Training for a 5K

Hello Everyone! I am very excited this year because I have entered my first 5K. I have been using a app on my phone to help me gradually work my way up to running the entire 5K. The thing I am struggling with is what do other people do when the weather is bad and they can't run outside? I do not have a gym membership, and because I live in such a nice area for recreation I really don't want one. I will get one though if it is my only option. Please help!


  • lcoll12
    lcoll12 Posts: 2
    Actually, unless it is terrible out, it is good to run in all weather. Never know what it will be like on race day.
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    *IF* i were you and there were scheduled times you run but you can't get outside...I would do a workout indoors like a workout/aerobics video (there are a lot on youtube). That way you are still doing something aerobic, but it isn't dreadful like running in place.

    Best of luck w your training!
  • laurieagain09
    laurieagain09 Posts: 183 Member
    I like to run outdoors over anything indoors. But, if the weather is bad or when I am inside with my kiddo I like to do work out videos (Jillian) or indoor biking or treadmill. However, I have found that I can still enjoy running in bad weather as long as it isn't terrible and I am dressed appropriately.
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    There actually is a training for 5k, which is couch to 5k. I have not done that workout before but I do know a lot of people do it. I have done several 5k. You should get used to running in any weather because like someone said, you have no idea what the weather will be like.
  • chrissysue
    chrissysue Posts: 85 Member
    First congratulations on making the decision to enter! I keep saying I want to ....but have not done it. May I ask what app you are using. I agree with what others have said about running in all weather types. As for the gym membership some gyms offer a drop in option. Could be rather expensive though. I know the gym I work at charges non-members $10 for the use of the facility.
    Good luck to you on your journey!
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    Is there such a thing as "training" for a 5k? Isn't that like "training" to brush your teeth? You train for marathon. A 5k you just do.

    If you have never run before you do need to train hence the popularity of the C25K programmes
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    I am also wanting to train for my 1st 5k at the end of May! i am going to start jogging with a co-worker who is a long time runner who will give me some pointers... and she just told me to dress appropriately for the weather and run in all weathers outside (thankfully it's getting nicer here now, but still quite chilly - so she suggested I wear pants/leggings, a breathable jacket or light sweatshirt, cheap gloves and a baseball hat for sun/rain (oh and lip balm)
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    When the weather is bad and I can't run outside... I run outside anyway. :) I live in Canada, and I've been running in -25C weather (that's -13F!). You just have to have the right clothing/equipment - I layer sweatpants over running tights when it's too cold, wear warm wool socks, ice grippers if it's slippery, layer a tshirt under a sweatshirt, a rain jacket if it's raining, a baseball cap to keep the rain off your face, a hat to cover your ears, gloves or mittens, and you're good to go!
  • dbratton87
    dbratton87 Posts: 55 Member
    Is there such a thing as "training" for a 5k? Isn't that like "training" to brush your teeth? You train for marathon. A 5k you just do.

    What a jerk. Some of us are really overweight or out of shape and could not dream of just solid running a 5k without working up to it. That comment was really unnecessary. Why rub in our faces that we can't do what most people can? I could never run a whole 5k without training. I can barely complete day 1 of the C25K program, which consists of running 30-90 second intervals.
  • You might consider buying a used treadmill. I also like someone else's suggestion of using workout DVDs.

    P.S. To schmoony, as others have pointed out, you are a jerk and you're also just wrong. I'm 5'6'', 137 lbs, and exercise about twice a week, yet I have just started a couch 2 5K program because I have never been a runner.
  • Ashsmith07
    Ashsmith07 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm also training for my first 5k, and I agree that it's best to try and get out and run in any kind of weather. Having the right clothes to run in makes a huge difference for me. On colder days I love under armor, keeps you nice and warm!
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Is there such a thing as "training" for a 5k? Isn't that like "training" to brush your teeth? You train for marathon. A 5k you just do.

    Hmm. I think that's just mean.
    There was a time I could not jog to my mailbox at the end of my driveway (three car lengths). I couldn't breathe and would actually get a stitch. Then, I did Couch to 5K, and ultimately ran my first (and only, due to a couple of injuries) 5K race. I have to tell you, I was on top of world that day. Planning to get back to it, and will, indeed, need to build back up to a 5K. I am certainly not out of shape, like I once was, but I know I cannot just put down this laptop and 'go for a run.'
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    Is there such a thing as "training" for a 5k? Isn't that like "training" to brush your teeth? You train for marathon. A 5k you just do.

    For someone new to running, someone who couldn't walk 5k prior to making health and fitness changes in their lives, you absolutely have to train for a 5k. Even if someone is starting out in relatively good shape, if training for a 5k gives them a focus and a goal it should be encouraged and supported – not treated with condescension.
  • bbharris1126
    bbharris1126 Posts: 2 Member
    Is there such a thing as "training" for a 5k? Isn't that like "training" to brush your teeth? You train for marathon. A 5k you just do.
    That was really rude!! Not everyone can just start off running 3.1 miles. I know I can't! My first 5k is in November. I am starting my training now! I have never ran before, no way I could get out there and "just do" one.
    OP-try to find a local walking track that is indoors! Maybe a community center? Or some gyms have a discounted thing for only the walking track! Not outside but still better than the treadmill!
  • taylorckt1
    taylorckt1 Posts: 263 Member
    I am also training for my first 5K...Like you, I don't have a gym membership and the weather has been very bad BUT I still get out there and walk/jog...I just layer up and keep it moving. When it is just too cold, I do the videos by Leslie Sansone 1 mile, 2 mile, 3 mile, & 5 miles and modify so that I am jogging the majority of the time.

    Hope this helps :smile:
  • shiremom69
    shiremom69 Posts: 104 Member
    Is there such a thing as "training" for a 5k? Isn't that like "training" to brush your teeth? You train for marathon. A 5k you just do.

    not nice
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    bumping to read later. I'm also working on running and I all too often go to the gym and run inside when the weather sucks because I'm kind of being a pansy about the weather. But, I need to learn how to run in all conditions, so these tips (as far as appropriate layering, etc) is helpful to me.

    PS. Schmoony, you're a jerk. I consider myself fairly fit, but I have always had a hard time with running. Always. I have to train to run. I guess we can't all be as "awesome" as you and "just do" a 5k.
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    There's also an app to help suggest what you can wear for different weather conditions:

    I usually agree with their suggestions, but after a while I kind of know how I want to dress for the weather. :)
  • What a jerk. Some of us are really overweight or out of shape and could not dream of just solid running a 5k without working up to it. That comment was really unnecessary. Why rub in our faces that we can't do what most people can? I could never run a whole 5k without training. I can barely complete day 1 of the C25K program, which consists of running 30-90 second intervals.

    Trust me, there are tons of people out there who aren't even overweight and can't run a 5K. Running a 5K is an accomplishment that you can celebrate that a vast amount of the population cannot. Don't let anyone bring you down who thinks otherwise.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    As a rule, I will run outdoors in any weather that doesn't threaten my well being. I won't run in lightening and I don't usually run late May-late September (I live in New Orleans and am very susceptible to heat exhaustion/heat stroke). Otherwise, I run in cold and rain. I think definitely see if your community has an indoor track – maybe a local high school or community college? YMCA?