Tired of being big

my little sister has a beautiful body,i like it,im so jealous of her.im so fat,so huge bt its time to change,i want my sexy body back,ooh and i miss it.Nid sme motivation,need to hear sucesful stories,feel free to share.


  • chezzielou1984
    I have a slim sister too and I know how you feel. I hate shopping with her because she goes into shops that do not even stock my size.

    However, Firstly - You are not your sister!! You are you. Everybody is diffrent, it would be a boring world if we were.
    Secondly - If that is you in your profilre picture you are not huge.

    Why don't you try this for inspiration, it is working for me:
    Get a pen and a peice of paper. Sit down in a quiet place and think about all the reasons why you want to lose weight.
    Then look on the internet for all the health implications to being overweight and write them down to.

    When you are feeling de-motivated read them and think about why you started this journey in the first place.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you need support and encouragement.

    I hope this helps xx
  • Matholo425
    Matholo425 Posts: 45 Member
    Thnx,im gonna take your advice.il add you
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    my little sister has a beautiful body,i like it,im so jealous of her.im so fat,so huge bt its time to change,i want my sexy body back,ooh and i miss it.Nid sme motivation,need to hear sucesful stories,feel free to share.

    My older sister is absolutely GORGEOUS. Drop dead gorgeous, hot, she models, she is a size 2, hourglass figure, little boobs and a big *kitten*. It makes me nuts, because I am much bigger than her and I got stuck with huge boobs and hardly any *kitten*. We joke about it all the time but really, it's not a joke how horrible it makes me feel.

    Just be reassured by the fact that you're here, and that you're on this journey. You'll get there, and as someone else said, you are NOT your sister. :)
  • red103112
    red103112 Posts: 20
    .I have the same situation with my sister in law, I love her to death but she's one of those women who makes every other woan around her take a MAJOR hit to their self esteem and she doesn't even notice it. She's perfectly proportioned like she was sculpted and has been a magical unicorn through all of her pregnancies, tiny and still sporting 6 inch heels. It's definitely hard having someone like that around when you're losing weight but remember you had the strenght to start doing this for yourself and you have the strenght to see it through!
  • carriej82
    carriej82 Posts: 123 Member
    My sister is also a size 0... we were just pregnant together. while I was well into maternity pants she went to the store at 6 months pg and bought size 3 pants. it was so frustrating when she was 3 months postpartum and was wearing her regular pants again and here I sit 50lbs heavier than I was before getting pregnant. I was eating healthy and working out 5 times a week when I was pregnant but I couldn't stop the weight gain. it was so frustrating. It is hard to not compare yourself to others and especially when it is family. I will lose this weight and feel better about myself. it will take a while but I will do it. I did it before.

    I look at my sister and she has awful teeth... like lots of dental problems. so I tell myself she got the good metabolism I got the good teeth :) it helps :)
  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    Sounds like your sister may be resistant to Lipoprotein lipase. It is one of the main reasons why people stay thin regardless of diet vs the commonly assumed good metabolism. This could be a risk factor for her though, she can still be subject to the various metabolic syndromes and will never be told she is unhealthy until it is too late because she stays thin.

    I have been studying biochemistry and nutrition for many years, happy to help if you need it.