Newbie :)



  • hay girl i'm n the same boat as u but i didnt start gaining weight till i started having kids, i really need to get my sexy back, this website is GREAT 4 motivation, just dont get bumbed out, feel free to add me as a friend if u like

    Hiya, I will add you!:)
  • Every little bit helps. Sticking to healthy eating is key. I've lost most of the 90lbs I'm down through pure healthy eating. I've started doing serious weights and cardio (now that I am in shape enough to not die during it), although that is really more about health and fat cutting than about weight loss. Feel free to add me. I'm on pretty much every day.

    I am trying my best but my weight keeps going up, but I was told to weight myself before I eat in the morning, is this right? well done loosing all that weight!:)
  • Welcome to MFP! You have made the first step in helping get healthier! How many calories are you eating? Are you going with the MFP suggested or have you adjusted for your age, weight, height and lifestyle? You may want to check out this website - - that takes all that information into account and then tells you how many calories you should eat to maintain. Then, it gives you a number that would be a deficit for losing weight. You may not be eating enough. Your diary is closed, so I can't go in and view.

    Also, are you tracking your calories? Are you eating fruits and vegetables? It is great that you cut out the items that were trigger foods for you, but you may need to do more.

    Feel free to add me. I am older than you and also have health issues, but have dropped 21 lbs since the first of the year. It is slow, but that is the healthiester way to lose.

    Keep working at it, you'll get there if you work hard at it!

    I'm really struggling to work this site actually, I work out for 20 minutes and I do a 30 second slim and it said I only lose 5 calories by doing that? Hmm dunno I'm so confused, hopefully I'll be able to work it out when I get used too it. No I don't keep track of my calories, I've just cut out eating crisps and fizzy drinks. Massive well done on dropping 21 lbs :) that's amazing! Will add you. Thank you, I really hope to lose more weight, I've lost 2 lbs today ( so it said haha) :)
  • chandanders
    chandanders Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Kelly,

    I think all women understand where you are coming from. I love to support, rant and talk, so if you want to add me, I'd love to offer up some nice words! :)
  • Hi Kelly,

    I think all women understand where you are coming from. I love to support, rant and talk, so if you want to add me, I'd love to offer up some nice words! :)

    Thanks :) I will add you now:)
  • Some of the things in that DVD I couldn't do so instead I was just jogging on the spot but I took your advice and done jumping jacks - I thought I was going to pass out but I kept at it. I still don't understand why I'm still putting on weight, I'm not eating junk food but I am eating what my parents have at tea time then I do snack on something like a baked potato with tuna and onion or something like that. I'm having beef olives with white pudding in it ... I dunno if that's good or not? I'm also having mashed potato and veg ! :) but I am missing out on meals!

    Hey. I didn't think jumping jacks could hurt until I did a cardio DVD and had to do them after mountain climbers. Your snacks sounds delicious. I don't think you are eating enough. I believe you really need to start tracking here to figure out what's going on. For about two weeks after I started Jillian Micheal's Ripped in 30, I kept gaining weight. I believe it's water weight or weight stored in the body to make sure you have enough nutrients to rebuild those nutrients and restore what you've sweated out. When I started tracking and adding in one or two rest days in between, I started losing. It's only a pound or so, but it's been steady. On days where I've cheated a bit with my eating, I've been able to maintain as long as I did the workouts. Even though we have these nifty bars at the bottom announcing how much we've lost, I don't really want that to be my focus. I want to lose inches.

    Yes, a lb of fat still weights the same as a lb of lean mass. However, lean mass is more densely packed. You will look thinner than someone who weighs less than you if you are made of mostly lean mass and they have more body fat. A personal trainer at the gym told me she weighed about 180 lbs. I can't be asked to convert that to metric at the moment, but I want you to understand, she looked thinner and more muscular than my 125 lbs. Maybe you should take your measurements.
  • Zeugird
    Zeugird Posts: 7 Member
    Hello there! You are doing something about your weight which is already a step in the right direction. :) At my heaviest I was 200 lbs. At 5'3, you can imagine.... one day I got tired of looking at the mirror and not liking what I saw... I began doing portions. Ate everything and anything but portions. Got to 155 lightest. Kept if off for 3 years. Recently gained 20 lbs and want to lose the weight and get healthy again. Add me Zeugird and we can keep each other motivated. I'm new on my fitness pal too. :)
  • Hi Kelly,

    I'm pretty new on here too, so I'd love more friends for encouragement and support. I'm Scottish too : ) but now live in Sydney, Australia.

    Gillian (Little Miss Chops)
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. I log everyday, I have logged for 125 days and counting as of today. Looking for new, more motivational friends as well.
  • Tiredofbeingfat13
    Tiredofbeingfat13 Posts: 12 Member
    hey guys Im a new girl as well! Im looking for friends as well, age doesnt matter because we are all trying to do the same thing.I will accept everyone.I am too sick and tired of struggling with my weight and the health issues that comes with it .I am looking for new friends to take this journey with together! we can do this! Please feel free to add me and look at my profile!! Nice to meet all of you
  • hi
    i am new to MFP too it's great i think it's reaaly going to help me as a past SW member i needed a change coz i am greedy although lost 4.5 stone on it just got to a place were i wasnt losing and at the end of the day it's all about how many cals you put in your mouth and even tho it's classes as "free food" it's cals and i was obiviously takin in more then i neede or used so no change lost 5lbs so far

    sharon a.k.a jimbob:smile:
  • Some of the things in that DVD I couldn't do so instead I was just jogging on the spot but I took your advice and done jumping jacks - I thought I was going to pass out but I kept at it. I still don't understand why I'm still putting on weight, I'm not eating junk food but I am eating what my parents have at tea time then I do snack on something like a baked potato with tuna and onion or something like that. I'm having beef olives with white pudding in it ... I dunno if that's good or not? I'm also having mashed potato and veg ! :) but I am missing out on meals!

    Hey. I didn't think jumping jacks could hurt until I did a cardio DVD and had to do them after mountain climbers. Your snacks sounds delicious. I don't think you are eating enough. I believe you really need to start tracking here to figure out what's going on. For about two weeks after I started Jillian Micheal's Ripped in 30, I kept gaining weight. I believe it's water weight or weight stored in the body to make sure you have enough nutrients to rebuild those nutrients and restore what you've sweated out. When I started tracking and adding in one or two rest days in between, I started losing. It's only a pound or so, but it's been steady. On days where I've cheated a bit with my eating, I've been able to maintain as long as I did the workouts. Even though we have these nifty bars at the bottom announcing how much we've lost, I don't really want that to be my focus. I want to lose inches.

    Yes, a lb of fat still weights the same as a lb of lean mass. However, lean mass is more densely packed. You will look thinner than someone who weighs less than you if you are made of mostly lean mass and they have more body fat. A personal trainer at the gym told me she weighed about 180 lbs. I can't be asked to convert that to metric at the moment, but I want you to understand, she looked thinner and more muscular than my 125 lbs. Maybe you should take your measurements.

    I was struggling with Jumping jacks yesterday too but I was sweating too:L I have lost 2 lbs since Thursday which is good I suppose, When do you weigh in? Still learning a lot about this site too!:) My mum said I lost a bit of my belly ... haha don't no if you can notice 2 lbs off tho?:L Good luck with everything and keep at it(:
  • Hello there! You are doing something about your weight which is already a step in the right direction. :) At my heaviest I was 200 lbs. At 5'3, you can imagine.... one day I got tired of looking at the mirror and not liking what I saw... I began doing portions. Ate everything and anything but portions. Got to 155 lightest. Kept if off for 3 years. Recently gained 20 lbs and want to lose the weight and get healthy again. Add me Zeugird and we can keep each other motivated. I'm new on my fitness pal too. :)

    Thank you so much (: I get so depressed about my weight and I cry every single night but it's slowly coming off so I must be doing something right! 2 lbs since Wednesday/Thursday(: - keep going love, you will at your goal in no time, GOOD LUCK!
  • Hi Kelly,

    I'm pretty new on here too, so I'd love more friends for encouragement and support. I'm Scottish too : ) but now live in Sydney, Australia.

    Gillian (Little Miss Chops)

    Hiyaa:) I'll be more than happy to be your myfitnesspal (: good luck with your weightloss(:
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    Don't be scared! and screw what people think. I have been overweight my whole life, finally when i was 17 I decided to do something about it, lost 30 pounds then found out I was pregnant. Very disheartening. I gained the 30 pounds back plus another 20 or so during my pregnancy putting me to 288lbs after delivering my daughter. I lost 10 pounds by the time she was 2 months old and have been stuck there for a long time. Working in various warehouses I managed to get down to 249, only to gain it all back after losing that job. I started at 275 on here the first time i made an account, got down to about 255, gained everything back due to various reasons (mostly eating cause i was bored and consistently going out instead of cooking dinner at home). Now I'm back on the grind and I've lost 9.2 pounds in the last 3-4 weeks.

    Alone its hard. Together, we're unstoppable.

    Friends do really help.
  • Good luck with your weigh loss guys, you will get to your goals in no time(:
  • dacadoo
    dacadoo Posts: 32
    Welcome welcome glad you have joined the journey. Feel free to add me as a friend. I can use all the motivation I can get
  • Welcome welcome glad you have joined the journey. Feel free to add me as a friend. I can use all the motivation I can get

    I will add you(: congratulations on your loss so far!:)
  • Welcome Kelly! ♥ This place is awesome. I've had nothing short of amazing support on the forums and from friends on here. This site is amazing. I hope you enjoy your stay here. ^_^
  • Superdave24
    Superdave24 Posts: 158 Member
    Good morning. I read what you wrote and I know we can all help in many differnet ways. Feel free to add me and i will do my best to help you as I would anyone who needs it. Its what I love doing and that is why i am here on MFP. David