAYS consistency. Make sure you use all avail categories to monitor other things such as sodium, fiber, etc. Weight loss is about more than just calorie counting. (you can eat a mcdonald's hamburger and fry and stay under calorie goal if that's all you eat all day) You have to find the right balance in diet and exercise and sometimes it takes more than one try to get there. You can do....just hang in there. How is your exercise routine? Do you do something regularly to get your heart rate up and make you sweat? this will always help bump up the weight loss a notch when it seems slow. Re-evaluate your eating habits and try to find the missing piece. you may just need to be a lil more patient with yourself. Hang in there.....
  • LisyO
    LisyO Posts: 2
    Hi there,
    I've set up myfitnesspal today and the same thing happened to me, I was meant to be eating over 3500 calories a day, which scared the hell out of me!! Anyway, when I checked, somehow it had changed my height from 5ft 7" to 16 ft 7"!!!!! This may have happened to you. If you click on My Home tab, then onto Goals tab, you can check & change your details from here and then you can confidently get started. My calories changed to 1200 a day when I'd amended the height.
    Hope this helps & good luck xx
  • stacy_rihel
    I am having the same trouble. I found this quote and went "aa ha".. Maybe helpful to you maybe not.. but here it is..

    "You cannot override the laws of thermodynamics and
    energy balance. You must be in a calorie deficit to burn
    fat. This will force your body to use stored body fat to
    make up for the energy deficit.
    There are 3500 calories in a pound of stored body fat. If
    you create a 3500-calorie deficit in a week through diet,
    exercise or a combination of both, you will lose one
    pound of bodyweight." ~ Adam Waters/Tom Venuto

    I am going to calculate what my caloric deficit has been in the past 2 weeks and see if I have had at least 3,500.... I am anxious to see what I come up with..
  • alexia99
    alexia99 Posts: 37 Member
    There's a certain time every month where the weight just doesn't seem to budge! Next week will be better...just stick with the plan~!
  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    Yeah i have been on here for probably about a month and havent lost anything, at first i actually gained, and now i am dropping back down to where i started.

    BUT i know what i am NOT doing... i am always under my calories, and for excerise i do alot of walking. Even though i am under my calories i know that the foods i am eating are not 100% the best choices. So maybe it isnt the fact you are under the calories but maybe what you are eating...

    I dont know but dont get frustrated :)
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi there,
    I've set up myfitnesspal today and the same thing happened to me, I was meant to be eating over 3500 calories a day, which scared the hell out of me!! Anyway, when I checked, somehow it had changed my height from 5ft 7" to 16 ft 7"!!!!! This may have happened to you. If you click on My Home tab, then onto Goals tab, you can check & change your details from here and then you can confidently get started. My calories changed to 1200 a day when I'd amended the height.
    Hope this helps & good luck xx

    this made me giggle! that's pretty tall :laugh:

    stick to it guys...you'll soon see results :flowerforyou:
  • DanielMiller
    no problems here ... but i advise watch your sugar and sodium you will see great results.
  • grannylove2
    grannylove2 Posts: 2 Member
    I found out that many of the things I THOUGHT were ok calorie-wise were much higher than I expected. I deliberately kept my numbers low (1100 Calories per day) and lost 26.7 lbs in a little less than 3 months. I took a page out of the Bariatric surgery book. A friend of mine had the surgery and she was not able to eat more than a bite every 15 minutes. If you think about it, it makes sense. You do not eat near about as much as you would in one sitting and your stomach constantly thinks it has something to eat (it does) so it never makes you crave the wrong things or make you crazy with hunger. I would get my cup of coffee and a Gwaltney Chicken Frank and take a small bite every 15 - 30 minutes. For lunch, I would take some fruit and maybe some cottage cheese and eat the same way all afternoon long. Since my husband and my dad would not give me any peace about a diet, I did not tell them what I was doing. I would just be as sensible as possible about what I ate for supper. I kept breakfast and lunch as low as possible so that I had enough calories to eat a decent supper. I won our contest here at work. Got off from it for a while but am now back at it and I feel great about the diet AND myself. Doing it this way also helps your stomach to shrink.

    Don't get discouraged. Sometimes you hit a plateau and you just have to ride it out. If you hang in there, you will start losing again.
  • austinusn
    austinusn Posts: 38
    Hi -- I totally understand your frustration as I went through some of the same things. I echo all of the responses that are out there as they are great suggestions -- one of the things I'd like you to check is also your sugar intake. This is what did it for me as I would do well on calories, proteins, fat, etc. I was running and exercising MASSIVE amounts and STILL staying at the same weight. Out of frustration I saw a personal trainer a few months ago, she looked at my foods (and recommended this site to start tracking), altered my sugar intake, and a few years of frustration are now down the drain.

    Each person is different and responds differently to things but of course, check out your sugar intake, replace at least 50% of what you burn in exercise with good foods/snacks (not all afterward at one time, planned throughout the day of course), and get in as much water as you can.

    The support here is great -- just stick with it. YOU can do this!!
  • sudimalloy
    More details would help - what's your dietary plan - are you exercising? It's smart to keep track of your bodyfat % and not just your weight.. Maybe you've put on some muscle.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    If you were losing before and now you aren't, then most likely you were operating at a calorie deficit before and now you aren't. So think about what is different now than before. Are you eating more? Exercising less? Drinking less water? Consuming less protein? More sugar?

    Also, I think it's important not to take the numbers any online program spits out as gospel. They are just estimates and are based on averages based on the numbers you input. They may be spot on for you, but they may be way off.

    When I first started losing, the online sites were telling me to eat WAY more calories than I should. They had me eating more calories than I was eating before I started watching my intake! So clearly that was wrong. I think they were over-estimating my BMR which was below average due to a years of yo-yo dieting. I know they were over-estimating my calories burned during exercise because I had a HRM that was giving me more accurate numbers.

    But, as I got fitter and thinner, the problem eventually flipped over the other way. Now the online programs tell me that I need to eat way less calories than I need to in order to maintain. If I listened to MFP, I'd be skin and bones!

    Now the problem is that they under-estimate my BMR because they assume that, as an older person, I have a slow metabolism and not as much muscle mass when actually it's now faster than average and I have a lot of muscles. I also now burn more in exercise than MFP estimates because my VO2Max is higher than average due to being more fit.

    What you might want to do is adjust your age and / or activity levels in MFP so they give you the numbers you were using before and then go from there adjusting up and down until you are losing the amount of weight you want to lose.
  • dete101
    dete101 Posts: 7
    thankyou for all your replies. I do go to the gym 3 times a week, and I also horseride and poo pick fields so I know I'm getting enough exercise! I do feel incredibly better in myself and my clothes are fitting easier so I just will stick with it! the height thing happened to me first of all when I first registered on here, it made me eat 7,200 calories a day and made me 7ft something haha!!! Weird though that the scales aren't saying anything to boost me!!!! lol!! thanks