I just nearly killed my dog lol

Well i thought i was out of shape lol
I have just taken my dear pooch for a 45 min walk and the poor thing nearly didnt make it home, he kept stopping to lay every few meters. I had to practically drag him home lol.
That is the most i have walked in ages really enjoyed it TBH, will go for a more scenic route next time and must order some decent earphones for my ipod, was a pain having to keep putting them back in my ears.


  • granmalaura
    granmalaura Posts: 20 Member
    I started seriously walking in January with my dog and she also found it difficult at first. She is 8 years old and quite fit but not used to such long walks, 30 minutes was what she was used to but in January I started doing 4 miles a day which took about 75 minutes. We have just come back from an 8 mile walk which took us 2 hours and 20 minutes. She is sleeping now but happy. We also do a bit of interval running i.e. run for a bit then walk for a bit, she likes that although the first time we did it she thought I had gone mad.

    Anyway good luck with your walking, it certainly helps with the weight loss.
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    Hehe! My friend's dog was like that. It HATED going for walks because it became so used to lying around doing nothing! You'd see her dragging the beast around the streets!
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Hehe, I had to read your post to make sure you were just kidding!! :laugh:

    I love that! You really do have yourself a good training partner there, you'll grow in fitness and stamina together!
    I wish I had a dog! We just work away too much and too long hours.

    My cats are really cute though...they have this little routine now, when I've done my Couch 2 5K - I always pass my front door, but do another slow walk around the block to properly cool down. Both my cats follow me!! It must be way out of their terrirories, as they get a little jumpy when we're at the furthest away point and stick pretty close - but when we're nearer home, they stop to sniff at things! So it's almost like having two little dogs... :love: So sweet! It's the best bit of my run!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :laugh: I carried my Aussie from the end of our block once!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    When I first started running and walking with my pooches, they acted like I was trying to kill them. My golden retriever would actually lag behind quite a bit until I would let him stop & rest. Over time, they both got in better shape along with me! Their day just isn't complete without a good, long walk now.
  • hhhdddggss
    hhhdddggss Posts: 119
    Yep, my corgi stops to rest half way home ... the other day, it was so hot, I had to stop and rest WITH her! And like your Aussie, I've carried my girl home a couple of times, too. She's always so humiliated, but hey, I consider it an extra strength-training workout!
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Something similar happened to me yesterday. I was doing the 30 day shred in our living room which has a decent amount of space in it. Of course, as soon as I got down to do my pushups my dog Macey trotted over and started sniffing my face and wouldn't leave! Next time she is going outside while I do my 30 day shred because I couldn't stop laughing at her!

    What would we do without our dogs? :smile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    When I first started running and walking with my pooches, they acted like I was trying to kill them. My golden retriever would actually lag behind quite a bit until I would let him stop & rest. Over time, they both got in better shape along with me! Their day just isn't complete without a good, long walk now.

    our fat lab........I mean black lab was the same way and now just trots along. she gets so excited when we just touch her leash box.

    the aussie well she ended up with vagel nerve issues and actually was passing out! I still trot her to the end of the street and back and she runs around the back yard all the time...........but I never bring her far unless I want to carry her wanky 55 lb azz back! LOL
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Earlier in the year I took my boxer on a 6 mile run. It was one of the first hot days of the spring, and I had just started running last fall so we haven't run in the heat much. It was cloudy when I left home, and the sun came out about a mile into it. At mile 3 I had to call my husband to come get her. It was just too hot for her! I was even sharing my water with her. Never thought I would outrun her as she is usually totally full of energy. She has been my running partner from the start when I becan C2rK in the fall. There were a few times over the winter that were too cold for her feet, and she hates her boots, so I didn't take her, but I don't very often run without her and it feels odd when I do. She is the best running partner ever!
  • shell1205
    shell1205 Posts: 138
    I just got back from taking our lab/boxer mix for a walk. I only take him on my short walks (a mile or so - I KNOW he couldn't handle my 3 mile walks!!). He always starts out so excited... he pulls me, and I tell him to pace himself... by the half mile point he's walking along side of me, and by the 3/4 point, I'm dragging him!! LOL He's probably a good 10-15 pounds overweight, so I'm hoping we can get him in shape, too!
  • katie30
    katie30 Posts: 55
    Our chocolate lab is the exact same way. Hubby and I had her out once and she just decided that it was enough. Hubby had to go back to the house and get the car to come get her!!
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    LOL! What our dogs do for us! My dog (who is 10 lbs) has a lot of energy, can walk a good couple of miles, but after that she's DONE. Her long tail will drag on the ground when she gets tired. It's very funny!

    A while back my brother was visiting and was going to go for a long walk on the beach close to where I live. He took the dog, walked further than he planned, and ended up carrying her home! :laugh: