weight loss challenge (bet w/ co-worker) - any suggestions??



  • EpicMeyri
    EpicMeyri Posts: 109 Member
    hey guys - I don't know how it ultimately happened, but looks like I'm now in a head-to-head bet against one of my colleagues who also wants to lose a comparable amount of weight (30-50 pounds). And its for cash money!! yikes. in fact, quite a bit more than I really want to lose (this guy thinks we're in Vegas or something...sheesh) - but I guess that's the point...if it were less then perhaps I wouldn't feel the pressure.

    So, starting Monday morning (3/25) for 60 days (actually 10 weeks total, so until the end of May) we're going to see who can lose the most weight, "Biggest Loser" style. I'm not really a betting man, and moreover I overall ascribe to the slow and steady wins-the-race lot , but I've been stagnant for a while and think this might be good for me. I am currently around 220, and he's at 203 (but he's a few inches shorter). I think we are pretty close actually as per percentage body fat, although I think I'm a little higher overall, which theoretically makes it a bit easier for me to lose more. I don't think we'll be able to lose so much that it will seriously start draining my muscle mass...but I've decided I'm NOT going to do a starvation diet...that's why we chose 60 days since we figured starvation isn't sustainable over that many days. That being said, this guy has been known to do a "cleanse" now and again so may do one of those....we'll see....

    ANY SUGGESTIONS? I figure before tomorrow's initial weigh-in, I'll eat and drink alot to get my weight up, and then at the end I'll maybe fast for a day or so to get it lower....but other than that any strategies? I figure I'll just go super clean in the diet for 2 months and also try to be super dedicated in racking in the exercise, and we'll see where it takes me....my guess is over the course of 60 days its really going to all come down to mental toughness.

    GOOD LUCK! :) Don't listen to all the mean crap people say. Some people on here are very mean and consider themselves a pro. I mean what if you DO end up making this a long term goal? Or what if you DO keep the weight off? These people just think negative. Keep it up. Listen to your body. Don't harm it. And if it WORKS FOR YOU, then DO IT! :)

    btw are you Australian mate? lol
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    you keep quoting your own thoughts and not listening to what I'm saying. as for the cheating you keep harping on about - I've said multiple times that we won't be doing that. so you've heard nothing Iv'e said past my first thread - quoting my original thread, which I admitted several times was just half-formed thinking. as per short term? we're not freaking married dude - 60 days is about as long as a couple of co-workers can handle a non-married goal at work. we all have our long term goals. why do you keep assuming I'm an unintelligent, un-thoughtful person w/ possibly as much knowledge as you. If you didn't like the idea - you've said your peace - I get it - your attitude is your way or no way ?

    Everything about this is wrong?!??! so trolly mate...so very trolly.

    I keep quoting the original post because that was the honest one. Everything since has been attacking me personally and backtracking on everything you said in the beginning.

    I have never said you are "an unintelligent, un-thoughtful person w/ possibly as much knowledge as you." I am criticizing your contest as unhealthy. I advised you not to do it. Yes, I said my piece.. but you and others keep responding to me and asking me questions so of course I'll respond to them :laugh:

    well I hate to break it to you but sometimes people post things w/o completely thinking them through and w/o all the facts. the fact that you think because it was my first post which I jotted quickly was the ultimate proof positive of anything is laughable. I'm a normal person who's thoughts change and develop and I'm not always artful at times. you, however, are something else entirely.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    you keep quoting your own thoughts and not listening to what I'm saying. as for the cheating you keep harping on about - I've said multiple times that we won't be doing that. so you've heard nothing Iv'e said past my first thread - quoting my original thread, which I admitted several times was just half-formed thinking. as per short term? we're not freaking married dude - 60 days is about as long as a couple of co-workers can handle a non-married goal at work. we all have our long term goals. why do you keep assuming I'm an unintelligent, un-thoughtful person w/ possibly as much knowledge as you. If you didn't like the idea - you've said your peace - I get it - your attitude is your way or no way ?

    Everything about this is wrong?!??! so trolly mate...so very trolly.

    I keep quoting the original post because that was the honest one. Everything since has been attacking me personally and backtracking on everything you said in the beginning.

    I have never said you are "an unintelligent, un-thoughtful person w/ possibly as much knowledge as you." I am criticizing your contest as unhealthy. I advised you not to do it. Yes, I said my piece.. but you and others keep responding to me and asking me questions so of course I'll respond to them :laugh:

    well I hate to break it to you but sometimes people post things w/o completely thinking them through and w/o all the facts. the fact that you think because it was my first post which I jotted quickly was the ultimate proof positive of anything is laughable. I'm a normal person who's thoughts change and develop and I'm not always artful at times. you, however, are something else entirely.

    So which part was false and just a mistake typed in haste:

    The part where you planned on artificially inflating your weight at the start?
    The part where the bet is for more money than you're comfortable losing?
    The part where the contest is to see who can drop the most pounds in 2 months?
    The part where you may do a "cleanse"?
    The part where you'll fast at the end to artificially deflate your weight?

    Or maybe all of them were just typos? I mean, the keys are like right next to each other.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    you keep quoting your own thoughts and not listening to what I'm saying. as for the cheating you keep harping on about - I've said multiple times that we won't be doing that. so you've heard nothing Iv'e said past my first thread - quoting my original thread, which I admitted several times was just half-formed thinking. as per short term? we're not freaking married dude - 60 days is about as long as a couple of co-workers can handle a non-married goal at work. we all have our long term goals. why do you keep assuming I'm an unintelligent, un-thoughtful person w/ possibly as much knowledge as you. If you didn't like the idea - you've said your peace - I get it - your attitude is your way or no way ?

    Everything about this is wrong?!??! so trolly mate...so very trolly.

    I keep quoting the original post because that was the honest one. Everything since has been attacking me personally and backtracking on everything you said in the beginning.

    I have never said you are "an unintelligent, un-thoughtful person w/ possibly as much knowledge as you." I am criticizing your contest as unhealthy. I advised you not to do it. Yes, I said my piece.. but you and others keep responding to me and asking me questions so of course I'll respond to them :laugh:

    well I hate to break it to you but sometimes people post things w/o completely thinking them through and w/o all the facts. the fact that you think because it was my first post which I jotted quickly was the ultimate proof positive of anything is laughable. I'm a normal person who's thoughts change and develop and I'm not always artful at times. you, however, are something else entirely.

    So which part was false and just a mistake typed in haste:

    The part where you planned on artificially inflating your weight at the start?
    The part where the bet is for more money than you're comfortable losing?
    The part where the contest is to see who can drop the most pounds in 2 months?
    The part where you may do a "cleanse"?
    The part where you'll fast at the end to artificially deflate your weight?

    Or maybe all of them were just typos? I mean, the keys are like right next to each other.

    the part where I responded to you. that was the only part. you are not supposed to feed the trolls, but I got sucked in and I'm ashamed of myself.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I think a bit of competition can be healthy, but not like this.

    Why don't you, rather than do a weight loss challenge, do an 'inches lost challenge'. That may at least encourage you both to eat healthily and exercise - perhaps lifting?

    Or, rather than do it for money, get a few more people involved, have weekly weigh ins and get everyone that participates to bring in something healthy to eat, like fruit, or nuts, or porridge, and whoever loses the most wins that food.

    I think the way you are currently planning to do it will encourage you to not eat enough. And even if you don't think you will be swayed to do that, what about your colleague?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    you keep quoting your own thoughts and not listening to what I'm saying. as for the cheating you keep harping on about - I've said multiple times that we won't be doing that. so you've heard nothing Iv'e said past my first thread - quoting my original thread, which I admitted several times was just half-formed thinking. as per short term? we're not freaking married dude - 60 days is about as long as a couple of co-workers can handle a non-married goal at work. we all have our long term goals. why do you keep assuming I'm an unintelligent, un-thoughtful person w/ possibly as much knowledge as you. If you didn't like the idea - you've said your peace - I get it - your attitude is your way or no way ?

    Everything about this is wrong?!??! so trolly mate...so very trolly.

    I keep quoting the original post because that was the honest one. Everything since has been attacking me personally and backtracking on everything you said in the beginning.

    I have never said you are "an unintelligent, un-thoughtful person w/ possibly as much knowledge as you." I am criticizing your contest as unhealthy. I advised you not to do it. Yes, I said my piece.. but you and others keep responding to me and asking me questions so of course I'll respond to them :laugh:

    well I hate to break it to you but sometimes people post things w/o completely thinking them through and w/o all the facts. the fact that you think because it was my first post which I jotted quickly was the ultimate proof positive of anything is laughable. I'm a normal person who's thoughts change and develop and I'm not always artful at times. you, however, are something else entirely.

    So which part was false and just a mistake typed in haste:

    The part where you planned on artificially inflating your weight at the start?
    The part where the bet is for more money than you're comfortable losing?
    The part where the contest is to see who can drop the most pounds in 2 months?
    The part where you may do a "cleanse"?
    The part where you'll fast at the end to artificially deflate your weight?

    Or maybe all of them were just typos? I mean, the keys are like right next to each other.

    the part where I responded to you. that was the only part. you are not supposed to feed the trolls, but I got sucked in and I'm ashamed of myself.

    Other "trolls" encouraging you not to embark on this contest:

  • DJS51
    DJS51 Posts: 3
    My husband and I are in Gold's Gym 12- week challenge with cash prizes at the end. I say, "I'm in it to win it" but my husband is in it for the discount trainer's sessions, which is fine. Our motivations are different, but it is getting us into the gym. Husband says, "If he didn't pay for the trainer he would not go to the gym". I may not have a chance to win with all US Gold's Gyms in the challenge, but I can dream. Here are some of the things I am doing:

    1. Using MFP to record food and exercise.
    2. Working out 3X a week with trainer and 1-2X a week for cardio
    a. You can get cardio at home shoveling snow 30 minutes: 229 calories; 2 hours yard work: 444 calories
    3. Give up or limit alcohol (empty calories)
    4. Drink plenty of water
    5. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep
    6. I use a Nike Fuel Band to challenge myself to 3200 Nike Fuel a day. You can also use a pedometer for 10,000 steps a day.
    a. When 10,000 steps gets to easy, change your goal by 10%.
    7. Checking out recipes on www.skinnytaste.com - I even served some "lighter calorie" dishes for New Year's Eve and every one loved them and did not notice lower calories.
    8. Find a work out buddy/walking buddy to motivate you to Just Do It.
    a. Hardest part is taking that first step out the door to the gym
    9. Think of the gym as your recess - like in elementary school.
    10. Find a cheerleader who is rooting for your success. Put nay-sayers who may not contribute to your success on the back burner for now.
    11. Put Girl Scout cookies in freezer.

    I hope this helps you with your challenge. Dianne
  • LynchChaz
    LynchChaz Posts: 1 Member
    60 days = 8 weeks
    @ 30 total pounds lost equals roughly 4 lbs/week.

    As to continue progress, I'd suggest to knock one major diet item off each week.
    week1= eliminate nighttime snacking, replace with a protien shake, 30 mins excercise/day
    week2= replace daytime snacks with carrots or broccoli, 45 mins exercise/day
    week3= cut carbs by 10%, 45mins exercise/day
    and so on.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    you keep quoting your own thoughts and not listening to what I'm saying. as for the cheating you keep harping on about - I've said multiple times that we won't be doing that. so you've heard nothing Iv'e said past my first thread - quoting my original thread, which I admitted several times was just half-formed thinking. as per short term? we're not freaking married dude - 60 days is about as long as a couple of co-workers can handle a non-married goal at work. we all have our long term goals. why do you keep assuming I'm an unintelligent, un-thoughtful person w/ possibly as much knowledge as you. If you didn't like the idea - you've said your peace - I get it - your attitude is your way or no way ?

    Everything about this is wrong?!??! so trolly mate...so very trolly.

    I keep quoting the original post because that was the honest one. Everything since has been attacking me personally and backtracking on everything you said in the beginning.

    I have never said you are "an unintelligent, un-thoughtful person w/ possibly as much knowledge as you." I am criticizing your contest as unhealthy. I advised you not to do it. Yes, I said my piece.. but you and others keep responding to me and asking me questions so of course I'll respond to them :laugh:

    well I hate to break it to you but sometimes people post things w/o completely thinking them through and w/o all the facts. the fact that you think because it was my first post which I jotted quickly was the ultimate proof positive of anything is laughable. I'm a normal person who's thoughts change and develop and I'm not always artful at times. you, however, are something else entirely.

    So which part was false and just a mistake typed in haste:

    The part where you planned on artificially inflating your weight at the start?
    The part where the bet is for more money than you're comfortable losing?
    The part where the contest is to see who can drop the most pounds in 2 months?
    The part where you may do a "cleanse"?
    The part where you'll fast at the end to artificially deflate your weight?

    Or maybe all of them were just typos? I mean, the keys are like right next to each other.

    the part where I responded to you. that was the only part. you are not supposed to feed the trolls, but I got sucked in and I'm ashamed of myself.

    Other "trolls" encouraging you not to embark on this contest:


    thanks for the list troll.

    Look, you asked for opinions and suggestions. I have given my opinion and advice, which has been consistent with the opinions and advice of a few other members.

    You don't like that advice. Fine. We get it. But calling us names is not the way to solve the problem.

    Remember, none of us got fat because our instincts and thought processes concerning weight and food are healthy and productive. Take a step back from your ego and honestly evaluate your motivations and methods. Are these really healthy, long-term solutions?
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    I totally appreciate your advice, just not your egotistical, trolly method.

    I'm not a troll!

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    I totally appreciate your advice, just not your egotistical, trolly method.

    I'm not a troll!


    I wish MFP had a like button. I'd press it twice. I might then unlike it, just so I could like it again.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    I'm not a troll!


    I wish MFP had a like button. I'd press it twice. I might then unlike it, just so I could like it again.

    Thank you! I love that movie. Also, being as I'm freezing my *kitten* in this winter wasteland of the Midwest, really feeling like a meat popsicle.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member

    I totally appreciate your advice, just not your egotistical, trolly method.

    I'm not a troll!


    I wish MFP had a like button. I'd press it twice. I might then unlike it, just so I could like it again.

    so you would be deceitful in liking it the first time? seems dishonest.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    I totally appreciate your advice, just not your egotistical, trolly method.

    I'm not a troll!


    I wish MFP had a like button. I'd press it twice. I might then unlike it, just so I could like it again.

    so you would be deceitful in liking it the first time? seems dishonest.

    Good point. Maybe I'll start a thread explaining to MFP what my plan is, then change everything about it when someone notices it's underhanded and deceitful. And insult the people who do anything other than congratulate me on my terrible plan.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Good point. Maybe I'll start a thread explaining to MFP what my plan is, then change everything about it when someone notices it's underhanded and deceitful. And insult the people who do anything other than congratulate me on my terrible plan.

    Yes. This. I wonder if there'd be some kind of competition for it. Think I could somehow find a way to insult people MORE at the beginning so that way when I retract my opinions, it'll look like I'm not as mean as I started out to be?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Good point. Maybe I'll start a thread explaining to MFP what my plan is, then change everything about it when someone notices it's underhanded and deceitful. And insult the people who do anything other than congratulate me on my terrible plan.

    Yes. This. I wonder if there'd be some kind of competition for it. Think I could somehow find a way to insult people MORE at the beginning so that way when I retract my opinions, it'll look like I'm not as mean as I started out to be?

    I'm sure I've seen something like that on the forum before. Maybe you could find it and use it as a template.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    If it hasn't already happened yet, I keep waiting for some big lawsuit against an employer who encourages or worse, sponsors one of these biggest loser type things.

    It seems like such a dangerous thing for employers to condone or participate in. I guess the health of the employee is not as important as how they look.

    Very sad.

    And no one can convince me that two guys in an office won't become overly competitive in this type of scenario. It's just a bad idea all around.

    I'm with johnnythan and his list of trolls. Pick some other thing to compete in besides weight loss. The 5K was a great idea, so was a pullups or burpees competition. There are so many ways to measure fitness. Why would anyone buy into a weight loss contest?
  • Pinkkfrost
    Pinkkfrost Posts: 29 Member
    I think this is a great idea. I hope you win. I'm overly competitive whenever anyone else sees my progress and starts to follow a little bit. I can only imagine if money were to get involved. It doesn't sound like youre looking at it unhealthily, so long as you don't lose yourself in the process. :D And if you do, I'm sure all the MFP trolls will be here to I TOLD YOU SO to death.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member

    Good point. Maybe I'll start a thread explaining to MFP what my plan is, then change everything about it when someone notices it's underhanded and deceitful. And insult the people who do anything other than congratulate me on my terrible plan.

    Yes. This. I wonder if there'd be some kind of competition for it. Think I could somehow find a way to insult people MORE at the beginning so that way when I retract my opinions, it'll look like I'm not as mean as I started out to be?

    I'm sure I've seen something like that on the forum before. Maybe you could find it and use it as a template.

    I think you have the template saved on your drive you two due to high use from the people you troll. thanks for shutting down my post w/ your garbage.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Good point. Maybe I'll start a thread explaining to MFP what my plan is, then change everything about it when someone notices it's underhanded and deceitful. And insult the people who do anything other than congratulate me on my terrible plan.

    Yes. This. I wonder if there'd be some kind of competition for it. Think I could somehow find a way to insult people MORE at the beginning so that way when I retract my opinions, it'll look like I'm not as mean as I started out to be?

    I'm sure I've seen something like that on the forum before. Maybe you could find it and use it as a template.

    I think you have the template saved on your drive you two due to high use from the people you troll. thanks for shutting down my post w/ your garbage.

    You are welcome. Good luck cheating in your contest, in which you are gambling with more money than you're comfortable gambling. I hope you win. Whatever it takes!
This discussion has been closed.