Endomorph Meal Plans



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    As this thread has been resurrected, I thought it would be good to clarify that somatotypes (endo, ecto, mesomorphs) have nothing to do with muscularity or what food you should or should not be eating - they are related to bone structure.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    As this thread has been resurrected, I thought it would be good to clarify that somatotypes (endo, ecto, mesomorphs) have nothing to do with muscularity or what food you should or should not be eating - they are related to bone structure.

    I'm a Ecto-Meso-Endo. I know you can't spot reduce but how can I reduce the fat in my stomach?
  • bg192905
    bg192905 Posts: 68 Member
    The thought process of calories in vs calories out has not worked for me. My body simply stops shedding the pounds. I tried this two years ago and hit a plateau that lasted eight weeks and caused me to give up. All of my test are clear and normal. So whats the trick?! Has to be more than calories in and calories out.
  • sociologywoman
    sociologywoman Posts: 24 Member
    I can't agree with the people who say it's all voodoo....what works for ONE person is not necessarily going to work for another person. I have battled weight all my life. I would classify myself as the typical endomorph, stalky/thick, I put on muscle quickly and find it difficult to loose the fat. I have weighed as much as 285lbs, when I was younger...and had a stable weight at about 175 for a long time and people would never guess me that much.

    Over the past few years, my weight has creeped up to 221 (current), again, yes, I'm overweight but people still don't guess me that much. I've had an INCREDIBLY difficult time loosing weight! I consider myself the human guinea pig...I"m willing to try anything and everything. What once worked for my body to loose weight isn't today.

    I did the Whole 30 program, which eliminates everything but lean protein meats, veggies/fruit, nuts and healthy fats. Challenging yes. I saw no weight loss on this, regardless of all the things eliminated, I however, find myself feeling better overall! I also exercise between 5-6 days a week....I love cycling, weight training, yoga, and general cardio. I was also starting the Insanity Program.

    I'm still not seeing results. I should preface that I am also hypothyroid and take Synroid for this...Might be time to revisit the doctor but I new this was going to be a challenge.

    Regardless. I started doing a restrictive diet approach, 1200 a day, ...that still didn't produce weight loss, I then started lowering my carb intake. I still haven't seen weight loss but did feel less bloated etc!

    After doing more research on endomorph diet, I'm going to give this a shot and see how my body responds. I've decided to up my daily caloric intake to 1600 cals, with the majority from proteins and fats and limited carbs.

    Again, not all people and their bodies respond the same....some are just saying on there less in more out...but again, that doesn't always work for everyone. I have competed in several Warrior Dashes, 5ks, 10ks, cycling during the summer, kayaking, hiking etc...in addition to gym time, so it's not to say that everyone is just lazy or not putting in enough exercise.

    I have been researching and studying nutrition since I was 19 and weighed 285lbs...I'm 36 now, and certainly there is a ton of information and a TON of conflicting information out there about "fads", "diets", etc...if science actually had an answer and cure for it, we wouldn't have the obesity rates we do today, nor would be have the billion dollar industry for "weight loss" that exists. Its a matter of finding what works for you....and that, in all honesty might just take a lot of trial an error.

    With that said, if you think something might work...give it a shot and move forward. The one thing I had to be though was 100% honest with myself about my food and exercise... I am a sugar/food addict...however, I've come to a place of serenity regarding food...which is now solely fuel for me,...and not an emotional connection. This is hard for some, since then you cheat and are not honest with yourself about it.

    I went through a lot of food testing and found I was sensitive to gluten, wheat, dairy, and have eliminated those from my diet...which I feel better for (and have found some pre existing issues disappear).....you would think that alone would have caused at least a 10-15lb drop, but not so much luck for me. So I will continue to explore possibilities as I try to figure out on a very cellular and internal issue what is going on with my body.

    I can HONESTLY say it's not because of my diet...simply because I eat the most clean I have ever eaten now than I ever have in my entire 36 years.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    It IS that simple. Eat less than TDEE and more than BMR. You will lose weight.
  • The most important thing anyone should remember is stop looking for others for a solution for you! Look within, this is where the true wisdom comes from. No one knows you like you do. If you listen to what your body is telling you then you will succeed. When you start eating proper foods for you will fuel your body, you will gain more energy and exercise will come naturally because your body will tell you get up off that couch. Just open up your mind and start paying attention to all the clues your body is giving you and stop using excuses or trying to find a magic pill.
  • There's a lot that needs to be considered during dieting...Ughhh, I hate that word! I just want to say that the foods that we feed our bodies can make a difference. I can eat a 1500 calorie diet of chicken and fish and drop the weight. However, if I eat a 1500 calorie diet with ground beef MY BODY has a hard time metabolizing it. STRESS and HORMONES can play a HUGE factor. You need to know you and what effects YOU! Be certain to keep your food journal...if you hit a rut go back and find a time when you were doing well and repeat those same meals Remembering that when we're having a bad day full of STRESS...exercise releases good endorphins that help combat that stress/depression!
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Ill take some voodoo nonsense if it means I can meet my goal LOL =)

    Why ask for advice on the topic, and then quickly shoot down the only logical answers in here. By definition I am considered an "Endo/Meso", but it literally makes no difference what foods I eat, as long as i consistenly hit my macros and kill it in the gym. Just stay consistent, track your progress, and actually do some work and you'll see a change.
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    There's a lot that needs to be considered during dieting...Ughhh, I hate that word! I just want to say that the foods that we feed our bodies can make a difference. I can eat a 1500 calorie diet of chicken and fish and drop the weight. However, if I eat a 1500 calorie diet with ground beef MY BODY has a hard time metabolizing it. STRESS and HORMONES can play a HUGE factor. You need to know you and what effects YOU! Be certain to keep your food journal...if you hit a rut go back and find a time when you were doing well and repeat those same meals Remembering that when we're having a bad day full of STRESS...exercise releases good endorphins that help combat that stress/depression!

    This. It DOES make a difference. Not everybody is the same notwithstanding that TDEE minus 20% is a starting line for weight loss. My husband can feel energised on cakes and other rubbish foods; I don't. He hurtles about after Chinese food; I mainline water and sleep. He feels hungry if he doesn't eat half a loaf of bread with a meal - I feel hungry if I DO... horses for courses as we say in the UK.

    I really appreciate the commonsense and tried and tested tips here; I glaze over at the snippy replies which neither educate nor illuminate.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Like everyone else is saying: calories in < calories out = weight loss. It's not easy, but it is simple. If you ahve plateaued for that long you probably aren't eating enough to allow your body to let go of weight. Definitely get your TDEE figured out as others have mentioned. It will greatly help you.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am not a patient person.

    this is what you need to work on!

    there are only 2 things you need to lose weight.... a calorie deficit and patience! regular exercsie helps as well though!
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    There's a lot that needs to be considered during dieting...Ughhh, I hate that word! I just want to say that the foods that we feed our bodies can make a difference. I can eat a 1500 calorie diet of chicken and fish and drop the weight. However, if I eat a 1500 calorie diet with ground beef MY BODY has a hard time metabolizing it. STRESS and HORMONES can play a HUGE factor. You need to know you and what effects YOU! Be certain to keep your food journal...if you hit a rut go back and find a time when you were doing well and repeat those same meals Remembering that when we're having a bad day full of STRESS...exercise releases good endorphins that help combat that stress/depression!

    This. It DOES make a difference. Not everybody is the same notwithstanding that TDEE minus 20% is a starting line for weight loss. My husband can feel energised on cakes and other rubbish foods; I don't. He hurtles about after Chinese food; I mainline water and sleep. He feels hungry if he doesn't eat half a loaf of bread with a meal - I feel hungry if I DO... horses for courses as we say in the UK.

    I really appreciate the commonsense and tried and tested tips here; I glaze over at the snippy replies which neither educate nor illuminate.

    I'm pretty sure you consider the snippy replies the ones that tell you soma types make no difference. No surprise.

    ... and I'm absolutely certain you have no idea what I consider to be the snippy replies.