just wondering.. are the predictions on here true?

Lately when Ive been doing my food log it says that if I keep eating this way in five weeks I will have lost around 8 pounds. Hmmm really? seems to good to be true. Have these predictions been accurate for anyone? Just wondering..


  • chelseap891
    It says I'll weigh 120 in 5 weeks...I sure hope that's true! :lol It'd be great to drop 7 lbs like that.
  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    It is just based off how big your calorie deficit is. 3,500 calories = 1 pound.

    2lbs week = 1,000 deficit a day

    1lb week = 500 decficit a day.

    MFP automatically does the deficit for you, but say if u don't eat 500 calories that MFP gives you then your deficit for the day was 1,500 or 1,000 based on how fast u have chosen to lose. It is simple math really.
  • mictur
    mictur Posts: 175 Member
    I wrote it down sometime in May I guess 5 weeks ago. And I did a detox and it came true 2 days early. I don't think it would have come true without the detox though:flowerforyou:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Now you've got me curious. I'm going to start putting whatever it says in the notes at the bottom of the food diary. Then I'll have something to go back and check! :laugh:
  • Pieater
    Pieater Posts: 40
    Everybody is different. for the first month, I way outpaced the predictions in my rate of loss (17lb in 30 days). After that, I kinda stalled out and have been holding near the same weight, but my shape has been improving noticeably. So the predictions are more of a ballpark idea that will vary a bit for each individual and each phase of your weight loss program.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    It's simply a math formula. It doesn't take into account anything about our bodies. As water4life said, it only uses the numbers.
    If your deficit today was 1500 calories, if you did that everyday for 5 weeks, you would have a deficit of 52,500 calories, or 15 pounds. Now, will that really happen? If you kept your deficit at 1500 calories EVERY day for 5 weeks? Probably not. At least not this example. A more LIKELY (but still not GUARANTEED!!!) scenerio is of the 500 calorie deficit. If you kept your deficit at 500 cals per day for 5 weeks (this is MOST likely what you set your goal to), you very well could achieve that. There are all kinds of ifs, ands and buts attached to that. IF it's not TOM. IF you didn't eat to much sodium, AND you weigh yourself in EXACTLY the same clothes at EXACTLY the same time. . . etc.

    Those numbers are an estimate. As you get closer to your goal, the weight will come off more slowly than it did at first. Some weeks you may lose a LOT more than anticipated, others you may not lose anything (or even gain!). Use those ##s as a guide, NOT gospel!

    Keep up the good work! Keep making those good choices, and you'll get there!
  • signchik
    signchik Posts: 17
    That's IF EVERY Day were like that day. The chances of every day being identical are not likely. But if you are very similar you will be close. It's all math. If your goal is to lose 1 lb a week and you meet your calorie goal then the 5 wk number should be 5 lbs less.
  • ruthcooper
    ruthcooper Posts: 22 Member
    I haven't found predictions to be true. I started keeping track 10 weeks ago and have a 1200 calorie goal. I have only been over or under by more than 100 calories a few times, yet it keeps showing I should be between 5 and 10 pounds lighter than I am. Disappointing.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    Everyones body is different and the predictions and recommendations are based on averages.
    Your metabolism might be a bit slower than average.

    I think the only way to get how much you really burn, would be to count everything you eat for a week or two, weight yourself before and after and then calculate it from that. Fortunately it usually just works when using the averages. :laugh:
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    There was a blog post up one day about it - one MFPer wrote down the prediction one day and then tried to consistently stay like that same day calorie and exercise wise. They said it was spot-on.