Yet another kick at the can...

bakontraktyme Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
So here i am...creeping rather quickly back up the ol' scale again! a friend suggested this site to a different friend but i thought i'd check it out...what a treat that it's FREE!
i kept putting off starting to Track or change eating habits or start exercising till i was ready but it turns out that could be forever until i just DO IT!!!
so here i am...
a Stay at home mother of two (a DD 3yrs, and a DS 1 1/2 yrs)'d think the weight would just fall off chasing them all around but nope...the snacktime foods counteract all that running around...and eating their food that's left over...and snacking at nite...and well, you get the point!
i have recently started to go for walks by myself at nite after they are in bed, but that's a far cry from shredding or taebo-ing or running like i was doing a short 4 months ago!!! i'm almost too embarrassed to say how much i've gained from the point i fell off the wagon (but i should)....2 lbs shy of 20!!! in 4 months...holy's going to take me a whole lot longer to get back to that point...
i've realistically set my goal weight at a modest 160...but i should be 145 for BMI purposes...we'll see how that goes...going for the first goal then will reevaluate!
wish me luck!


  • I love the quote in your sig, kate moss i think? i use that to try help motivate myself too!
    Good luck with your journey :)
  • Good luck and welcome!
  • thanks! oh and i just did my measurements and thought i'd better make sure my weight was correct...gah, i've actually gained 2 lbs in a week! so yeah, i am 20 lbs up from where i was about 4 months ago...gah!
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Hey you, you can do it! You just have to remember that you deserve it, you deserve the time to yourself for working out and eating well. You have to do it for the health of yourself and your children, because they are watching everything you do. Happy Mommy always equals happy kids. I'm here for you, every step of the way!
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