new exercise regimen - GAINING weight?!

saturday_bang Posts: 2 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
When I first started working out regularly at the end of April (just treadmill) I gained weight consistently for about a week before losing. I just started Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred last Tuesday (so today is day 6) & again, I've consistently gained weight since I started. Is this normal to gain when you start a new routine?

Thanks! :)


  • crobinson3
    crobinson3 Posts: 35 Member
    You're right. I went on holiday for a week recently and stuck to my eating plan very well. I also hired a bike with trailer for the kids. After a full week I hadn't lost an ounce, but I gained muscle.

    You'll probably notice you're loosing inches rather than weight on the scales.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Lay off the scale for a week. Water retention in your muscles is commonplace when you switch up you workout/up your intensity.
  • badrianne
    badrianne Posts: 101
    I see a lot of people on here mention what was mentioned above, about water retention. But I would also suggest taking a look at your diet. Are you eating foods high in sodium, are you certain about the measures of food, and are you accounting for all of the little nibbles that you eat throughout the day. A few almonds here and there can add up, for example. They are about 7-8 cals per.

    Nontheless, if you feel better about your body, your clothes fit better, and you are getting fit...I wouldn't be too concerned about the scale. JMHO.
  • jlestes80
    jlestes80 Posts: 10
    This is a great topic!! I was just wondering this I was working out regularly, then took 2 weeks off and now am doing the P90x and noticed that my weight had gone up a bit. During the 2 weeks off I maintained what I had lost previously.

    Thanks again!
  • nikicoleman
    nikicoleman Posts: 55 Member
    I'm in your same position. I was doing the 30 Day shred now...for a long while. I worked my way up to Level 3...and now I started adding some jogging to my workouts and I have gotten up to about 2 miles and then walking a very brisk last mile 2-3 times a week. I went from losing (and at a very good pace) to gaining and staying in the same 1-2lbs. Diet wise nothing changed, I was 100% certain about portions - and I think it might just be muscle. It sure just makes it difficult to want to continue when you know you want to weigh less and be smaller and healthier and it appears to not work.

    I did get a small decrease today in the scale-but ever so small after a good week-so I'm sure it has to be muscle-water retention.

    Best of luck and keep up the good work.
  • RentThisSpace
    RentThisSpace Posts: 96 Member
    If you are staying true to your diet and regularly exercising, the weight will come off. Of course, accurately logging everything you eat is important, and if you aren't doing this, you're simply cheating yourself. Next, is regular exercise. Sounds like you have a good program, so stick with it and stop worrying as much about the scale. Remember, your didn't get where you are now overnight and you get to your goal overnight either. It takes time and discipline, which is why this a lifestyle change and not a fad diet.

    So instead of paying attention to weight, look at some other factors. Do you feel healthier? Do you have more energy? How about those pants, feeling any looser? Do you feel more confident? These things mean a lot more than a number on a scale. Stick to the plan and you'll be fine.

    Good Luck.
  • saturday_bang
    saturday_bang Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for all the input!! :)

    I should add that I DO count calories. I have the mfp app on my ipod & I log EVERYTHING. I've decided I'm going to add in the Couch to 5k program & do that at night so I can add a bit more cardio.
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