Hungry? Or thirsty????

I was talking to zombiefishfish earlier today that sometimes the mind and body confuses thirst with hunger....i thought it was something interesting to share with others....

I found an article that discusses it more in depth....check it out


  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I've always found that my mind gets massively confused when trying to work out the difference between being hngry and thirsty; for a long while, i would think 'god i'm hungry!' but eating wouldn't satisfy me. Then i'd have a glas sof water and suddenly it was like 'aha! That's what my body wanted!' Now, whenever i'm hungry without due course, (i.e, i've just had a meal, or eaten an entire packet of crisps), i'll have a large glass of water before i think about what i want to eat, as a lot of the time it is just that my body is dehydrated, not starving. Definitely one of the most important things i've learnt concerning weight loss.
  • Interesting! I've always heard that hunger and thirst were closely related, but I didn't know the signals could get mixed up like that.