Fluctuating Weight

Hey Everyone!

I have been on MFP for about 2.5 weeks. I have been more aware of what I have been eating and trying hard to change my eating habits. During the week I'm very good but since I have so much going on during the weekend I sometimes splurge a little but not crazy-like. And I haven't worked out the past 3 days.... Early last week I weighed and had lost about 10 pounds and I thought this was due to working out, eating right and especially water weight. But today I weighed myself and it's like I hadn't lost the ten pounds. What is going on?!


  • mmshadell
    mmshadell Posts: 16
    Are you weighing yourself in the mornings or at night?
  • tabbiekaye23
    tabbiekaye23 Posts: 61 Member
    your weight is goin to fluctuate day to day by a few pounds for different reasons. When you weigh in always pick the same time of day. For me it is in the morning.
  • caitlin15
    caitlin15 Posts: 28
    No, I have been weighing myself in the morning after I use the restroom. Also, just a side note that I forgot, my body has been very dehydrated lately for some unknown reason so I've been drinking a lot of water and it feel like my body is retaining all of it so I feel very bloated. What is going on?! This problem isn't very motivating haha :D
  • dolliemixture
    your weight fluctuates throughout the day for many different reasons. you should weigh yourself 1 day a week on the same day and same time every week. if you weigh in the morning, it should be after you've been to the toilet and before you eat anything.
  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate and also when you mentionned that you are not as good during the weekend, what would your water intake or salt intake looks like... For me if I don't have enough of one (water) and too much of the other one (salt), this is not good on my weight after. Also, naturally your weight will fluctuate a couple of lbs based on what you do. This is something I've noticed. I'm on maintenance and reached a point where I have zero deficit but sometimes I gain and sometimes I loose but on the long run, I stay the same. For you who has deficit it's a bit the same, but pay attention to salt, fat and water during the weekend.

    I'm sure you can do it..!!!
  • dolliemixture
    on the water note... it is recommended the average person should drink 8 glasses of water a day. if you're working out it should be more than this to rehydrate your body. so maybe you just need to up your water.
  • Rachelatbeach
    I think summer is especially a time of weight fluctuating. Salt, menstral cycle, and even barometric pressure will float the weight. Try taking your measurements or visualizing pounds of butter smeared on your hips. Yes, 10 is better than 5, but do you want five pounds of butter smeared on your hips in this heat!!!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    Mondays aren't a great weigh in day IMO. I would weigh yourself later in the week, after staying super focused. I would aim for 12 cups of water to help slush out the weekend sodium. I'm always up on a monday, even if i stayed within my goals over the weekend as i tend to allow myself a few treats to cause me to retain.
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    I agree with everyone else - your weight does change through out the day by a few pounds - your right to weigh yourself in the am. Aslo keep in mind if you've been working out that you've prob gained some muscle and since muscle weighs more than fat it can make the number on the scale creep up but it doesn't nec. mean you're fatter. Sometime clothes are a better judge of our weight loss than the scale. If you are bloated and retaining water give it week and check the scale again - I easily put on 5pds in water weight every month when i get pms and it usually goes away after a few days!
  • ryssaan
    ryssaan Posts: 44 Member
    Check your sodium intake you can put it on the main screen if you go into the settings. I was under my calories and fat one day but way over on my sodium (over double). My weight had gone up 5 lbs. Now I watch this also and I didn't fluctuate this weekend like I normally. This is just a thought and keeping drinking lots of water.
  • ShondaS
    ShondaS Posts: 6
    Don't let is discourage you from your goals. I also have a problem with water and I've taught myself not to panick at what could only be an impossible weight gain. My weight can fluctuate by as many as 5-6 pounds from the time I wake up to bedtime. I take a water pill that is prescribed by my doctor and you might want to check with a doc to make sure there are no underlying issues for water retention.

    Also if you are eating a lot of "diet" foods that stuff is loaded with sodium.