Desk Job



  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I have a desk job. I am a receptionist. I am trying to find some exercises I can do at my desk that aren't "Jumping jacks, push ups etc" I need chair exercises.

    Many of us has desk jobs. Don't need to exercise at work. Just get up periodically, walk around. Take the stairs when possible. Part far away. Walk during lunch. Many things you can do without resorting to working out sitting at your desk.

    Agreed. Try to set aside time that you can workout at home (or at the gym), so you can have a dedicated amount of time that you're solely focusing on your workout. You won't be able to get in a serious, or consistent work out while at work with phones ringing and other distractions.
  • I have a similar hectic schedule - or rather, HAD. I have changed some of the things I do - college classes are online rather than going to the college for them. I have 3 kids, (1 is autistic) two crazy dogs and a few cats thrown in for more chaos. Here is something I do each morning, and it has helped a LOT.

    I am a HUGE fan of the Snooze button in the morning. Now, I hit it the first time, and get another 9 minutes of sleep (I set my alarm 30 minutes early to accomplish this!). The second time the alarm goes off, I put on my glasses, hit the snooze button, and stretch. Not a regular "waking up stretch", but a full body, each muscle type of stretch. Then, I start working out a little. Here is what I do:

    10 leg lifts, each side
    10 oblique crunches, each side
    10 front leg lifts (lie on your back, lift both legs together, hold 5 seconds, lower legs)
    10 crunches
    Shoulder stretches

    By then, my alarm is going off again, and I get up.

    I also get a lot of exercise at my desk at work, and have a website I use most days. I like stretching exercises a lot (obviously) because they help me tone up. Cardio can be done anytime - running in place in the restroom, on the weekend taking the kids to the mall for some window shopping or a long walk, or workout DVD's I do at home. I do use the gym at work when I can as well, but realize not everyone has that option.

    The water bottle stretches work really well - I am amazed at how much it works the core while sitting!! I also do one with the water bottle and leaning side to side in my chair - it really pulls the side muscles and works them out good!

    Good luck!!
  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    I put something like this under my desk:

    It's more like a stationary bike than an elliptical, but it's something. I got mine from Woot and only paid $50 for it.
  • cjosenga
    cjosenga Posts: 37 Member
    There is a great book "Deskercise! The Workplace Workout" by Todd M Berntson or check out
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    If you watch TV at home, can you put a stationary bike in front of that TV so you can be productive?
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    Dont mean to sound harsh but you have a million and 15 excuses! Your job is not stopping you from working out you are. Sorry great suggestions by everyone but the truth is you make time. Ask anyone here in order to exercise they make time . Everyone has jobs school life kids. My advice is quit making excuses and start making time for exercise!

    amen to that!!!

    I'm going to be devil's advocate here just a bit. I want to make sure you know, op, that fat loss without daily workouts is possible if you keep your nutrition under control. You said you already have one day a week on sunday when you can get a workout in. If you can find one more 20-30 minute block somewhere, that would be awesome, but small changes add up over time. If you're logging your calories consistently and doing what you CAN do instead of focusing on what you can't, you can still see changes. And over time your enthusiasm will grow and hopefully your life will change enough (summer break, scheduling classes differently, more reliable babysitter, etc.) that you can increase the amount of regular workouts you get.

    If you think of it as "I just have to find one day a week" it makes it a lot less overwhelming, doesn't it?
  • Roxie_Bell
    Roxie_Bell Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, Fox-in-sox, I just wanted to give you a little support and compassion. Here's my story - I wake up at 6 am. I commute an hour to work (and back); I live 27 miles from my office. I work 8-5 at an investment firm - I have to focus on what I'm doing at all times, my job is often very stressful, and I have clients coming in and out, so desk exercises aren't even an option for me, nor is taking a walk or doing some squats, etc. I'm also a single parent, so when I get home, I make dinner, I help with home work, I clean up, I read with my son, and then it's 8:30. I've got 1.5 hours before bed. Now, do I forsake everything else that needs to be done to exercise and shower, or do I do what needs to be done. I'm a homeowner and a parent, so there's always something that needs to be done.

    When I try to ask people for some solid suggestions, I usually get told to exercise while watching TV, or spend less time doing sedentary activities like facebooking (or whatever). I don't have TV or internet, because I can't justify having those things to use only on weekends, but I digress. Some of us have lifestyles that just are not weight-loss-friendly. But, that doesn't mean that it can't be done. I have a gym membership. I make sure I'm there two hours a week, on my lunch break (which I had to fight for) 15-40 minutes (whatever I can justify). Two days a week I hit it hard at home at night, with an hour on the elliptical, or 45 minutes of Tae-Bo or Turbo-Fire. Two days a week I have a 15 minute interval workout at night. And on the weekends, 60 minutes of whatever I feel like doing on Sat or Sunday, and I don't sit down all weekend long... basically. If I "diet" I lose 1 lb a week. If I don't diet, my weight stays the same. One pound a week is really discouraging, I know, but if I'd been dieting the last 4 weeks over the holidays, I'd be down 4 lbs.

    With a lifestyle like ours, you have to work hard to get small results. You have to make sacrifices/compromise. You have to learn to let the laundry remain unfolded until tomorrow. :) It's tiresome, and frustrating, and sometimes I feel like I'm a slave to work-mom-exercise-work-mom-exercise, with nothing else in life, but I know it's worth it, because I'm healthier. I put my house up for sale to hopefully move closer to work and have more time during the day for other things. You just have to make changes. You have to really want it.
  • eraweir
    eraweir Posts: 41 Member
  • KJBeltran
    KJBeltran Posts: 23 Member
  • dmkirk28
    dmkirk28 Posts: 75 Member
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