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How do I work out for me and not him?



  • mkrapf82
    mkrapf82 Posts: 6 Member
    I think that attraction is about confidence...

    I agree with this statement, and I think your husband has probably taken away a lot of that confidence. You look like a beautiful woman from your picture, and you need to remember that! Don't let ANYBODY tell you otherwise.

    However, keeping up with a child is great motivation to get into great shape. Also, exercise—even a brisk walk while listening to some music—can be a great way to escape from the stress that you're experiencing. Maybe you can turn to that for motivation. But I don't think you should be thinking about BMI; you should be thinking about what is healthy and what makes you happy. Work on rebuilding that confidence for you, and maybe you'll be able to figure out the whole situation with your husband when you feel better about yourself. Good luck!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Words like that border on abuse, in my opinion, and says lots about your husband. I don't mean to sound like Dear Abby, but you might want to consider at least counseling for yourself. Better would be if you could get your thoughtless husband to go with you. You deserve better than to be treated that badly.
    I do agree. We've been separated before, I'm in counseling now, and he's thinking about divorce which is the last thing I want. Admittedly, the situation is not good. Those are areas of the relationship that are being dealt with through counseling and mediation. I'm kind of hoping working out can be a reprieve from the situation, let me think about other things, I'm just not sure how to direct my mind and motivation that way. Does that make sense?

    I’m glad you are in counselling and get what you want – hopefully you are still seeing clearly to really know you want and not just fear of having to do it on your own.

    That being said, to answer your question about how to ensure you are doing it for yourself, likes others have mentioned all you need to do is focus on YOU.

    “Hope for the best but prepare for the worst”. Working out generates endorphins which will make you a happier person so start with that and enjoy how you are feeling, how you feel with your child, how much better your body feels when you are eating well and removing junk and processed foods from your diet and think about the worst in that you want to look good for a future partner, someone who deserves and loves you for you not a new skinny you but a motivated healthy you.

    DON’T think of him at all while working out, think about a pair of jeans you have that you want to fit into again, use that as y our motivation.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    eeeeck. If anyone told me they no longer found me attractive , especially after I had given birth to their child...I would literally kick their butt! I understand that we fall in love with our mate and some of that has to do with how attractive they are to us and us to them, but marriage is also about "in good times, and in bad" So you have some baby weight, and here you are taking the initiative to get rid of that baby weight.

    I have been pretty good with having others in my life who love me for me and not the size of my pants. My fiancé loves my size now. I however, do not. Although he understands I have to lose the weight for health reasons, he does not want me to get super model thin. My ex husband was the same way. He saw me at one of my heaviest times, all the way down to running 7 miles a day.

    Losing weight for others is never a good idea. It can lead to a whole mess of other issues. You have to do it for yourself.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    AGG, honey. it sounds like being healthy is the last thing you want for you.
    youll know when it is when you feel passionate about it. doing it for someone else will only result in failure. why would you want to do it for someone who brings you down like that? dont make no sense girl. i can tell just by reading your post, you dont think too highly of yourself. your a woman, therefore automatically a beautiful life giving being. dont get down about that. you need to love yourself enough now to change your life. thats really the only way it will work.
    <3 josie.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    That sounds so familiar. Now I've never been more than 40 lbs overweight but my first husband would look at me all the time and say "I don't know why you can't lose weight?" I want you to notice that I said my FIRST husband. My second husband loves me fat, thin, medium...doesn't matter to him. You shouldn't be treated like that, ESPECIALLY after just having a baby. You have enough stress with that. Take care of yourself first!
  • sweetrevenge
    sweetrevenge Posts: 188
    I want to be in shape. I want to be sexy. I want to feel good about myself.

    Blah, blah, blah.

    All that is true, but my husband just told me he no longer finds me attractive. He wants me at a ridiculously low BMI (17-18%). I know it'll be nearly impossible to motivate myself to stick with a workout and lose around 25 lbs (my goal, not his) while I'm thinking of him all the time. How do I stay motivated for myself instead?

    Thanks for the support, I really need it right now.
    Are you kidding? He actually said that? No offense but your husband is an a**

    Seriously though, if you don't have the motivation now then I don't know what to say.

    SO SO SO happy that we got a man's opinion on this!!!
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    First of all you need to understand that you should want to improve your health for YOU and no one else. It's not about weight loss or how skinny you can be...it's about being healthy and fit. It literally digusts me that your husband said that to you. Sounds like this guy is a jerk and obviously he doesn't love the real you! If he did he would have NEVER said those hurtful things to you. I really hope that you seek professional help and DO NOT let this guy destroy your self esteem and who you truly are. I wish you nothing but the best.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    I agree that finding an activity that you love or making a personal challenge or goal can help to make it about you.

    Do you like tennis? Tennis is always been a fun way to work out for me. They also have classes at the gym that are great motivation because they are fun and you get to work out with other people.

    I signed up for a marathon (yes, i am a runner). But if you want to start running you could sign up for a 5K or a 10K in your area and find a training program online. That way it can be a mental challenge for yourself to complete.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Are you kidding? He actually said that? No offense but your husband is an a**

    Seriously though, if you don't have the motivation now then I don't know what to say.

  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Are you kidding? He actually said that? No offense but your husband is an a**

    Seriously though, if you don't have the motivation now then I don't know what to say.

    SO SO SO happy that we got a man's opinion on this!!!

    Blonde moment. I can't even quote! LOL!!!

    AMEN to him being an a*** and AMEN on a man's opinion!
  • brujeria48
    brujeria48 Posts: 25
    Working out for anyone other than yourself is not going to give you lasting results, and I'm sure that since you posed the question that you did, you know that already. All I can see it accomplishing is putting you on a fast track to serious resentment and depression. That won't help your weight loss goals at all.

    I'll refrain from making personal comments about how your husband is going about "motivating" you and instead offer up a different perspective. Oftentimes we allow others to treat us a certain way because we feel vulnerable or less than confident about ourselves. Getting yourself in prime shape will not only give you the energy you'll need with your new baby, but achieving a higher level of physical fitness and getting used to a healthier lifestyle just may give you the inner strength and empowerment you need to face whatever challenges your relationship (or life in general, that can be hard enough) may throw at you, either now or down the road. There's not much better motivation than that!

    Regardless of what happens in your marriage, there is no downside to being strong, healthy, confident and HAPPY. As moms, we owe it to our kids... giving them a great example of self respect is huge. Focus on that and I think it will serve you well. Good luck!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I want to be in shape. I want to be sexy. I want to feel good about myself.

    Blah, blah, blah.

    All that is true, but my husband just told me he no longer finds me attractive. He wants me at a ridiculously low BMI (17-18%). I know it'll be nearly impossible to motivate myself to stick with a workout and lose around 25 lbs (my goal, not his) while I'm thinking of him all the time. How do I stay motivated for myself instead?

    Thanks for the support, I really need it right now.

    He wants you at a BMI of 17-18%???? I wonder if he is aware that females with BMIs below 18% are considered not healthy enough to even give blood? I know you are not asking about giving blood but this is a good example to show as to just how unhealthy 17% would be and the reason I know this is because a family member reached 17.5% BMI and when she went to give blood she was told to go away and when her BMI reached above 18% she could then give blood - this means that your husband, in his infinite wisdom is thinking "skinny" and not "healthy". If the blood transfusion places won't touch a BMI female that is below 18% I take that as a good indication that it is unhealthy to say the least.

    I know you will want to defend your husband here, he is your husband and you will be loyal, however, he is being totally selfish and not considering you at all. It is all about him and what he wants even to the cost of your own health.

    I should think if he carries on that way, it will be YOU that will no longer find HIM attractive and if that were to ever happen, I wouldn't blame you!

    Regarding losing weight for you, are you happy in yourself, if not, then go about losing weight because YOU want to do it and not because you want to be more attractive for him. Good grief, imagine this, you lose all the weight, get down to 17-18% BMI and still he says the same!! He is giving you unrealistic goals that are actually dangerous and is way out of order!

    Sorry for spouting off like this about your other half, but blokes like that do my head in!

    I am really hoping you lose the weight for you and you alone and because you want to. To be honest if my hubby said that to me I would end up rebelling and stuffing my face because I would feel that no matter what I did he wouldn't be satisfied anyway :frown:
  • I can see where you are coming from. My husband is VERY shallow and puts a lot of merit into looks too and I struggle with the same issue as you. (Am I doing this for ME or am I subconciously [-sp-] doing this for him?) Some times it does seem like I am focusing more on what he wants me to be rather than what I want to look like but I have found that he is really helping me keep focused. He points out areas that I need to work on and areas that "are a turn off" to him.

    I try to use his criticism constructively. While he is very rude about it and hurts my feelings, it adds fuel to my fire. I am a very competitive person so I take his words as a challenge; a new goal or problem to defeat.

    Just tried to offer a way to use his words in a way that is less hurtful to you. Don't stew on what he has to say. He is putting you down to make himself feel better about wanting to give up and make everything into your fault as far as he is concerned.
  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member
    I agree with what was said and I think that one way of doing it for yourself is to stick to it and it will happen. Plan for a routine at first, select activities and days/time that will work for you. Let me explain. At first, you have to get this new habit in your lifestyle and as everything new, it's not always that easy, but you are going to realise that you feel so much better by eating heatlhy and being active that it will become something you wanted to do because it makes you feel good, energic...

    Your goal should be your goal and something you are happy with it and realistic. I'm a BMI 24% and perfectly happy with it. I'm not perfect but i know I look good in clothes now and feel good about myself.

    As for staying motivated considering the climate for you, try to think about you and your baby and don't forget one thing; physical activities is a good stress reliever and you are going to release the stress as well. So consider this one good way of doing it.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    ^Yeah, Anne, he's at 10% BMI, so fitness is entirely too important to him.

    Our relationship has had years of rocky issues, I've contributed a lot to them in the early days and he's contributed a lot lately. My marriage is in bad shape, I know this, I'm in counseling. That's not what I'm asking for advice about here. My BMI now does say I'm overweight and so I don't think I need to lose the weight he says I do, but I do need to lose some. What I'm asking is: How can I make this about me and not him?
    I agree with the two posts above mine. I don't mean to be outspoken but your husband sounds like a jerk. He needs to take a look at your wedding vows yes it doesn't say I agrees to stay with him or her if they are overweight but if he can't be supportive of what u need and want what's to say when something bad happens he will be ant different. As to the exercises you just need to find what u like if u like dancing they have this dvd and classes called zumba it's supposed to work your whole body. Try boxing or kick boxing, walk, swim, ride a bike do whatever makes you happy. Hope you have a great day. :happy:
    I've heard good stuff about Zumba. Where can I find it?

    Maybe you could find a Mommy & Me exercise class, or start walking with your son. Start out by making it about time with your child til you can find the motivation for yourself. In the end the only way you will stick with a healthier lifestyle is if it's what you want, plain and simple.
    As for the bad marriage...been there, done that!! Divorce was the last thing I wanted, but when it was all said and done, it was for the best, my life is so much better now! I'm a happy person now (didn't even realize that I was unhappy before), my kids are happy, and I have the confidence to take on pretty much anything! Good Luck...
  • ^Yeah, Anne, he's at 10% BMI, so fitness is entirely too important to him.

    Our relationship has had years of rocky issues, I've contributed a lot to them in the early days and he's contributed a lot lately. My marriage is in bad shape, I know this, I'm in counseling. That's not what I'm asking for advice about here. My BMI now does say I'm overweight and so I don't think I need to lose the weight he says I do, but I do need to lose some. What I'm asking is: How can I make this about me and not him?
    I agree with the two posts above mine. I don't mean to be outspoken but your husband sounds like a jerk. He needs to take a look at your wedding vows yes it doesn't say I agrees to stay with him or her if they are overweight but if he can't be supportive of what u need and want what's to say when something bad happens he will be ant different. As to the exercises you just need to find what u like if u like dancing they have this dvd and classes called zumba it's supposed to work your whole body. Try boxing or kick boxing, walk, swim, ride a bike do whatever makes you happy. Hope you have a great day. :happy:
    I've heard good stuff about Zumba. Where can I find it?

    If u want to purchase it try looking on ebay Amazon or even at Walmart. If u have a local Library most carry dvds and vhs see if they have it that way you can try it out for free first. Also if you have a gym membership double check with them and see if they have the class. Good luck.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    I'd say, at first take it easy... don't go all gung ho and make working out hell for yourself. The truth is, exercising IS enjoyable. Once you get into the swing of things you'll actually find it very addicting. Just like food is addictive, exercise is also addictive. So my advice to you would be to set your goal to enjoy yourself, let your exercise time be a time where you get back in touch with the child in you, y'know as I kid I'm sure you loved to run around and keep moving (I know my kids don't stop moving).

    Just consider that it's something that your body needs and enjoys and will reward you for it. Ultimately, if your goal is just to lose fat, you'd be surprised by how much fat you'd lose just through eating under your maintenance calories. They say "diet & exercise", but in reality, when you're overweight or obese, it's just about burning more calories than you take in, and that could be simply through eating less.

    But you should exercise, because it's a blast. It's really enjoyable, when you're into it you feel like you're superman. I'm a little curious regarding your husband, what do you think his motivations are for keeping his body lean and exercising himself? Is he doing it for you? Probably not, so maybe it'd be worth figuring out his personal motivations for keeping in shape and seeing if any of those make sense for you.

    And for all these people who complain about your husband, don't pay them too much mind, men have been programmed (by the television, the ads, the billboards, nearly every picture that appears everywhere) to define sexy as 16-18% body fat in women. It takes a significant amount of deprogramming to remove that... with that said, it shouldn't be a requirement of marriage for one partner to look "sexy" for the other. I wouldn't consider it my wife's obligation to look "sexy" for me, nor would I consider that I'd be obligated to look "sexy" for her - sex is sex, regardless of how someone looks to the other, it feels the same, there's an over-abundance of attention given to the subject b/c it's a means by which man and women alike can be drastically manipulated. I mean, regardless of your body fat, eventually you'll get older, and by virtue of your age alone, you won't look "sexy" as defined by whatever look is appealing for the times, it's never a good long term motivation for a person to seek out that look - you'll achieve it, but don't make it the goal.

    Here's my foray into counseling (sry I couldn't stop myself): Realize for yourself though, and really find out if your husband is only interested in a wife who is "sexy" for him. Allot of times when a man feels like a relationship isn't working, it wouldn't be based on the idea that his partner wasn't sexy for him, but more like him feeling she wasn't giving him enough positive attention and/or encouragement in the relationship. He may not express it like that, he may ultimately simplify that to her not looking good for him and think that if she lost the fat that would fix it, but that's because it's culturally "ok" for a guy to claim to like or dislike his partner b/c of her looks, it's not ok for a guys to open up and say it's b/c he's not getting enough attention, supposedly he's a guy, he shouldn't care about attention, just boobs & sex. It takes a bit of maturing and reflection to get past the machoness and stupidity of it all and be honest with oneself about one's true wants and needs.
  • You are asking how to make this about YOU and not him...well YOU have to want it. Something will just click and it will all make sense one day. It will feel like the right thing to be doing. No one can make you do it for the wrong reasons.

    You will succeed if the motivation is there for all the right reasons....a healthy life-long change, your baby, etc.......not your jerk of a husband telling you to drop your BMI.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Do your own thing. What kind of workouts do you like to do? Give yourself a goal and reward yourself when you reach it. Do not workout with your husband or when he is around. I never workout with mine. I want to look good for me and be healthy so I can be around for my family. Just keep in mind when working out what you want. Hope it helps. :flowerforyou:
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Anne, You are absolutely beautiful in your profile picture with your baby boy. You don't look like you need to lose much at all.

    I have to agree that your husband is being an absolute jerk. He is not setting a good example to your son about how to treat women. In addition to just doing this for yourself, I think your baby boy and the little one you lost should be your inspirations.

    9-1/2 years ago, I had a baby boy who died at 2 days old. He has been my inspiration to lose weight and get healthy. I promised him as he was dying in my arms that I would take care of myself so he wouldn't have to worry about me after he passed on. I have been trying hard to lose this weight ever since. His father was an even bigger @$$... incredibly verbally abusive. After our son died, I stayed with him for a few more years because we visited the cemetery together every weekend. I was grieving and didn't know what else to do. Eventually, he started using my grieving to his advantage. He would say things to me like, "If you don't buy or do XYZ for me, I am not going to the cemetery with you this weekend." That's when I finally woke up and decided to get a divorce. I wanted to have another child. But I knew I'd rather be alone and adopt a child than spend another moment being verbally abused.

    I weighed about 200 pounds when I met my current husband. By the time we got married, I probably weighed over 230 pounds. But he has always treated me like I was beautiful. And now we are going on being married for 6 years and we have a beautiful 3 year old daughter. I am now only 20 pounds from my goal and my husband seems to think that I am the sexiest woman alive. Now my husband, our 3 year old daughter, and my little boy who died in my arms almost 10 years ago are my inspirations for getting up in the morning to exercise and to eat right throughout the day.