I need Nike+ Running friends



  • charlotte_faulk
    charlotte_faulk Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to running. I'm currently on week two of couch to 5k and I've been using this app at the same time to monitor my improvement.

    If people could add me on it that'd be great :)

    Username: charlottefaulk92

  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    Just downloaded the Nike + Running app last week.. I've added/requested several of you on Nike+ but I'd love to have more runners add me! Screen name "Dxtra30" ... Thanks!
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 674 Member
    I added a few of y'all
  • jabaa91
    jabaa91 Posts: 19 Member
    my name is JanineJohnston ! :) add me everyone none of my real life friends have it i need some friendly competition to motivate me! x
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    I stopped using Nike+ because of the lack of motivated friends. I just use Endomondo now...
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    Yes! I need more motivation. This winter weather has been a big excusefor me! :P

    Nike+: Daelu773
  • saisd210
    saisd210 Posts: 1
    Just recently started using Nike+ and I need some friends to compete with add me.... David Martinez
  • I'm training for a full in April & June. Please add me as well: Sambones76
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    I added a few people, if you see a request from Joe_Hempel...it's me!
  • mounircs
    mounircs Posts: 1
    I'm a new user of nike plus application. Add me: mounircs
  • marktruesdale
    marktruesdale Posts: 1 Member
    Hey i have added some of you

    Add me Mark Truesdale

    Im a keen runner from ireland and would love some competitive motivation

  • Likewise here.
    Just finished my first marathon a mont ago with a not-too-proud-off time.
    Need motivation! Please add me artra2914 :-)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Always looking for more friends: mariababe81
  • Pretty much added everybody on this forum.
    Super pumped!!!
    - arturo
  • Hey, I really want to be motivated, I need to add friends in the app.
    Feel free to add me
    My Nike+ ID : AbdulazizAlkuwikbi
  • I was using it actively last year for a few months and then took a break from running, have started back up again a few weeks ago. Add me @ Greg Jodeit
  • Feel free to add me "Primo13"
    MRMIKEHUDSONJR1977 Posts: 3 Member
    Please add me on Nike+ username is usarmycavalryscout
    I would like to get to have some friends on that program :)

    Also feel free to add me on this program also :)
  • jojo4cats
    jojo4cats Posts: 61 Member
    Feel free to add me on Nike+, let's motivate each other!
    My screen name on Nike+ is Shu2Fitness :)