Looking for Inspiring Weight Training Mantras

Hello Fit Friends!

I had a challenging weight training session with my personal trainer today. When my body felt like giving up my head just kept yelling "You CAN do this. You WILL do this. And you are going to stand there and PROVE it" - worked for me anyway...

My husband weight trains and when he struggles with his last rep, he told me he yells in his head "NO MATTER WHAT I WILL LIFT THIS WEIGHT"

I just wondered if anyone else had any weight training mantras they repeat in their head to get them through the last set of reps when their body is fatiguing?

I'm also looking for more weight training friends if anyone wants to add me!



  • MsBobLoblaw
    MsBobLoblaw Posts: 171 Member
    "The mind gives up before the body does." That helps me often when I'm running.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :drinker: You Are STRONGER Than You Think

    :heart: The Body WILL Achieve What The Mind Believes

    :glasses: A 30 Minute Workout Is 2% Of Your Day. Accept No Excuses
  • jcartwright2008
    jcartwright2008 Posts: 73 Member
    If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you :glasses:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :glasses: You Are Stronger Than Your Excuses

    :wink: You Can Have Excuses OR You Can Have Results. You Can't Have Both