working out when tired

Hi everyone: I have been trying to lose weight for a looong time and have not had much success. I find that I make the most progress when I exercise regularly, and even joined the gym last November. I promised myself I would go to the gym at least 3 days a week. The problem is, I have 4 teens and work full time, so sometimes it seems like I don't have time to go. I have tried getting myself to go right after work, but I am SO tired right after work, all I want to do is take a nap (which I do). Then I just feel guilty and mad at myself.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm so frustrated. It seems like if I could figure this piece out, maybe I could make some progress.


  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    how about going to the gym before work? maybe even if its only 30 minutes of a workout?

    if you are able to get a regular workout in on a regular basis you may not find yourself being so tired but getting to that point wont happen over night.

    i have hypothyroidism and i currently dont take any meds to treat it. before i began working out daily i was always tired and spent most of my time laying around and napping a lot like a cat.

    i work 12 hour shifts and then go to the gym for about an hour afterwards. im able to sleep real good then :-D

    good luck and i hope you find a way to get a good workout
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    I know that guilt feeling if i don't get up and exercise on a regular basis, i feel worse and more tired. Do you have any time in the morning? Maybe get up a half hour early and do a dvd or something? I find if i exercise early in the morning i am pumped for the day but if it gets past like 2 or 3pm i start telling myself i will just do it tomorrow. I did that today and finally at 8:30pm i forced myself up and out to the pool for an hour. Then did a few min of wii. it wasn't alot but better then not doing anything at all. Also i have heard that doing 10 spurts of exercise works so maybe a 10 min walk in the morning 20 min later in the day at least it will get you moving and every movement counts, even housework! wishing you much success:flowerforyou:
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    My husband and I used to go to the gym before we had a baby. It cost us both about a hundred dollars to go for a month. We found that we were only using the elliptical mostly and the hardest part was actually getting up and driving to the gym, not the 40 min. run or so on the elliptical. So, after the baby, we realized going to the gym would be even harder. We did the math and it made sense to just buy an elliptical for our home. I love it because I just have to force myself to put on tennis shoes, much less effort than getting dressed, driving to the gym, and driving home. Works for us!!
  • kellyblack
    kellyblack Posts: 25
    Thanks for all of the ideas everyone! I have thought about getting up earlier and going before work, but I'm not sure I'll do would mean getting up at 5 am or so...blech.

    I only pay $16/month for my gym membership so it's not too expensive. I decided today that I would put my workout clothes out on the bed before I left for work so that when I get home, they will be there waiting for me. I also added the exercise I will be doing to my exercise diary so I feel more committed to doing it. I'll let you know how this works out! :smile:
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I have 1 day during the week I am at the gym and in a 5:45 spin class, and it actually gives me energy to get through the day and I am get it over with and no excuses
  • kellyblack
    kellyblack Posts: 25
    Well folks, I did it! I made it to the gym and although I had to cut it short due to time constraints, I did a full 1/2 hour of exercise. :happy:
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    When I'm really tired, I make a bargain with myself, something like, "Okay, I know you're tired, but let's try to get at least one 6-minute circuit of the 30 Day Shred done. Then, if you're still tired, you can stop." Funny thing is, I always end up finishing the workout. By the time I'm almost done with the first circuit, I'm thinking, "You're a baby if you stop now! Twelve more minutes won't kill you!"

    Anyway, it works for me. I often have to force myself to JUST DO IT to get started. Then, once I start, I realize how much better I'm going to feel if I do the whole workout. And I always feel awesome. Sweaty, stinky, and jello-ish, but man are those endorphins worth it!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I have fibromyalgia so I have had a lot of experience with choosing to exercise or not when I am feeling crappy or tired. My rule for myself is to do 10 minutes of exercise and if, after 10 minutes, I STILL feel horrible then I can stop. Usually, I feel better after 10 minutes and can keep going through my full workout. Since I have been exercising on a daily basis (the past 2 months), I have much less pain and have WAY more energy, so I don't have to battle with myself as often as I used to.
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    You'll probably find that if you make yourself go even though you want to nap you'll feel better and have more energy for the rest of your evening. During the winter I had the same issue - just wanting to go home - but if I went I usually felt better and enjoyed it more then going home and cooking dinner ;-0
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Congratulations on making it to the gym!

    I often feel like that after work too and it's so hard to get motivated when you feel like that. I usually find some heavy duty cleaning to do or do something like sort out the spare room so I'm working but it's housework so it's useful.

    Would you be able to build some activity into your day like cycling to work, going for a walk at lunchtime or using the lift instead of the stairs? That way these things just become part of your life and normal everyday activities instead of feeling like a chore.

    Something that helps me is to join a club. My sister recently persuaded me to go to her running club. Now I've never been able to run properly, 10 minutes kills me, but I'm learning and the support and friendship I get there makes me want to go back.
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    It's great to have a few tricks up your sleeve. Bottom line is once you get started (as I see you have), it gets easier. I got sick and stoped for a whole week, it was back to "forcing" myself and bargaining but after 2-3 days, I looked forward to it again. It's also great to be accountable to a buddy or a group.

    So, I don't have teenagers YET but an hour away from them won't hurt anyone. Give them some chores to do and put yourself first. They'll appreciate that lesson when they become adults with responsibilities.
  • kellyblack
    kellyblack Posts: 25
    Hey everyone: I made it to the gym again yesterday--woo hoo! I'm going to do a half hour walk (uphill) at work today, so that will be my workout today...
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    My husband and I used to go to the gym before we had a baby. It cost us both about a hundred dollars to go for a month. We found that we were only using the elliptical mostly and the hardest part was actually getting up and driving to the gym, not the 40 min. run or so on the elliptical. So, after the baby, we realized going to the gym would be even harder. We did the math and it made sense to just buy an elliptical for our home. I love it because I just have to force myself to put on tennis shoes, much less effort than getting dressed, driving to the gym, and driving home. Works for us!!

    I absolutely go with your posting. I didn't buy an elliptical though, I bought a treadmill and also a piece of toning equipment. It's been invaluable to say the least because I can train on it when I otherwise wouldn't be able to get to the gym.