Binge eater w/ 100+ to lose & trying to eat Gluten free

Geez, when I put it like that I sounds like a hot mess. I guess I kind of am. Anyway....I'm seeking some new friends! I'm a diagnosed binge eater with quite a bit to lose. I also get migraines and I know that they are food related, it's been suggested that I have a problem with gluten so I'm trying to go gluten free (and I wont lie, struggling every step of the way). I'd really love some new MFP friends who understand binge eating, who have a lot to lose (or have lost a lot), or can offer good GF suggestions or just support in general. Thanks much!


  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    Bump...Cause you're already my pal, but I'm not on here as much as I'd like, to be as supportive as I'd like. :-)

    Binge eating bites. I carry it with me even though I've come a very long way from what it once meant to me. It may always be the beast in the dark corner for me, but it doesn't control my life anymore. ((Hug))
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    I'm grateful for your support either way. Thanks for the bump and for being here.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I have been battling this for quite a while now and try most of the time to be gluten free so you can definitely add me because I have been there done that.
  • _Fatty2Fitty_
    _Fatty2Fitty_ Posts: 150 Member
    Im a current binge eater with over 50lbs to lose!! Eugh......its so horrible! No matter how much you know its wrong to feel fat, look fat feel like crap, you just still can help but do it!

    Feel free to add me! Today I have managed to have a binge free day! Im am starting to do spiking, where I eat 100 cals less than my BMR for 6 days of the week and then one day I eat 1.5 times my BMR! Hopefully this works!
  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    Try and get the blood test first!!

    I diagnosed myself as gluten intolerant and have been gluten free now for over 8 months (it gets easier, I promise). Because my stomach has been bothering me again I FINALLY went to a GI and we're going to do the blood test. But now I have to eat A LOT of gluten for the next three weeks so that if I'm a celiac, my body will build enough antibodies to show up on the screening. The problem? I might be really sick for the next three weeks, I could do irreversible damage to my body, I'm afraid of gaining weight, and three weeks might not be long enough to get an accurate results. Regardless of what the test says, if I feel super sick in these three weeks I'll quit gluten all over again.

    So it's WAY EASIER to get checked before you go gluten free. If you can! I couldn't because of insurance/finances but if you can swing it do it now! It will make your life SO much easier!
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    Thanks Spindigo1. You're the first person to suggest getting the blood test first. I have new insurance...and quite frankly, I don't trust it. It's just not great. I don't want to say it's not an option but there'd be some serious bills for it I think.
  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks Spindigo1. You're the first person to suggest getting the blood test first. I have new insurance...and quite frankly, I don't trust it. It's just not great. I don't want to say it's not an option but there'd be some serious bills for it I think.

    Yes, I feel your pain. If you can't swing it, you can't swing it and that's that. The tests aren't hugely accurate, anyway! Maybe make a short term goal like 2 weeks gluten free and then reevaluate how you're feeling.
  • daniellebfit
    daniellebfit Posts: 91 Member
    I have been eating a more plant based whole foods diet and I am amazed that I have basically been binge free since the first of the year. If you can swing it consider some talk therapy - this also helped me. Minute by minute!
  • Madaly320
    Madaly320 Posts: 112 Member
    I also get bad migraines as a result of Celiac Disease, so I am gluten free, I also suggest getting bloodwork done, although it is not ALWAYS accurate, Mine came back negative but biopsy showed damage. Add me if you like :)
  • cviertha
    cviertha Posts: 32
    I am choosing to eat gluten free. Eating gluten free is relatively new to me and this is what I've found over the past 8 months: Ezekiel 4:9 bread is my friend. I only eat that and only one slice toasted in the morning. I would suggest to eat one whole scrambled egg and 2-3 eggwhites with that. I have been overweight most of my life but the past 3 years have taken me down 110 pounds, I regained about 40 to stress/binge eating and am on my way back down again.
    I don't remember why you said you were going gluten free but I am doing it to "eat clean." I try to get 40 minutes of cardio 4 days a week and lift weights 3 times a week. Respond back if you think I may have more to share with you.
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    I am choosing to eat gluten free. Eating gluten free is relatively new to me and this is what I've found over the past 8 months: Ezekiel 4:9 bread is my friend. I only eat that and only one slice toasted in the morning. I would suggest to eat one whole scrambled egg and 2-3 eggwhites with that. I have been overweight most of my life but the past 3 years have taken me down 110 pounds, I regained about 40 to stress/binge eating and am on my way back down again.
    I don't remember why you said you were going gluten free but I am doing it to "eat clean." I try to get 40 minutes of cardio 4 days a week and lift weights 3 times a week. Respond back if you think I may have more to share with you.

    Ezekiel bread is NOT gluten free. Although better than traditional white or whole wheat bread, it is not at all suitable for those with gluten insensitivities or celiac's (just wanted to clarify that in case anyone with gluten issues goes to try it!)
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    I am gluten free, and happy to help! Feel free to add me.
  • MissKris14
    MissKris14 Posts: 65 Member
    I've got BED and I've managed to lose almost 50 lbs. I definitely know how hard it is losing weight. Unlike those who are addicted to cigarettes or alcohol, you can't just completely cut out food. This site has helped me a lot. I find myself much more in control when I'm tracking my foods, and it helps prevent me from binging.

    Unlike others on this site, who advocate eating whatever you want as long as you stay within your calorie/macro goals, I find that I cannot eat a lot of foods otherwise I will binge like crazy. I can't eat just one cookie, or one slice of pizza. Therefore, even though I can't cut out food entirely, I have cut out a lot of trigger foods, and this helps a lot.

    I think going gluten-free will also help. When I noticed that my binges mainly involved high-gluten products, I drastically cut my gluten intake, and I've noticed that the urge to binge has lessened quite a bit. Also, BED is often related to other psychological issues. When I went back on my depression medication, I binged a lot less.

    Good luck to you, I definitely know what you're going through. I'll add you for support!
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Reducing (but not eliminating) gluten in my diet has cut my migraines drastically. Other food triggers I have are excess caffeine and red food dye.
  • dollylohaze
    Im new here, and im gluten free too :) and dairy free. Been gf/df as of nearly 3 weeks ago. Its a great excuse to eat clean, and I've found its easiest just to stay away from the free-from aisles in the shops and simply eat naturally gluten free foods. Its also reduced my appetite and cravings, which is a miracle, coz binging is something im prone to as well. Wheat really isn't great for the human body! It raises your blood sugar more than actual sugar does, its no wonder we crave it. Make sure you check everything you buy for hidden gluten, I've been 'glutened' a couple times by unsuspecting things like soy sauce! You can do it :) the body feels so much better when all that stuff isn't clogging up your system.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    feel free to add me...ive lost 184 pounds....and while not diagnosed i certainly binged in the past. :)
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I do not have gluten intolerance but I can understand binges. I always binged because I was restricting something in my diet. Is it possible to just eat the things you want in moderation while counting calories and get the binging under control before cutting out gluten.

    Removing gluten is going to cut out a good amount of foods and may trigger binges. I'm not an expert and not telling you not to remove gluten eventually if it would help you. Baby steps. Good luck!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Definite binge eater and 10 days free from a binge.
  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    FR sent! I have struggled with binge eating, especially when my depression is not well controlled. I have 106 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. I don't have an issue with gluten (I don't think), so I'm not much help there.
  • MoniMoni2u
    MoniMoni2u Posts: 211 Member
    I am gluten-free by doctor's suggestion although my test results do not indicate Celiacs (my biopsy was fine.) I've been gluten free since January 8th and have done pretty well...except for one episode which was also a binge episode.

    I am not diagnosed as a binger but I have a problem with particular foods which can very well be considered trigger foods.

    I am a 47 year old wife and mom who needs to lose 77 - 100 pounds. I have lost more than 25 of that already,

    This isn't easy. As a matter of fact, I cyle back and forth between dieting and then maintaining. I diet for 7-9 weeks and then I maintain for 7 - 9 weeks. repeat. For now, it's working. I'm maintaining right now. Still eating Gluten-Free but have upped my calories and am allowing myself some treats in there. Right or wrong. I'm 28 pounds lighter than I was a year ago and for me that is success. I'm doing this for the long-haul. I hope this time is my last "big" weight-loss journey. I can handle the thought of dieting to lose a few extra pounds but I don't want to have to look at 77 - 100 EVER again! :)