Going through the motions...



  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I don't let myself get hungry on the way home from work. I have nuts and bars and tuna fish in my drawer. I have Kashi bars in my car.

    As for the moving... I workout at home, first thing in the morning so that by the time I am fully awake, I am already moving. I never had a chance to make an excuse.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    The only one that can truly motivate you is YOU.

    You have to want to make the changes necessary, and you have to make them permanent to kept the weight off.

    It's HARD. If it weren't everyone would be thin. But there it is.

    I struggle with binge eating...exercise isn't my issue, if anything I probably do too much of it. But I am the only one that can make me stop bingeing. And YOU are the only one that can change your routine to a healthier one.

    Good luck, I'm rooting for you. :flowerforyou:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    After I had a heart attack last year, I found all the motivation I need!
    You don't need that, I hope.

    Now I get motivated by looking at myself in the mirror and deciding I like what I see a LOT better than what I used to see.

    I hope it lasts. My husband had a heart attack seven years ago, and was motivated to loose 80 pounds. Within four years, he put it all back on, and was on the operating table having open heart surgery. After that, he again lost weight but it is all back again. At first, I beat myself up because I wasn't "helping" him, but to be honest, I was doing the right things. I bought fresh, unprocessed foods, prepared low fat, low sugar meals, developed menus around healthy food choices. But when I wasn't around, he was buying Fritos, potato chips, ice cream, etc.

    I now know I can't push a rock. His health is just that - HIS, not mine. I eat healthy and put healthy meals in front of him. I plate our meals using portion control. What he does the rest of the day is out of my control. The only thing I CAN control is what I put in my mouth. Do I need to lose weight?? Sure I do, but I'm not obese, my BP is good, my cholesterol and blood sugar levels are in the normal range, I get exercise every day.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I'm sometimes too nice, girl, and I know that. I see your diaries of course but to me you really are doing well with your calories. But I'm also one that goes with the IIFYM method of eating right now. I have a long way to go when it comes to nutrition but I am worlds better than I was when I started this thing! :smile: I can't do the 'all or nothing' that some do on here, it just doesn't work for me. I will get discouraged and I will quit. I've done it twice before and this time I swore to myself I'd go slow and steady and make changes as I saw progress. Whether that be adding strength training (which I'm doing in small amounts) or adding more different vegetables into my diet in place of empty calories (working on this one too)...I have to take it one day, or even one meal sometimes, at a time.

    I adore you, and I'd kick your butt to go to the gym with me if we lived near one another! :flowerforyou:
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Getting a 'Happy 5!' on my 5th day of logging is what keeps me going.
  • Iloveeyore78
    Iloveeyore78 Posts: 75 Member
    Everyone processes and struggles differently. The only person who can hold you accountable is YOU. YOU make your choices of what enters your mouth and what energy you expend. YOUR biggest commitment is to yourself. We only see what you post. I try to comment when your calorie intake is lower or if a meal is skipped but at the end of the day who am I to judge? SO when I see it over and over I try to promote/celebrate the good stuff. Life throws plenty of negatives and we are our own worst critic. If you focus on the positives you will see less and less of the negatives as they don't have the room to show up.

    Its YOUR life. YOUR consumption. YOUR PERFECT PATH. YOU get to decide who you want to be and YOU get to choose with EVERY mouthful and swallow if YOU are going to HELP who YOU see in the mirror or HINDER YOUR progress. It is up to YOU to make time for exercise in the gym or to not make the effort for YOURSELF.

    The best gift YOU can give to YOURSELF is health and love. Without those YOU are not only holding back from OTHERS WHO DEPEND ON YOU (like your wife, puppy and loved ones) but YOU ARE HOLDING OUT ON YOUR FUTURE SELF.

    Extra love and light to you on your perfect path. Each new day is a new start. Each moment is a choice. Choose for YOU, YOUR LOVED ONES and YOUR FUTURE.

    I think you rock. Just my opinion. I filter my list regularly and you are a keeper.

    PS: Still missing calories burned from chasing puppy.
    PSS: Still waiting on your healthy cookbook of amazing yummys that you make my mouth water with.
    PSSS: Stop reading this and go to the gym.
    PSSSS: Enter puppy chasing calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!