What is the best protein bar?



  • Thea_N
    Thea_N Posts: 16
    I would like to think i am a protein bar connoisseur. I tend to have many small meals throughout the day and i always throw a protein bar in my purse or backpack to keep my metabolism going.. my favorite bars are think thin bars.. they aren't the lowest in cals but 230 isn't bad.. try the creamy peanut butter..they have 20g protein 0g sugar 22g carb.. its delish! luna protein bars are also delish 12g protein 190cals but a lot more sugar and 19g carb.. so for the amount of calories intake the carb level is higher than think thin if you take the ratio.. clif bars are yummy but they are higher in sugar and carbs and not much protein...a protein bar i just tried today that was DELISH and you must try is the detour low sugar caramel peanut bar 15g protein 19g carb only 3g sugar. While shopping for a protein bar make sure to look at sugar... i have fun comparing protein bars with candy bars.. sometimes their isnt much of a difference so BE careful to look at sugar and calories! not all of them are healthy!
  • F4play
    F4play Posts: 21
    Eat Boiled eggs, prawns etc or snack on unsalted nuts, .....ive yet to see a protein bar that does what it says on the wrapper the protein advantage is normally always destroyed by the sugar 20g of on average

    This is the stuff that keeps people fat, they were developed for bodybuilders who need there 1.5g per lb of protein to retain muscle trust me they never touch one when they are cutting fat