Unsupportive Friends and Coworkers



  • KickyLegs
    KickyLegs Posts: 53
    I wouldn't say you are trying to loose weight either. I'd say you are a nutritionist and that you refuse to eat anything processed, etc.

    I don't tell people a damned thing. I'm not going to make excuses or justify why I'm not doing things the way they do. I just tell them I don't want that cake someone brought for so and so's birthday.

    Yea, actually. I agree, why make excuses. You are right!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    U should stay away from people like that, they are toxic.
  • dramallamaduck
    dramallamaduck Posts: 97 Member
    Most everyone I have is really supportive. If I say no thanks, typically people are pretty good about respecting my wishes. I did have a coworker offer me a sundae last week though... It was delicious. And it cured my ice cream craving for the month!
  • Lyd1964
    Lyd1964 Posts: 1
    I am fortunate in that I have my co-workers who are supportive and my daughter because without them I couldn't have the courage to do this! Just having a few ppl in your corner can make ALL the difference! My good friend doesn't seem to 'get' this and so isn't really very helpful-I have had to learn to tune her out or I get easily discouraged. When I said I wanted to take spin classes I got: I don't kow why you wld want to do that-u have to go somewhere to do that" Well yeah THAT is the idea! Keep up the good work! And tune out the negative influences as much as possible! :-)
  • galenofedgewood
    galenofedgewood Posts: 146 Member
    I guess I'm really fortunate as well. I'm getting nothing but positive re-enforcment where I work and at home. /dunno

    Okay, I've gotten a few "stop losing weight, you're wasting away" and the "what, are you on crack to lose so much weight?", but that's about it.
  • jazzy1a
    jazzy1a Posts: 39
    Get them involved in what you're doing:
    I'm starting a Diet Bet game, >>>Here's the linky: http://bit.ly/ZZPqHN
    that begins on next Monday, April 1st which I'm hoping will get me motivated to stop giving in to my hunger all the time!
    I've organized the game around helping each other with strategies for reducing hunger pangs (like low-cal recipes that are filling, etc..)
    Its only $21 to join and if you lose only 4% of your body weight in 28 days you win the money in the pot plus have learned how to curb hunger, yay!
    maybe they can put side bets on your progress (just kidding)
  • nicola19489
    nicola19489 Posts: 35 Member
    completely! all my friends at work actually take the mick out of me for not wanting eubbish..telling me one wont hurt also, i resisted and got told i was boring and being stupid..now all of a sudden two other girls (weighing lessthan me) are on diets and ive never seen them so supportive! maybe its a personal thing. all i can advise is as soon as you say diet thats it youll be in for some naggjng. if you say no i dont fancy any thanks theyll leave you alone x
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    I don't say anything to people about trying to lose weight.
    At work, people keep bringing in cakes and stuff, and I just tell them I can't have it because I have a dairy intolerance, which is true, but if I want cake, I will eat it occasionally.
  • arthurrichard
    arthurrichard Posts: 51 Member
  • I find that looking at the person and not saying anything works quite well in situations where people do things such as offer me something they know I shouldn't have whether it be food, drugs or alcohol or to join them on an interstate crime spree. That way I am leaving it to them to interpret my lack of a verbal response. I don't engage in dialogue or debate about what I eat or don't eat with anyone except myself.
  • vickiandrews
    vickiandrews Posts: 254 Member
    I get very mixed messages from coworkers - some of them keep complementing me on how well I'm doing others try to tempt me with cakes. I have also been told that I am obsessed with working my way through the challenges I've set myself through various groups I joined here.

    It hurt the first few times I was told this but when I had to throw a pair of trousers away as I kept thinking that they had got that loose they were going to fall down it gave me the strength to ignore them and carry on.

    As for those who sabotage me with cakes it all depends on who's bought them - if its someone I'm not really keen on (ie conversations consists of saying "good morning" and that's about it) I won't bother having one. Whereas if it's the ones that are always first in line for birthday cakes that I've bought in then, of course, you have to have one! There are also the ones who never buy anything but take everything that's going.

    I know this sounds like I have no will power to say no (and maybe a little bit childish) but I can't help it!
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Just remember to look at situations look these as an exercise to strengthen your willpower...more often than not, it's not the situation we are in that affects us but our reaction to them. Remain strong and be sure of yourself!

    Persistence and determination will see you through the day.
  • thejubster1
    thejubster1 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm not wanting to focus just on McDonald's - but here in Australia everything in McDonalds (aka Macca's) has a calorie count, which helps you to make wiser, safer choices from what they have for sale... We get to choose from salads, fresh fruit, healthier wraps etc. Calrorie count is next to each piece on the menu board, and they also have leaflets with nutrition breakdown (carbs, sugar etc)... Is this an Aus specific thing???

    Not that I go for it myself - but I know its there...
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    smile politely and say no thank you as many times as needed. When they say "once itsn't going to hurt you" say "you're right but I'll decide when that "once" is and right now I don't want that."

    no means no and eventually they'll get it or you'll stop caring whether to not they get it.