Depression Battle

shanswan Posts: 32 Member
edited January 18 in Motivation and Support
I have had a really bad 10 days. I lost my job, I lost my father, I traveled more than 1000 miles in the last week and I am so tired I can't keep my head up. I did finally get a good night sleep last night but looking at a destroyed house and knowing that I have to get everything done so I can start job hunting makes me want to cry again and just go back to bed.

My weight hasn't really moved so that's a good thing but I am so bloated and feeling horrible I don't know where to start to get myself back on track. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not like this normally. Usually I am the get up and go girl. I will just have to pull myself and know that it will all be OK. Thanks for listening.


  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    Wow, you had a rough week. :( Sounds like you need to take some time to just grieve. You just lost your father. It's okay to be in mourning and to cry. If you try to pick up where you left off and not spend time mourning, it will come back and get you later. You don't have to wallow in self-pity - that's not the same thing. But try to remember some of the good times. Journal it. Call up people with whom you can share these memories and talk to. Try not to be alone if you don't have to be. Turn on music and let it all out.

    Then slowly, start to pick up the pieces. A little at a time. No one cares what your house looks like right now but if it makes you feel better to clean it, then spend some time cleaning it. (I find cleaning relaxing, usually.) Channel that energy into cleaning if you need to.

    But really, it's okay to grieve. A new season in your life is starting.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    and I'm truly sorry to hear you lost your job and your dad. This makes me sad for you.
  • tracygolden
    tracygolden Posts: 94 Member
    Sorry you are going through such a rough time. I lost my dad two years ago so I can understand some of your feelings. The first step is the go step... once you get going, keeping it up is easier. Emotions make u tired so a little extra sleep won't hurt!

    Wish I could be more help!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about what's been going on with you. Wish I had wonderful words of advice for you. A friend of mine lost her husband and then a month later lost her father. It really affected her a LOT.

    Any day you wake up breathing is a good day. If you can remind yourself to actually get up out of bed is even better.

    When I was depressed, I was very careful about what "input" I had - what movies I watched, who I talked to - steered clear of blow-em-up, blood/guts movies and steered WAY clear of negative stinking thinking people. I also took it one day at a time, one task at a time. "Today, if I can do a load of laundry, then that's awesome." or "Today, I will do the dishes." Whatever the case may be - point is, one step at a time.

    FIrst order of business will be to find a job. Sometimes the weight has to take a back seat - Not saying to completely disregard it, but sometimes, you have to cut yourself some slack somewhere - and we KNOW Job is critical - so that's what gets the attention first - squeaky wheel sort of thing.

    Anyway - good luck! Things will turn around!
  • shanswan
    shanswan Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you I will get past this. I know he is in Heaven and would want me to take of my family and myself. The biggest challenge yes indeed is a job.
  • Sorry about your dad...remember the good times, it helps. I've lost 4 jobs, all long term, good paying, most recent 2 yrs ago. Its really really tough and especially if you are over 50, really hard. Reach out to people you know who may have a connection.

    Immediately get a letter of reference - I should have done that first! Go back to your previous employers and see if you can get letters of reference.

    Good luck!
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