
Burtonrah Posts: 142
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm in need of help!!! I keep sabatoging myself in this journey!!! I had planned on having this week super good, and what did I do today? Went to the store and bought a box of cookies, 2 packages of nuts, and 1 bag of pop chips... and guess what... I ate them all!!! I don't know why I continue to do this to myself!! I had lost 12 lbs, and now in a matter of 3 weeks, I've gained it all back.

Anybody else struggling with mindless eating? Tips? I'd really appreciate it!!!


  • amyslay
    amyslay Posts: 18 Member
    Find someone to go shopping with you to pop your hand when you go for the "BAD" stuff.
    Also I chew a lot of gum, when I cook, when I get the munchies, I have different kinds so i don't get board (sugar free)
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    I keep alot of gum on hand when I feel the need to snack. It helps me until it's time for a meal. Also drinking water and having a list prepared before going to the store should help.
  • sunnysashka
    sunnysashka Posts: 296
    Have similar problem from time to time. It is like you loose your mind! scary! I usually say to myself even if I have started eating something like that already "you always have a choice, you do not have to finish this"... Usually it helps, I through bad staff away..:embarassed:
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I've done that in the past, too :grumble: .
    try to eat one of your main meals right before you shop (less likely to have cravings when you shop).
    make a list before you shop for the week and stick to it.
    stick to the outside isles-fresh fruit, veggies, meats (the core of your diet).
    stay OUT of the cookie/snack isle (out of sight out of mind).
    log on here and see what everyone's up to!
    good luck, you CAN do it:flowerforyou:
  • CathyMT
    CathyMT Posts: 5
    One thing that I think is helping me is that I have hung on to one "treat" that gets me through the day. I love mocha's, so I modified my homemade version to using skim milk and just drinking 6 ounces a day to make it have fewer calories. It still tastes good and I don't feel deprived. I can sip on it all morning and into the afternoon (through a skinny straw). It's easy enough to do a little exercise to make up for this each day and just be careful with other things I eat, trying to make healthy choices with most everything else.

    Also, when I feel like I have "blown it," I try to remember that tomorrow (or my next bite) is a new beginning and just because I blew it doesn't mean I will keep blowing it. Try to find really flavorful, healthy food that you like. Celery is great for me because I really feel like I am chewing on something and can eat quite a bit when I get the munchies.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    make a grocery list with a realistic budget and absolutely stick to it. it sounds like maybe you've just got a junk-food tongue! it's easy to cure, but it takes patience while making the switch.

    first thing to do is determine what kinds of things about the junk food that you really like. not just the convenience of it, but like examine it.

    eat a bag of chips very slowly and concentrate on all the things you like or don't like about it. don't judge yourself, just enjoy the bag of chips. do the same thing with the next healthy meal.

    start looking for these qualities in things like fresh fruits and vegetables. for example, if you like cookies because they are sweet and crunchy, try to find an apple that gives you the same sensations. there are literally hundreds of different kinds of apples, all ready to be experimented. same goes for almost all varieties of fruits and vegetables.

    and remember it's not a big deal to have cookies on occasion - don't set up a mind game over it. if you decide to have a cookie, stop, examine the cookie (and dare, i say) become one with the cookie. :)

    really eat the cookie. don't eat it without paying attention. that's how we eat entire containers of things. but most importantly, truly enjoy whatever it is you are eating.
  • MadHatR5
    MadHatR5 Posts: 33 Member
    Don't shop hungry, have a list and stick to it, and stick to the perimeter of the store only (if possible).

    I've been tempted a couple of times at the convenience store to buy a package of Hostess Cupcakes or mini chocolate donuts, but then I pick up the package, look at the nutrional label, sigh and put it down. It's tough but I'm not willing to give up so many calories for such a quick indulgence.

    If your craving cookies or chips, try to find healthier substitutes, either packaged or as recipes.

    Good luck and hang in there!
  • greerv72
    greerv72 Posts: 15
    Try doing your shopping after a workout. I've been doing that lately and I've noticed I am less likely to desire unhealthy food choices and much more likely to buy only healthy ones. Not to mention, you can't eat or be tempted by what isn't in your kitchen! :)
  • Burtonrah
    Burtonrah Posts: 142
    Thanks everyone!!! I plan on putting your advice to some good use!! At least all that garbage is out of my house now!!
  • evanlyn
    evanlyn Posts: 16 Member
    Just a thought... You said that you had planned to be "super good" this week. Are you enjoying the food that you're eating or are you forcing yourself to eat things you don't really like but know to be good for you? Trying to eliminate all treats and so called naughty foods won't work if you're not eating tasty meals that satisfy the senses as well as being healthy. If you feel that you are depriving yourself of your favourites it's more likely that your resolve will crack and you end up bingeing on the 'nice' stuff. Perhaps if you incorporate small treats into your diet (as others have suggested) it might be easier to hold off the urge to over indulge.
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