Anyone here not count calories at all?



  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    When I was new at this I counted every day, but after a while sporadically. I get frustrated with logging daily. I try to log thru the week and if life gets really busy I don't worry about it for the day. I have regular calorie counts down pretty good now after doing this for over a year. However, I have recently decided to try and get even healthier and have begun eating "cleaner". Since I am changing things up, I am back to trying to count daily for a while until I learn what's- what.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I'm not counting, but I am logging what I eat. I try to focus on my body's cues--eat when hungry, stop when satisfied. And I try to really enjoy everything I eat.

    No more eating just because I have calories (or WW points) left, and definitely no eating X, Y, or Z just because I think I "should."

    When I have a week where I feel good about my choices (i.e., a week in which I've really listened to my body), I tend to lose weight. So it's about at the same pace, or better, than when I was counting calories or WW points, but I feel so much healthier (emotionally) and am getting to know and love myself and my body through this process. (Pardon the cheese.)
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    In 2005 I lost 138pds and maintained it for 5 years had a baby, gained and decided to try this. Anyways in that time I never counted not one calorie, not one carb, not sugar, nothing. Just ate what I thought was right and the weight came off. 100 of those pds were lost in 1 year!
  • erbimages
    erbimages Posts: 13 Member
    I think as long as you already know how many "calories" things are and where you should be around is fine if you know your body and goals. I personally dont mind calories as much as getting a lot of protien in since Im building muscle and cutting bodyfat. 1- 1 1/2 grams per body pound for me.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I do count and log, simply to know what my calories ARE, but I absolutely never get up to my recommended calories eating tons of food so I guess I do count to make sure I'm eating enough but I don't really have to because I'm eating primal/low carb
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I guess I count calories, but admittedly, I don't think of it as counting so much as tracking. Counting, to me, seems obsessive. Tracking just keeps me from derailing.:ohwell:
  • Don't count at all. My body can feel when I'm eating the right foods and moving my body enough that the weight leaves. Also I feel more clear headed and cleaner when eating more natural and good foods, i.e veggies!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Dear Peach,
    I say this out of true concern for you. If you have a digestive/absorbtion problem with your GI, I think it's even more important that you very accurately track what you eat to make sure you're getting enough of the nutrients you need to be healthy. Please see a dietician/doctor to help determine what foods you should be eating and in what quantity. I"m sure you're tired of everyone telling you what to eat and what not to eat and just want to be normal, like everyone else. But until you get your GI functional, you're always going to have issues. Treat your medical condition before trying to lose weight, okay sweetie? <3
  • terilou87
    terilou87 Posts: 328 Member
    i have my calories on but i pay more attention to protein and keeping carbs low it is working so far.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I've been counting almost every day since July 2012, minus 2 months that i was on the road and camping and it's hard to track in the middle of the woods lol. (i was also hiking a lot every day which took a bit of the stress off making sure i was at a deficit)

    I have a feeling I will probably have to track calories for the rest of my life. I may not need to measure everything, as I am learning what the"right" portion sizes are, but for me, if I don't have a running tally of where i am, even approximately, I will find it impossible to know "can I have one more snack? did I eat to maintenance already today or do I have room in my caloric budget?" and if I am not sure? I will eventually end up pushing the limit until I go too far.

    Tracking calories may be time/energy consuming, but for me, if that's the effort i need to put in to get to and stay at a healthy weight, I am more than happy to do it.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I do not count calories at all, I try not to eat complete garbage and work out hard all the time.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I don't know why but I tend to cheat when I count calories I don't know why, I eat healthier when I dont...
  • I do count. If I don't count my calories I tend to over-eat. I stopped counting calories and using the myfitnesspal app and ended up gaining about 12 pounds. For me it's really a battle over what to eat and not to eat! I have to get into the right mindset and counting my calories lets me know exactly how much I need!
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I guess I count calories, but admittedly, I don't think of it as counting so much as tracking. Counting, to me, seems obsessive. Tracking just keeps me from derailing.:ohwell:

  • Amy11108
    Amy11108 Posts: 74
    I've been counting almost every day since July 2012, minus 2 months that i was on the road and camping and it's hard to track in the middle of the woods lol. (i was also hiking a lot every day which took a bit of the stress off making sure i was at a deficit)

    I have a feeling I will probably have to track calories for the rest of my life. I may not need to measure everything, as I am learning what the"right" portion sizes are, but for me, if I don't have a running tally of where i am, even approximately, I will find it impossible to know "can I have one more snack? did I eat to maintenance already today or do I have room in my caloric budget?" and if I am not sure? I will eventually end up pushing the limit until I go too far.

    Tracking calories may be time/energy consuming, but for me, if that's the effort i need to put in to get to and stay at a healthy weight, I am more than happy to do it.

    Me too. I asked my therapist once "will I have to count calories forever?!" and he responded "look at it this way, you will need to monitor your health the rest of your life".