At the Breaking Point (HELP)

So I've been using MFP on and off for about 2 years. Everytime I return I start off so strong and then I lose motivation and completely fall off. I think I'm at this point now. So far I've lost 14lbs but I'm not satisfied with it. I want to lose more. My goal is to lose a total of 40 more lbs. Not sure if it would like right on my frame, but that's what I desire. At this time I am in my longest log in stretch 80+ days and I want to continue but I'm losing my drive.

This morning when I went to work out I just couldn't do it. I started but I had no motivation to finish. Normally when I'm dragging once I start moving I feel the desire to keep going and push myself. NOT TODAY. I'm not sure if it's the weather, the pain in my legs, PMS, stress about work, or other stresses that are messing with me but I need advice on how to get my motivational level back up. I am open to all suggestions.

Normally I burn over 1400 calories by 3am and on good days it's 2000+ but today it was 85. That is HORRIBLE...I'm not even logging that. Am I being too hard on myself? Am I pushing myself to the point of quitting? Am I my own worst enemy? Can I be sabotaging myself without knowing it?

HELP, HELP, HELP...feel free to add me because I need all tehe support I can get.


  • sherrybyers1990
    I totally feel you there. I've been back on for a week now and have only lost 2 pound, but I'm sure I'll lose more once I start getting more active and work out. You need to push your self though no matter how hard it may be. Just keep going. Keep an image of yourself in your head that you want yourself to look like. I think about how sexy I'll look this summer once I get off the weight and how much my boyfriend will like it. Lol! Just keep going and I will add you since I need friends on here.
  • lemmyhead
    lemmyhead Posts: 116 Member
    Maybe you are pushing yourself a little harder than you can cope with right now? You might be burning yourself out.

    I can't be the best person to give advice here...I have also been on and off MFP for around 2 years...and my longest log in stretch was only ever 30 days...until this year...I am at 65 days now, but over the last few months I have learnt a lot of things, including a new motivating reason for my health.

    Maybe you need to try telling yourself that some days things aren't as easy. Take a few "days off" and I don't mean binge! But just accept that light exercise is all you will do that day, it is still better than no exercise! - a 30 minute walk, and don't let yourself think guilt-inducing thoughts! Instead spend the whole walk remembering why you want a healthier lifestyle.

    On those tough days, I see fitter and skinnier people running past me, all I can do is think "someday I'll look that good when I run".

    I am sure someone will come along with some real advice, but that is what I plan to do if and when I hit the wall I know is somewhere ahead.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I'm very confused why you try to burn 2000 cals by 3am. Are you a night worker or do you get up at midnight to workout for 3 hours?! What are you using to measure these burns?

    It sounds like you are setting yourself unrealistic goals. Eat a bit less, move a bit more. It's that simple.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I agree, you seem to be placing much too much pressure on yourself.

    Eat at a small deficit for a few weeks and just get used to smaller portions and eating more nutrient dense food.
  • WendySPWarren
    WendySPWarren Posts: 63 Member
    How on earth are you burning 1500-2000 cal before 3? I don't even eat that in a day, let alone burn it. That doesn't sound sustainable.
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    If you have been on and off MFP for a couple of years - but keep coming back - there must be something that is driving you to try again - try and get a good clear picture in your head of why you are wanting to lose the weight - the more clear the goals/targets the more motivated you can be.

    of course the reason has to be meaningful to yourself - I have been on mfp for nearly 500 days and it is part of my life. what motivates me is the long term fitness goals I want to achieve and in order to get there I have a series of intermediate goals to keep me going on the right path. - a healthy dose of not wanting to go back to where I was helps me move forward too. - but that is me - you need to work out why you want to do it and keep reminding yourself of that until it becomes second nature.

    Also get yourself a good support network on here - my mfp mates are people I have connected with and care about and that's what makes it unthinkable not to log in every day. it is a good way of charting progress.

    I will say one mistake I made was pushing myself to exhaustion on every gym session and not eating enough to fuel the sessions - I have cut back on the amount of time I exercise and made it more efficient and balanced and am working on getting my food cleaner. I feel much healthier and in control because of that :)

    I am also confused as to why you are pushing yourself for such massive burns in the middle of the night? are you taking about exercise calorie burns of 2000+ - how often are you doing sessions like that? - do you use an HRM to calculate that? when does your body rest? sorry for all the questions, just asking out of concern as it does appear to be a bit excessive and not sustainable which is why you are maybe crashing and burning then rejecting the whole process.
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    OP, working out is only part of this deal, and not the main part

    the main part is eating a calorific defect; so try not to worry about not working out on the odd day, you're not meant to work out every day any way

    have a look at your intake; have you worked out your TDEE? just eat below that & you won't fall off the rails

    and going forward; - burning 2000 cal a day in exercise is a lot, you can cut that in half and still be very healthy

    so, remember your goals; you want to make your family proud? hang in there, go easy on yourself about the reduced exercise & just try to eat/ drink a little less,

    and keep logging on here; the folk are friendly and inspiring, especially when it gets hard :flowerforyou:
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    unrealistic goals and ridiculous expectations.

    if you can't set your own realistic plan then follow someone else's.
    buy a good book, get a trainer, read a ''how i did it!'' thread or something.