Routine Diet Plan ANYONE?!?!

Does anyone have the same routine diet-plan everyday? (Apple for breakfast, Salad for lunch, snack at 3, chicken for dinner)
I try to cook something new everyday, and I'm getting tired of IT!
I was told that it's not a good idea to eat the same thing everyday, but I know there's someone here (myfitness) that follows the same diet plan everyday, soooo please share :)


  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I have kinda of started one. I purchased the flat belly diet book. check out my food diary.
  • rebeccald08
    rebeccald08 Posts: 10 Member
    I don't think it's a good idea to eat the same thing day in and day out. You will get bored very easily from it. I repeat a pattern every other day or every 2 days. I eat oatmeal or cereal for breakfast. For lunch I make a sandwich, have leftovers from the night before, or have a boxed meal (such as a lean cuisine). And for dinner I usually make grilled chicken with veggies, small portion of pasta, or brown rice. You can always have the same thing, but cook it with different flavors. For example, I love to eat grilled chicken, so I try to marinade it a different way for different taste/flavors.

    I'm not sure if that was the answer you were looking for, but that's my take on it.

    Good luck!! :)

  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Um, sort of. I give myself at least 2 options for each meal and rotate them throughout the week so I don't get bored so we have:

    Breakfast -
    Cereal with juice or fruit and an egg OR
    Egg with turkey & cheese/cream cheese on a bagel thin with fruit or juice

    Lunch -
    Big salad
    Chicken sandwich with fruit

    Dinner -
    Chicken or tilapia
    Asparagus or corn or peppers & onions or baked potato

    Snacks -
    Celery with cream cheese or peanut butter
    Pistachios or almonds
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    my favorite lunch is a meat portion--chicken or bison, celery sticks, and a macintosh apple with tea or lemon water and a grissini breadstick. i repeat it often since i enjoy the crunchy textures. most people burn out on chickin, chicken, chicken. i think if you enjoy the meal, repeat it as long as it doesn't get old.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    i have the same routine everyday, but what i do is i coook enuff 4 a week then it's only the same 4 THAT wk. the next wk i change it. well i change my lunch mainly. that's the only thing i really change.

    for breakfast i always have cereal (since i'm still learnin 2 put somethin in my tummy in the mornin i'm still not able 2 tolerate a lot of stuff in it.

    i always do protein shakes 4 dinner but i'll have different flavored 1's. they'll be either blueberry-banana, blackberry-banana, or raspberry-banana. :drinker:

    so it's the same thing but ony 4 a wk. when it comes 2 my fruits in the protein shakes i do whatever is on sale. for the cereal i mainly like cornflakes (i don't add anythin 2 it altho i could put in some sliced fruit but my vanilla flavored almond milk is enuff 4 now).

    i just make sure that i change my lunch, b/c that's the thing that gets boring 4 me very quickly. :wink:
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    While it is of great value to plan out your meals in advance, and I do have several 'go to' meals in my house at any given time. We don't have the same thing over and over again, in any order. That smacks of total boredom and could possibly lead to a failure of your new life-style. It seems that it would be easy to say "I'm bored with this crap" and just fall off the wagon.
    We switch things up and are always looking for new addtions either to our main dishes, side dishes, or 'mini-meals' that keep everyone's palates guessing what's next.

    Again planning is key but don't dig yourself into a rut that you will hate everytime you look at it... (IMHO)

    I should add that both my wife and I are on MFP and follow the same life-changing plans. So we can cook correctly for us, our teenage son is a different animal, he has no sense of healthy eating and will eat your arm off if you don't get it out of the way in time.
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    I can't cook different meals for me and my family and I can't cook every day so I try to keep things simple. Breakfast for me is usually 1 egg or a piece of cheese or ham and a cream cracker and coffee, lunch and dinner are usually a small portion of whatever I've cooked for the family. I cook healthy and keep my portions small. We only eat beef once or twice a week and we do chicken a lot (much to the chagrine of hubby who doesn't like it much but shouldn't eat meat!) I always make a fruit salad for snacks and try to have a salad or cooked veggies every day. Hubby supplements with sandwiches and other unhealthy fare, I try not to. Portion control and very few fats added to my cooked food are the key elements to my own diet.
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    For me, eating very nearly the same thing everyday is what keeps me on track. I prefer to eat things I don't have to think too much about. Though I do switch things up a bit here and there, but my choices are basically the same. I choose chicken, fish, shrimp, eggs and sometimes beef for my protein sources. I really don't like pork, and rarely does beef sound good. So a basic day looks pretty much the same from day to day. I don't tend to get too bored with food, but I change up how I cook/flavor the foods. I think you have to choose to do what works best for you. For me sticking with the same (or similar) foods day in and day out is the best way to eat right.

    A typical day looks like:
    Breakfast: 4 egg whites, 1 Roma tomato (seasoned with no-salt/low-salt seasonings), this morning I switched it up a bit and added spinach and mushrooms and cheese...

    Mid-morning snack: depending on how hungry I am, apples or grapefruit, and if I'm really hungry I'll ad some chicken

    Lunch: Chicken (usually 2-4oz), and a veggie

    Mid-afternoon snack: similar to mid-morning, or some almonds

    Dinner: Chicken, or other protein, and a huge salad with tomatoes and cucumbers.

    Evening snack: I don't always want to eat in the evening but if I do...I try to get in some protein so that I can sleep.

    It isn't ALWAYS the same, but those are the basics of how I eat everyday. I do have "special" coffee that I splurge on, its just Hill-Bros. coffee or home made hot chocolate and coffee. But I usually only have one a day. I'm not huge on needing sweets or starch/carbs/sugars for the most part so it works for me.

    My food diary is public if you want to see it.

    I think the real key is to do what works best for you. Eating the same/similar stuff works best for me. :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Typically per week I will eat the same breakfast and same lunch, then switch it up next week. Lately, for a few months, I've beeen drinking the same smoothie each morning because it is "da bomb" (spinach banana, choco pb protein powder, ice, some kind of milk and this week macro greens).

    It is the dinners that I switch up each week. I use to look for recipes that sound interesting and each Friday make a menu for the following week and buy all the groceries.
    That way I am still getting a variety of interestings foods at night, but making it more brainless for me during the day.
  • verilla
    verilla Posts: 13
    Leave the variety breakfasts for the weekend. During your busy days, keep it simple, especially if you dislike eating breakfast. If you eat the same breakfast everyday, at least breakfast becomes a habit, which is a stepping stone on the weight loss trail.

    My favorite breakfasts:
    A high fibre toast w/spray butter, one egg, one small tomato.
    1 cup steel cut oats w/spray butter and brown sugar Splenda, 1c. milk, piece of fruit

    .....and who says you have to have breakfast foods in the morning, why not try:

    1/2 a portion of last night's dinner
    or a broth based soup and crackers
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I don't eat the same thing everyday but I certainly eat the same pattern every day and I usually change my lunches from week to week but brekky is usually the same (unless I'm not working and can be sure I will have time for a mid-morning snack if I get hungry).

    BF - 1 slice wholegrain toast + 1 boiled egg or 1/2 cup baked beans
    or if not working (just because I get hungry earlier if I eat this)
    30g cereal e.g. bran flakes, porridge + 1 cup low fat milk

    MT - 20g cashews

    L - chicken/cheese/other lean meat and salad sandwich + a low fat yoghurt
    or sometimes I vary the carb ie at the moment Im having
    2 ryvita crackers but it always follows carb food + protein food + veg + low fat dairy

    AT - Small fruit cup ie canned fruit in natural juice or piece of fruit

    D - 100-125g meat/chicken/fish/tofu/beans + 500-1000kj (100-200cal) of carb food e.g. 50g dry pasta or rice cooked or 2 slices of bread or small bread roll or small serve of noodles or 1 large potato/sweet potato + 1/2 plate or 2 cups of vegetables. So for example, if I'm not just having meat, potato and veg I might have a spaghetti bolognese very heavy on vegies or a stirfry with loads of veg with rice or a home made burger on a small roll with a side salad.

    S - some kind of dairy which may be low fat icecream. Usually either 1/2 cup low fat icecream or 1/2 tub low fat natural yoghurt with fresh berries

    Extra snack if up late or still hungry - cup of tea and 50-ish cal biscuit
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    I'm a routine kinda girl. Low sugar instant oatmeal for breakfast mixed with 1 scoop of protein powder. Lunch is usually either leftovers or a Trader Joe's grilled chicken sandwich with steamed veggies or i like to buy the already cooked rotisserie chicken and make sandwiches with that on a whole wheat wrap and some tomatoes and hummus. Dinners could be anything. Last night we had Trader Joe's oven ready baked cod with stove top stuffing (I had a 1/2 cup, my husband ate the rest!), steamed brocoli and a salad. Tonight is whole wheat pasta with my own fra diablo sauce and some turkey meatballs. We had grilled pork chops the other night. I stock up on meats when they are on sale and then plan out my meals ahead of time. My family eats what I eat, I just weigh and measure my portions and cook healthier meals. Snacks are usually either a piece of fruit, no sugar jello pudding or a luna bar. On my food plan, we are told to eat up to 1 hour before bed to keep our metabolism burning. So that's when I have my fav snack of all time, Trader Joe's cheddar popcorn. It has more protein+fiber+fat than carbs so it makes the perfect evening snack.
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I am a very routine eater. I eat almost the exact same things over and over and over again and yes, I do get bored. This is my biggest problem staying on track is learning how to mix it up.

    I also have the exact same exercise routine!! I walk at work each morning and afternoon for 25 minutes each time and then walk in the evenings for about another 30 minutes.

    I have a hard time mixing it all up because of the demands of my schedule, kids, husband, etc. I figure getting out and walking is better than not doing anything at all.

    Some weeks I will go on a kick where I will eat the same thing for lunch almost the entire week!! Same for dinners and well, breakfast is always the same - egg plus egg white with turkey bacon, spinach, mushrooms and homemade salsa. It is just so good and soooooo filling and simple for me to make and eat before heading to work each day.