Couch to 5k training

Hey all,

I am new to my fitness pal and to running. I have downloaded the app for a while now but find it very hard to complete. I just cant seem to run long enough or fast enough. My walking pace is way faster than my running pace. Its just so hard to explain to anyone how i feel when running. I just feel so awkward and think that everybody is looking at me so i just stop. I guess we all have to learn to run like we did for walking but i just dont think i have the technique needed.

So here i go again with the aim of starting my first run tomorrow and my new weight loss regime. I guess one of the main reasons for me to learn to run is also to lose the excess weight that i have put on over the last two years. In total i have 53 pounds to lose so i hope i can achieve both goals once and for all.

I guess the main reason why i am starting this page is to get support and encouragement from others who are in the same position as myself and who would love to learn to run and lose weight with me. I plan to use this forum to update ye on my successful runs with the couch to 5k app and my weekly weigh ins. I hope ye will join me on this adventure and post yere weight losses and running success too.

Hope to chat to ye soon.


  • tracivee
    tracivee Posts: 56 Member
    I've always HATED running, even in high school when I was athletic and skinny. Now that I'm WAY bigger, I decided to give running another try since I've got so much weight to lose. Last summer I started using the Couch to 5k app. After following it about a month, I was able to run 5 miles straight! And I began to love it!

    I'm with you in the "it feels awkward" department. Being so overweight, it was very difficult at first. And I wasn't running very fast...number 5 on the treadmill...but my running friends tell me speed comes with experience. My hips were KILLING me for the first week or so, but that went away too. Just make sure you get a good running shoe and concentrate on your form. You can do it!!! Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • candacedamour
    candacedamour Posts: 3 Member
    Shoes, shoes, shoes. They are so important, and not as expensive as you think. Find a specialty running store like Fleet Feet and go there. They will thoroughly examine your feet, map your callouses, and how you walk and recommend the best shoe. It makes all the difference in your legs and back with good shoes. I am also doing C25K and am running very slow, but it's consistently improving and speed will come with time. Just enjoy knowing your improving.
  • eloisemonteiro
    eloisemonteiro Posts: 59 Member
    I'm in the same boat, about to start next week (I injured my ankle so still have to wait one more week) , and def not a runner but hope to be one day, can barely run for one minute but that is the app about , right? Teach us to improve ourselves and be able to run a 5K.
    I'm super shy and ashamed of running outside, having other people looking at me and judging but I'm willing to give it a try and see what happens :)
  • Rissyroo513
    Rissyroo513 Posts: 79 Member
    I HATE running while I'm doing it but love it when I'm done. I completely understand what you mean about walking faster than you can run, my legs just don't seem to understand that concept. I've done Couch to 5k a few times. The first time it was all about endurance for me. I ignored the whole time piece and just worked on being able to "run" for as long as the time said. Once I got through that, I went back started over and then tried to work on the speed piece. It's frustrating because my roommate (who happens to be a guy with legs 6 inches longer than mine) could out pace me with no issues when I had been working so hard and thought I had made major improvements.

    My biggest advice, compete with yourself. Work on getting a little farther every day. Notice how much easier it is to get through every day of the same interval set and congratulate yourself for even doing it in the first place.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I just feel so awkward and think that everybody is looking at me so i just stop.
    I'm super shy and ashamed of running outside, having other people looking at me and judging

    The cool thing about running is that you're the one that's doing the running - not the people in their cars or looking out their windows. Maybe they're the ones that feel awkward because they could be out running and aren't. Being active is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • Hungryhippo1987
    Hungryhippo1987 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks tracivee. I have jst added you.

    My running is also done on a treadmill and i am always wondering what speed i should be using. When you same 5 is that 5 miles or 5km?

    Are you still running since last summer? Have you found that it gets easier and that your speed improves?
  • Hungryhippo1987
    Hungryhippo1987 Posts: 12 Member
    Shoes, shoes, shoes. They are so important, and not as expensive as you think. Find a specialty running store like Fleet Feet and go there. They will thoroughly examine your feet, map your callouses, and how you walk and recommend the best shoe. It makes all the difference in your legs and back with good shoes. I am also doing C25K and am running very slow, but it's consistently improving and speed will come with time. Just enjoy knowing your improving.

    Thanks for the advice will look into getting a proper pair of runners next weekend when i get to town.

    What week are you on in C25K? Keep us updated with your success. I hope we can keep each other motivated until we can run our first 5k.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I downloaded the C25K program a couple of weeks ago & couldn't come close to doing it. But then I found a great app Runtastic Timer, where you can set up intervals for walking/running & set the time frame yourself. I started walking 2mins & 30secs of running & built it up 15 secs at a time, and increased how many intervals I did each day. Its been about 2 weeks now & I can now run the 1 minute needed for the C25k program.
  • eloisemonteiro
    eloisemonteiro Posts: 59 Member
    I just feel so awkward and think that everybody is looking at me so i just stop.
    I'm super shy and ashamed of running outside, having other people looking at me and judging

    The cool thing about running is that you're the one that's doing the running - not the people in their cars or looking out their windows. Maybe they're the ones that feel awkward because they could be out running and aren't. Being active is nothing to be ashamed of.

    Yeah, you are right, but you know when you know something theoretically but in practice things works different?
    It's my mind about it, I will keep what you said in mind , thanks :flowerforyou:
  • Hungryhippo1987
    Hungryhippo1987 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in the same boat, about to start next week (I injured my ankle so still have to wait one more week) , and def not a runner but hope to be one day, can barely run for one minute but that is the app about , right? Teach us to improve ourselves and be able to run a 5K.
    I'm super shy and ashamed of running outside, having other people looking at me and judging but I'm willing to give it a try and see what happens :)

    Great to have you on board. Hope your angle gets better soon.

    I am in the same boat as yourself so hopefully we can cheer each other on to complete each session.
  • Hungryhippo1987
    Hungryhippo1987 Posts: 12 Member
    I HATE running while I'm doing it but love it when I'm done. I completely understand what you mean about walking faster than you can run, my legs just don't seem to understand that concept. I've done Couch to 5k a few times. The first time it was all about endurance for me. I ignored the whole time piece and just worked on being able to "run" for as long as the time said. Once I got through that, I went back started over and then tried to work on the speed piece. It's frustrating because my roommate (who happens to be a guy with legs 6 inches longer than mine) could out pace me with no issues when I had been working so hard and thought I had made major improvements.

    My biggest advice, compete with yourself. Work on getting a little farther every day. Notice how much easier it is to get through every day of the same interval set and congratulate yourself for even doing it in the first place.

    Thanks for the advice. I think competing with myself to continue to beat my distance might just do the trick.
  • Hungryhippo1987
    Hungryhippo1987 Posts: 12 Member
    I downloaded the C25K program a couple of weeks ago & couldn't come close to doing it. But then I found a great app Runtastic Timer, where you can set up intervals for walking/running & set the time frame yourself. I started walking 2mins & 30secs of running & built it up 15 secs at a time, and increased how many intervals I did each day. Its been about 2 weeks now & I can now run the 1 minute needed for the C25k program.

    Way to go. Keep us updated on how you get on with each session on the c25k. I think that i might have to repeat the weeks a second time before i move onto the next week but we see how it goes.
  • tracivee
    tracivee Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks tracivee. I have jst added you.

    My running is also done on a treadmill and i am always wondering what speed i should be using. When you same 5 is that 5 miles or 5km?

    Are you still running since last summer? Have you found that it gets easier and that your speed improves?

    5 miles. :)

    Around Christmas time I stopped running because my treadmill was in the garage and it was so cold. Dumbest thing I ever did. I slipped back into some bad habits again and didn't get back on track until last month. And now its VERY hard to run that 5 miles with ease like I was. So the lesson I've learned is once you start-NEVER STOP! lol Once I get back to that level of fitness, I will make sure I never let myself slip again. I just got a new treadmill and although it's an eyesore, it's nestled safely in my nice temperature controlled family room :) No more excuses for me! lol

    But to answer your question, my speed and stamina was steadily increasing. I've learned a lot. Cross training, yoga, weightlifting, and rest days are essential for speed. There are some great printable training schedules online, too.

    or google Hal Higdon training

    Good luck :)
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    There is no "fast enough" in C25K. It's about the time and nothing else. Just do the intervals. I confess it took me a year to do it, but I finally did!

    Walking is propelling yourself when one foot is always on the ground. Running is when both feet leave the ground; it's not a speed.
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    You can do it.

    i started C25K last summer - and 60 pounds ago. My "running" pace in the beginning is slower than my walk now as well - and that is OK! Don't worry about pace at all right now - that will come with time. Just run/jog/shuffle through the prescribed times, and the improved pacing will come. It is also ok to repeat days/weeks until you succeed as necessary.

    There is a C25K group on here, that is VERY supportive and full of good information. Check them out.

    And remember - every day that you give it a go, you are lapping everyone on the couch.

    Good luck!
  • jriehl08
    jriehl08 Posts: 157 Member
    I start week 3 tomorrow at the gym. I cant wait. Last week I did 2.09 miles in the 31 minutes of the training as prompted by the C25K app. I hope to find another mile in the same amount of time by the end of the program. Im 238 lbs and push myself as hard as I can for as long as I can. I have short legs so I am walking at 3.3ish and running at around 5.3ish. Do your best and just keep repeating the day until you can complete it fully. Then go on if you make it through a week but feel your not ready to go to the next repeat the week and work on pushing a little harder. Its not a race using the program. Its the training for the race. Work on breathing stay hydrated and remember every step you take is 1 more then just sitting on the couch.
  • dstanley753
    dstanley753 Posts: 32 Member
    And don't let Week 5 Day 3 freak you out...I was shocked when I did it. I start week 8 this week and feel good. Remember you start at a brisk walk and if in a treadmill 2mph is walking 4mph is jogging and 6mph is running. With this in mind anything 3.9 and under is your brisk walk. I range from 4.5-5.5 for the jogging sessions as that's my comfort zone. Slow it down to get your stamina up first.

    Keep it up and you'll love it.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I downloaded the C25K program a couple of weeks ago & couldn't come close to doing it. But then I found a great app Runtastic Timer, where you can set up intervals for walking/running & set the time frame yourself. I started walking 2mins & 30secs of running & built it up 15 secs at a time, and increased how many intervals I did each day. Its been about 2 weeks now & I can now run the 1 minute needed for the C25k program.

    Way to go. Keep us updated on how you get on with each session on the c25k. I think that i might have to repeat the weeks a second time before i move onto the next week but we see how it goes.

    Thanks Hungryhippo19! I'm sure I'll be repeating a few weeks as well. I don't care. I had to stop trying to keep up with everyone and start going at my own pace, just improving myself daily. If i can go faster or longer than I did a week ago I'm happy. I'm just thrilled to be running. I'm still 75lbs overweight and have had plantar faciaiitis & tendonitis in my ankles for years so running, even for 1 minute at a time is massive for me!
  • Hungryhippo1987
    Hungryhippo1987 Posts: 12 Member
    You can do it.

    i started C25K last summer - and 60 pounds ago. My "running" pace in the beginning is slower than my walk now as well - and that is OK! Don't worry about pace at all right now - that will come with time. Just run/jog/shuffle through the prescribed times, and the improved pacing will come. It is also ok to repeat days/weeks until you succeed as necessary.

    There is a C25K group on here, that is VERY supportive and full of good information. Check them out.

    And remember - every day that you give it a go, you are lapping everyone on the couch.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I will look into da forum dat u suggested. I need all da advice and support at the moment.

    How r u getting on at da runner since u started. Have u ventured to any 10k?
  • zeleni
    zeleni Posts: 75 Member
    Bumping this so I can read and take advantage of the advice given at a later date! Looking at running my first 5k this summer!