List your excuses (ex-excuses)



  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    i dont like exercise....

    turns out i ****ing LOVE insanity... damnit, no excuse now!!!

    I have the same thing!!! Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Insanity. I dread my days off now!
  • Citrislazer
    Citrislazer Posts: 312 Member
    I'm allergic to exercise is my favorite one. True story, few people are, but I'm not. :bigsmile:

    My real excuses usually are no time, need more sleep, or I'll do it later.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    I'm too tired
    My knees are hurting
    My asthma is too bad to run/hike
    I don't eat that much ( which was true.. I just ate way too much Calories, not actual food volume)
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I'm too tired (So, me, go to bed earlier. Plus you'll feel better when you're done exercising!)

    I have good metabolism so I don't need to worry (not anymore you don't... you sit at a desk doing nothing for 8 hours instead of busting your butt moving freight for 8 hours)

    I'd rather hang out with Hubby (so work out in the morning before work and before he's awake!)

    I have bad hips (They don't bother you all the time unless you overdo it; so just ease into it, but don't be a slug)

    Hubby loves me no matter how much I weigh or what I look like (Do you? Living in baggy clothes and sweats because you feel terrible and think you look terrible tells me that you don't love you no matter how much you weigh or how you look)
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    I can eat just about anything and stll weigh the same..

    not true at all haha. Was in two car accidents- preventing a lot of working out (not all) and still ate terrible.. change my habits and now down 10 lbs.. now starting to get back into shape
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    1. I'm too tired and worn out to exercise.

    - No, you are tired because you stayed up until 1am, frittering your time away online. Got to bed at a sensible hour and you won't be so tired. Plus you'll sleep better after exercising.

    2. I eat pretty healthy already.

    - True, your meals are healthy about 80% of the time. Your multitude of snacks, not so much, and without exercising, throwing you way over the mark calorie-wise.

    3. What does it matter? Even if I lose weight, everyone else will still look better than me.

    - Then just look as good as YOU can and stop worrying about how everyone else looks.
  • carrow04
    carrow04 Posts: 68 Member
    I don't have time to workout, cook, or prep food. I work 60hrs a week. I'm a student. I have a family and house to look after.

    My spouse refuses to eat a vegetable and it's just too hard to eat healthy when the person next to you is eating pizza. He also doesn't like it when i spend time working out that i could be spending with him.

    I'm not a morning person. I can't wake up and exercise in the morning. I'm too tired.

    I deserve "insert whatever"

    I shouldn't have to keep track of everything i eat. surely, i can eat a little "insert food" without putting on weight. I'll make up for it tomorrow. people weren't meant to log their food.

    I just can't help it.

    ****You finally just get to the point that you want it enough to make the change. That being smaller/healthier/fitter matters more than everything else. You will explore your options and find a way to make it work. You refuse to give up what you really want for what you want in that moment.****
  • mbrummer
    mbrummer Posts: 24
    Ive been fat all my life. Nothin is gonna change.. .
    I hate exercising.
    My family hates healthy food.
    Husvbnd absolutely loves my body.