It's time for some support

Hi Everyone. I'm a 25 (almost 26 year old) from CT. I have been overweight all but life and after my 2nd knee surgery in 2011 I decided enough was enough. I've been using this tool for a while with great success (lost 20 lbs, went from a size 12 to an 8, my first single digit size ever)... but then I relapsed.

Near the end of last year I fell into a deep depression and started binge eating until I felt sick. Despite working out almost every day, I've gained weight again and it's creeping higher. My depression stemmed from my frustration over a series of medical issues. Major knee surgery at 16, cancer at 19 and another surgery at 24 along with all the complications, tests, followup doctors visits that come along with it. I'm sick of being sick. Plus a stressful job, plus a long and snowy winter, plus some family issues, plus feeling generally unfulfilled. I'm seeing medical health professions and it's helping a little but I just can't shake this eating. Food is instant comfort and gratification. I've rid my house of a lot of junk and started transitioning to cleaner eating. It still hasn't stopped this terrible habit.

I'm looking to see if anyone out there has had similar issues and can offer any advice, or support. I really just want to be healthy and happy.

Thank you.


  • AmandaLynn101103
    AmandaLynn101103 Posts: 20 Member
    I don't really struggle with depression and such but weight loss and controlling my eating has been a long going battle for me now. Just about a month ago I was doing really well using this site and now I have pretty much just gained it all back. I decided that today I was going to start over and get things back on track and I am on the hunt for more friends on here to help keep me motivated.
  • tweetyjf
    tweetyjf Posts: 48 Member
    hi squiffy, I think you should be proud of yourself that you're trying to pick up your life again.
    My advice would be certainly with some depression dont cut your calories too low.
    If you can swim or something or witth your knees i dont know what you can do with excercise go for it.
    and try to switch to healthy foods ...
    if you want my support you can add me

    regards joannf
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    I gained all my weight during a depression as well. So yeah, I can relate. Working with a doctor to get meds right and get clear in the head was the first step. Then came moving my butt. I was in a lot of pain physically due to having laid around for months and my body just atrophying (it seemed) so I started walking. Just a little, everyday. In fact, I did Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds in my house. I'd do the mile CD and go as far as I could on it before taking a rest for the day. Then pick it up and do it a little longer the next day. I kept doing this - just a little bit longer each day as I felt better and was able to handle more. This transitioned into doing the 2 mile CD...then the 3 mile CD (which took an hour). But that's okay, I was moving and not laying in bed the whole time. Then I started walking outside as the weather got nicer. Again, a little more each time. That's it - just pick a small goal, say ten minutes...and do it. And tell yourself you are going to add a minute to that everyday (or more if you want to). And do it. Before you know it you might be jogging...then running...and you'll be lighter and feel better. Those endorphins help depression so much too - so really, it's win/win. Baby steps - small goals - don't focus on the big picture, that's too daunting. Do what you can do TODAY and get better.
  • VasylP
    VasylP Posts: 136 Member
    Squiffy, you seem like you have been dealt with quite a plate full of things but you have a great deal of courage to want to change. Good for you.I've been through a lot though I have not been through half of what you have been even tough I have lived twice as long.

    The most important thing I have learned and become aware of is we are what we eat. A great deal of my recent success, at loosing some weight and being healthier comes from my diet. Take a look at my profile I give some damn good background about me there, and I will definitely be supportive if you want it. Add me if you like.

    I had and still have a problem with my right meniscus after a little accident when I was in grade nine... I have to be gentle with that knee and I have been easing into exercise in a way in order to not injure myself and so far I have been lucky. Like others have said, if you can swim then do so. If you can find an aqua-aerobics class in your neighborhood then that would be good as well. Water in fact has some magical powers that we often forget about. Once summer comes around, I will be at the out-door pool daily as part of my new wellness lifestyle.

    Keep your chin up. From what you have written you seem to be someone of great character. You will find support from not only be but from many others here.

  • VasylP
    VasylP Posts: 136 Member
    "Do what you can do TODAY and get better. "

    This is a great line and we should all remember it. Take things one day at a time.
  • squiffy113
    Wow. Thanks everyone. Its reassuring to hear that other people have managed to get back on their feet after a similar situation. I think I will try the one day at a time approach. I've gotten very much in the habit of freaking out when the goals become overwhelming and that might be contributing to my inability to cope.

    I have been on medication for depression for a few weeks. My doc and I are still trying to find the right balance for me. I do feel less anxious because of it but now I feel much less motivated to do anything which becomes a problem when trying to manage a healthy lifestyle.