60 Day Insanity Workout

Im starting the 60 day Insanity workout today. Has anyone done this and if so what kind of results did you get?


  • susansammons
    susansammons Posts: 3 Member
    I am also doing the 60 Day Challenge of Insanity. I am on week 2 Day 2. I love it! I've already noticed improvements and I am so pumped to complete this challenge. Have you signed up on teambeachbody.com Their is a huge community and you can also track your measurements. Keep me posted ok. I will be buddy if you need one. My name is Susan. I'm a stay at home mom with 3 kids.
    I thought is was about time to refocus on my health so I'm in it to succeed!
  • cagletb
    cagletb Posts: 34 Member
    I am starting this today too. Not real sure what i am getting into but i am sure going to try. I borrowed it from someone at work and i sure dont admit defeat very easily :)
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    Insanity is a tough program and it's very rewarding. One of the key ingredients with Insanity is following the nutrition guide that it comes with. Calculate your calories using the formula shown and set your macros to what is recommended in the guide as well. These programs work and in 60 days you'll be grateful that you stuck with it.

    During month 1 the workouts are 35-47 minutes long. During month 2 get ready to Dig Deeper with the Max workouts as you'll be pushing harder and the workouts are 45-60 minutes long. Also, make sure you take before pictures/measurements and your Day 30 and Day 60 pictures/measurements so you will have the opportunity to enter the Beachbody Challenge.

    If you have any questions about the programs or guides add me or send me a message.
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    I don't have any of my Insanity pictures loaded on MFP. I dropped almost 10 pounds and multiple inches when I did my first round of Insanity over a year ago.
  • xoxsashaxox
    xoxsashaxox Posts: 23 Member
    To SusanSammons

    My mom and I are both doing it, and i had no idea there was a website i could sine up for with it. ill defiantly keep on posting and keep up on results! will you be posting your results too?
  • xoxsashaxox
    xoxsashaxox Posts: 23 Member
    I don't have any of my Insanity pictures loaded on MFP. I dropped almost 10 pounds and multiple inches when I did my first round of Insanity over a year ago.

    wow thats amazing! My main goal is to have more tone, become stronger, and tighten up my core and legs. I lost about 15 pounds and even though im smaller, im basically still the same shape i was before just thinner and still soft lol
  • jaina08
    jaina08 Posts: 561 Member
    I'm starting week 4 today and I love it so far! I am losing inches already but the weighing scale isn't really moving as fast as I want it to. I only lost 4 pounds but I guess it's good to lose the weight slower. Here is a picture of my progress so far:


    Do you see a difference?
  • Ivyscal
    Ivyscal Posts: 1
    I just started recently, I am on day 21 but I in the first 6 days I did two days exercise, rest one day, so although I am on day 21 I am progressing at my own pace for the first couple of weeks. It is very addictive and I think that the right approach is to take picts and measure yourself rather than rely on weighing - muscle is heavier than the flab I'll be getting rid of :smile:

    One thing that I would like to share....Before I started I read about a lot of people complaining about experiencing back problems while exercising and injuring themselves. If you have never done any exercising aimed specifically at strengthening core, for example if you have never done a plank in your life, then you should take the time to watch every video before you start and make sure you see yourself in a mirror to ensure that you are always in the right position. "Never sacrifice form" is repeated so many times in the videos that I think that if you are sensible and you a careful about how you do each exercise you will be ok. I had a friend that started the program at he same time as me and she said in week 2 that her back is painful. We then did one session together and I focused on helping her correct her form and she is doing fine now.
  • xoxsashaxox
    xoxsashaxox Posts: 23 Member
    I just started recently, I am on day 21 but I in the first 6 days I did two days exercise, rest one day, so although I am on day 21 I am progressing at my own pace for the first couple of weeks. It is very addictive and I think that the right approach is to take picts and measure yourself rather than rely on weighing - muscle is heavier than the flab I'll be getting rid of :smile:

    One thing that I would like to share....Before I started I read about a lot of people complaining about experiencing back problems while exercising and injuring themselves. If you have never done any exercising aimed specifically at strengthening core, for example if you have never done a plank in your life, then you should take the time to watch every video before you start and make sure you see yourself in a mirror to ensure that you are always in the right position. "Never sacrifice form" is repeated so many times in the videos that I think that if you are sensible and you a careful about how you do each exercise you will be ok. I had a friend that started the program at he same time as me and she said in week 2 that her back is painful. We then did one session together and I focused on helping her correct her form and she is doing fine now.

    I also woke up this morning with sore back muscles, well sore muscles everywhere haha. I believe my form is correct and the reason for my muscle pain is the years of sedentary life so my bodys like "WHAT IM MOVING!" lmao
  • xoxsashaxox
    xoxsashaxox Posts: 23 Member
    I'm starting week 4 today and I love it so far! I am losing inches already but the weighing scale isn't really moving as fast as I want it to. I only lost 4 pounds but I guess it's good to lose the weight slower. Here is a picture of my progress so far:


    Do you see a difference?

    I definitely see a difference. Inches are what counts, not as much weight although its a good guidline. So are you sore all the time from this workout? im on day 3 and my muscles are killing me haha
  • jaina08
    jaina08 Posts: 561 Member
    I was sore for the first few days and now I'm okay lol. You will get used to it as you keep doing it. Good luck btw! Hope you get good results!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I am surprised at how sore I have been. I did 4 consecutive days so far. Today I will see what "Pure Cardio" means to Shawn, which scares me, lol. I thought that since I am in pretty good shape, exercise every day, and have pretty much done most of these moves before that I wouldn't be so sore.
  • astrotam
    astrotam Posts: 153 Member
    I'm starting week 4 today and I love it so far! I am losing inches already but the weighing scale isn't really moving as fast as I want it to. I only lost 4 pounds but I guess it's good to lose the weight slower. Here is a picture of my progress so far:


    Do you see a difference?

    Wow...what a huge difference! I've been hearing a lot of good things about this program. I don't want to kill myself before my 5K on April 20, so if I decide to try it, I'll have to wait 'til May.
  • sierrajordon
    sierrajordon Posts: 78 Member
    im supposed to start week four yesterday, but i have a knee injury so i have to take off two weeks or so. BE CAREFUL with your jumps and stretches. i love insanity but i pushed my self way to hard at first.
  • penelopia
    penelopia Posts: 52 Member
    I just bought it !
  • beeb66
    beeb66 Posts: 17
    Just finished day 5 Pure Cardio! Whew! I'm taking it at my own pace but definitely see an improvement from my fit test! Can't wait until day 60! And yes I'm still sore everywhere!!!
  • RedfishGuy
    RedfishGuy Posts: 47 Member
    Wow...what a huge difference! I've been hearing a lot of good things about this program. I don't want to kill myself before my 5K on April 20, so if I decide to try it, I'll have to wait 'til May.

    If you do Insanity from now until April 20th, a 5K will be surprisingly easy. Running at a constant pace for 30 minutes will seem like a day off.

    to the OP: I did this program last year, ate well while I did it. Lost 15 lbs (only wanted to lose 7-8 lbs, but once I started to see my abs I got more motivated to eat well). Its fun, challenging, and extremely rewarding. If you want to get in great shape, just do the program. If you want to see physical changes in your body and appearence, then eat well while you do it. The cool thing is that you can eat a ton of good foods while you're doing it because of the big calorie burn each day.
  • atlchc8
    atlchc8 Posts: 53 Member
    I did the insanity workout last year and lost 9lbs in two weeks! I didn't measure myself but it looked like I lost a lot of inches. I quit after another week because it was really hard. I'm going to try it again and make it through. I hope to lose as quickly as I did last time.
  • lpx21
    lpx21 Posts: 1
    Hi all! I am currently in week 2 of my insanity workout and seemed to be building up more muscles in thighs and calf rather than losing my abdominal fats. Does anyone of you have similar experiences? What should I do if I don't wish to have muscular legs?
  • my names glenn and am on day 20 week 3 I have seen really good results also lost half my stomach actually my legs are killing me and my arms an well pretty much anything else that's considered a muscle hahaha my question is an I really don't mean to be a downer see its just soo hard an I started a new job yesterday an am on my feet all day so litrally I haven't had the energy to do it for 2 days I really don't wanna give up the changes have been amazing lost 5 inches in total off my stomach I didn't take a before pic though I wish I did now cause of these 2 days I don't know wether to start over I don't know if I can restart month 1 again I mean it went by fairly quickly some days better than others but should I just pick up from were I left off ive been eating really healthy but I just need extra motivation a lot of motivation I don't know wat hit me in these past 2 days just changed the skedual of things an has left me smashed after work what to do suggest anyone I don't want to give up I want my beach body don't wanna go another year looking the same any tips for motivation am 22 today by the way and not really that overweight just by say 8 killos or so but my goal is to tone up everywere an all that plz help... thanks a lot feel free to add if you wanna push eachother :)