I can't drink enough water!

emalay Posts: 159 Member
OK...I know the importance of drinking water and I consider myself an educated smart girl but for some reason I am down right stupid when it comes to getting my 8 glasses of water in a day!!
Sometimes I look at the clock and it is 2pm in the afternoon and all I've consumed is 2 cups of coffee, AWFUL!
Anyone have any tips or tricks that I could use to help me in my quest to drink more water?


  • kalebsmama07
    kalebsmama07 Posts: 503
    try to have a water bottle full IN YOUR HANDS all day long or directly rite in front of you like on your lap or on ur desk in front of your computer so that way you have no choice but to drink a sip eventually it will become second nature and a habit to sipping on water all day! good luck thats what i do!
  • Kmill217
    Kmill217 Posts: 204
    2 cups of water with every meal.

    Its freakin clockwork......WHY?

    because you should be eating every 2-4 hours. In my case I eat every 3 hours.....


    Thus consuming roughly 12 cups of water a day.......

    Plenty for normal daily intake, and compensation of daily activity/workouts.....


    Eat often
    Drink Often
    = weight loss success

    easy peasy
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    2 cups of water with every meal.

    Its freakin clockwork......WHY?

    because you should be eating every 2-4 hours. In my case I eat every 3 hours.....


    Thus consuming roughly 12 cups of water a day.......

    Plenty for normal daily intake, and compensation of daily activity/workouts.....


    Eat often
    Drink Often
    = weight loss success

    easy peasy

    Its all well and good saying this, however in my job I'm lucky if I get 5 seconds to pee never mind to eat every 2-3 hours.

    My water also gets pushed by the wayside most days, but I guess its a case of changing your habits so it becomes second nature rather than a chore :D Good luck
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    What works for me since I sit at a computer all day at work is I bring in a 2.5 gallon jug of water and make sure to fill my water bottle at least twice a day.
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    The advice above is also what I'd recommend. In addition, keep the 3 oz paper cups in your bathroom. Every time you go into the bathroom, drink 3 cups of water. Each should be slightly less than full but by drinking 3 you should still get about 8 oz.
    Good Luck!!
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    There are 64oz. jugs that you can buy at the store, they are very nice, they come with a handle and a drinking spout. Fill it with water and flavor it with an extract. Extract comes in many different flavors such as: Strawberry, cherry, blueberry, lemon, mint, almond, if you can imagine it they probably have it! It just takes a few drops in 64oz. of water. If you'd like you can add a tsp or even tbsp of your favorite sweetner. One spoon of sugar or a packet of equal is "nothing" in 64oz. of water. But it sure makes it taste better and you'll sip on it all day with meals and in between. Give it a try!:flowerforyou:
  • mrsw510
    mrsw510 Posts: 169
    keep a bottle of water on your desk at work. If its right in front of you, you are more likely to use it.
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    I have this same problem. I've tried to set mini-goals for myself...drinking at least 2 bottles of water before lunch, etc. Recently, since I've been getting up so early, I've been trying to drink 2 cups before I go to work. Having the water bottle in front of me at work doesn't always help :( I also usually have water with dinner instead of milk, beer, pop, or anything else. It's definitely something that doesn't come naturally to me - I have to really focus on getting enough water!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Every single morning on the way to work I take a 16 ounce bottle of water and drink it in the car. I do not get out of the car until I have drank the entire bottle.

    I fill that bottle up several times a day and drink it t my desk.

    I fill it up before I leave and drink it on the way home.

    It has become a habit!
  • greeneyes82
    greeneyes82 Posts: 318 Member
    I drink 8 oz right after I get up to take my medicine. Then I keep a 24 oz water bottle on my desk which I finish before lunch. Then I have 16 oz during lunch since we go to the gym & get a quick workout. My husband & I usually flavor our lunch time water. Then I fill the bottle back up when I go to the gym after work which gives me 9 for the day. :wink: Sometimes, when I get home, I will fix a big glass of water with a grape flavored mix & put crushed ice it it! It's almost like a slushie! Tasty!!:bigsmile:
  • mishiny
    mishiny Posts: 6
    I know it's not "eco-friendly" but I buy bottled water at BJ's. 7.00 for 28 of the 24oz bottles so its very cheap and I do recycle :) But that's the only way I can make myself drink enough water. I set goals for myself. At 9am if I havent finished my first bottle I force myself to down it and grab another. Same at 10am and noon. By noon each day I have consumed 9 glasses of water so the bottle I drink at the gym that night is just extra. Luckily the ladies room is 5 feet outside my office. Anyway, COLD and bottled is the only way I can do it. Room temp faucet water is gross to me.

    Another thing you can do is find a flavor or crystal light you like. I am hooked on Pomegranate Cherry or Pink Lemonade. There are some good tea packets out there too!
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    This is why I love this website....the members are so darn helpful! Love all the ideas and will implement them starting 2day!!
    It's 9am and I've downed 2 glasses so far....oh and i forgot now I'll have to pee every hour with all this water intake...but it's worth the payoff:laugh: !!
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    I keep two 20 oz Aquafina bottles at work and rotate them every day using the filtered water/ ice dispensers we have. I drink 3 of them while I'm at work (half of one with my lunch) and then take a fourth home with me and bring that bottle when I go to work again in the morning and repeat! That right there is 10 cups, plus I start my day by drinking at least a cup of water, and then whatever I feel like drinking after I get home.

    The thing that stinks is that I used to drive a shuttle and deliver packages where I work but now I'm stuck in an office all day...which is alot less motivating for drinking all that. Feels like I have to run to the bathroom twice as much! :grumble:

    Oh also, try to start your day with at least a cup of water - it's supposed to get your organs jump started and moving for the day. That might help with the desire to drink more.
  • MissKaay
    MissKaay Posts: 25
    Make yourself drink one when you wake up, after breakfast, around lunch, dinner, and two after a workout and one before bed. If you make it your only drink, its much easiar.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I have a 24 oz. bottle and I try to drink at least one during when I work out, one at each meal and my minimum for the day is 120 oz, so 15 cups of water. I hardly ever go to bed if I haven't gotten to at least 12 cups.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I combine my water intake with the need to get away from my desk every hour. I drink about a cup an hour, and that way I get up from my desk every 2 hours to refill my bottle (I never let it sit empty). I also get the benefit of having to potty about every 30-60 mins which provides another break from my desk.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    I also bought a 32 oz pretty pink water bottle, I can't live without it now. I left it at a friend's house and I was lost! I sometimes squeeze fresh lemon into it and add a drop of Stevia (natural sweetener). The key is to try and increase a bit at a time then you will make it a habit.
  • CharleneM
    CharleneM Posts: 64 Member
    I bought a small THERMOS brand thermos. It is the size of a water bottle that you fill up.You can take the top off and drink out of the lid or you can leave it on and hit a button and it flips open. It also has a little wire hinge thing to put over the button to keep it from opening up in your bag or purse. I fill it up with ice whenever I leave the house. If I am going shopping, I fill it with ice and water, if i am going to work, I fill it with just ice and fill it with water when I start drinking water for the day. Somtimes it takes me awhile to get motivated to do so, but my water is ALWAYS ice cold. The ice sometimes lasts over 24 hours if I fill it up......

    I am not a water drinker, can't stand it. I would never drink it if it weren't for my baby THERMOS. I got it at Fred Meyer in the thermos dept. They range from $14.99 - $19.99

    Good Luck!!! Keep drinking!!!
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    I'm a teacher with no planning during the day. I pee before 1st period, at lunch, and at the end of the day. There's no time during the 4 minute class changes. As a result, over 20 years of teaching, I don't drink nearly enough. I'm lucky to drink 3-4 cups a day. And I can't count coffee or milk, right? Any thoughts? I try to remember to drink at every class change, but always have 8th graders clamuoring for attention and forget. At 2-3 o'clock I'll realize I've drunk NO water, even with lunch. Then it's hard to cram it all in by the end of the day. I'm going to try to post a reminder on my board and see if my students will help me out. Any other ideas?
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    Happy to report that I've managed to drink 64 oz of water two days in a row...and I'm well on my way to the third day! I found two coleman camping bottles that hold 32 oz each. I drink better from a glass, so I keep pouring and keep drinking. Just hoping I can keep doing it once I go back to school on Monday. Wish me luck!