What do YOU do when you start losing momentum?

Aaaaaaack! I am totally losing my momentum & desire to stick to my weight-loss goals! And this is when I am really starting to feel & look more like I truly want to...slipping! What do YOU do when this happens?


  • davidlitz
    davidlitz Posts: 13 Member
    Push through! Dont stop! Look deep into what your motivation is and regain that.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    i hang up my bikini or a hot dress where i'll see it every single day...superficial and works every time.
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    I look at photos of my heavier self and push through. This is not an easy road to take, it took time to put it on and it will take time as a well as effort to take it off. Don't stop now keep it going you will get there!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Depending on how bad my "slow-down" gets, sometimes I just let myself have an off day--if I eat a decent breakfast and lunch, I can have whatever for dinner, and I make sure to log the calories so that when I finish the day's food log and it says "in 5 weeks you'd weigh <some number I *don't* like> I get a kick in the butt to be good again. That, and having the opportunity to enjoy something makes being good more bearable.

    Good luck!!
  • lazygirllosesweight
    Change things up. I find myself losing momentum when I feel like I'm in a rut and not doing anything interesting or fun. Try a new workout. Or seek out different recipes for food you can be excited to try.

    That's what helps me, anyway. :)
  • danazsweet
    danazsweet Posts: 52
    The umotivated feeling will pass, just don't give into it. If you believe in God or a higher power, pray for the willingness to do it just one more day, each day, until it passes. When the willingness comes, act on it right then. And remember a craving is not a commandment its just a craving, you don't have to give in. Maybe your bored... Change something up... ask yourself what you ARE willing to do today... just a small thing... get in the pool? Take the dog for a leisurely walk, take a pleasurable bike ride... just do something. Sometimes we just have to get through this day, and tomorrow is better and w'ere back on our way.
  • sagithia
    sagithia Posts: 135 Member
    I put up a picture of when I am fat and gross next to someone who I admire or hate for being perfect. That is motivation and I tell myself if someone else can do it, so can I.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    :flowerforyou: These are great ideas--I make mini goals--even if it just to have vegetables at that meal or to plan my next meal ahead. Baby steps seem to work for me...
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I forget about set backs and learn from my mistakes. I know this is a simple answer but you just have to find it in yourself to do it. Just jump! Just like when you first decided to start you had to make that first leap to do it. When your not feeling up to you just have to get back up and jump. Some of my best workouts were when I was feeling motivated and the went ahead an did it... Next thing I knew I was doing better than I ever had before. To quote Nike, "Just Do It!":wink:
  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    I need to pay attention to some of these ideas. The last week has been horrible for me. My boyfriend had previously been working nights so he had been sleeping during the day, allowing me to be make good choices. But over the last week he has been transitioning to a new job, and has been home during the day. He has a much larger appetite than I do and I have been giving in to the things he has been eating. I can't wait for him to get on a regular 6am-6pm schedule so that I can go back to planning my meals out. And of course once I start working again I won't have a bunch of crap to tempt me.

    Okay....rant over....lol
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I keep looking at my pictures - before and durings - and I stare at myself, naked in the mirror, and admire the fact that my sides are getting straighter and my belly is getting flatter and flatter all the time. I envision my body and want I want to be able to do with it, physically, once I'm at my goal weight - things I can't physically do now without DYING.
  • shannie_lou
    shannie_lou Posts: 32 Member
    WOW! These are great ideas! Keep them coming! I am feeling MORE motivated!
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    I remind myself of where I want to be in the long run: one year from now...
    Do I want to be where I'm at now? No.
    Do I want to be where I was a few months ago? Definitely no!
    Do I want to be able to run (not just shuffle or jog) for more than 30 minutes straight? YES!
    Do I want to be able to do 50 full-body push ups? YES!
    Do I want to feel confident wearing cute little swingy skirts and shoulder-baring tops and smaller jeans? OH HELL YES!!!

    If I want to accomplish those things, I have to do the work. So the next time a choice comes my way, I make a good one. And if I'm just having a plain old off day (usually if I've been working myself too hard), I'll forgive myself and get back on the horse as soon as I feel halfway rested.

    Good luck to you! Keep up the good work!
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    Get naked and take cell pics of yourself. If you like wht you see thn you're done if not keep dieting
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    Great post. i always find myself in this situation at week 3. I do great the first few weeks then wham-o lose motivation and go back to my old ways. This time I am now almost at the end of week 3 and working hard at staying motivated and working out. I am recognizing that i am getting bored with my eating habits (I tend to eat the same things over and over!) and am trying really hard to stay focused and mix things up.

    I do NOT want to go back to where I just came from 10 pounds ago. In those little 10 lbs, I have really changed my eating habits and my overall health is noticeably improving.

    I saw another great post about motivation earlier this am. on one of the forums here and the time frames and patters we tend to fall in during each frame.
  • ashley0424
    ashley0424 Posts: 16 Member
    Sometimes we all want a day off from the pressure of dieting and training but when i"m feeling down or like I'm loosing momentum I go back to my pictures from the beginning to now and see where I could use some more work (usually in the hips and thighs, Ugh) and that gets me back. If I'm exhausted I tell myself I just need to get to the gym or pick up some weights and then the movements and workout follows. At the end of the day I didn't miss a workout and I feel better than if I didn't do anything at all. When it comes to my diet i find that I really can't have food around me that is tempting (no willpower) at all. SO if I feel like a snack I have to make something from scratch so it usually ends up being healthy anyway. Another method i could reccomend would be to give it all up just for one day! Chances are you'll feel so guilty about it you probably wont do it again you'll try even harder for the days following!

    I'm sure your doing great and you look wonderful so keep up the good work. Don't be discouraged. every little bit that you do for yourself is helping weather you think it is or not.:flowerforyou:
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    I'm only replying so I can have an easy link to his post for future reference from my page. Great ideas!
  • shannie_lou
    shannie_lou Posts: 32 Member
    I feel recharged already!

    Often, I will justify a little bite of chocolate here, or cake, or something a little naughty because I feel like dang it, I've earned it-and as long as I log it, it's okay right?

    Well, I find that if I even do a liiiiiitttttlllle sugar, I fall off the wagon---what do you find are satisfying treats that are really good for you? I really love strawberries, but am a bit burnt out...
  • lazygirllosesweight
    Oh, something else I do: I read the threads in the "Success Stories" forum, here on MFP. Those pictures and success stories are VERY motivating.