So I weigh in tomorrow...

jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
and as of today I havent really lost any weight this week... I did splurge 1 day last week (logged about 1k over what I normally eat), but since then have worked out several times including enough to burn 1300 cals yesterday.
After burning 1300 cals yesterday, I had only previously eaten about 1700, so I had a net of 400 cals for the day. I did spend last night having several snacks (not junk food) to eat some of my exercise cals back to get to at least 1200 cals net for the day to prevent starvation mode. I was way under on my cals and fat and hit protein right on the head and my sodium wasnt too bad. maybe I need to wait till this full digests, maybe might be some weight loss there.
I am just kinda bummed.. I want to get below 270 before my beach trip in a week from tomorrow and I am at 271.4 now.. I was at 271.9 last Friday.


  • pbell
    pbell Posts: 15
    I weigh in tomorrow too... its crazy... good luck w that
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Just stay with never know tomorrow morning you may be are close to being under 270 and by tghe time we leave you still could be...dong get discouraged...You did have to eat a lot last night before bed...I am sure that is why...just keep at it and you will do it !!!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Just stay with never know tomorrow morning you may be are close to being under 270 and by tghe time we leave you still could be...dong get discouraged...You did have to eat a lot last night before bed...I am sure that is why...just keep at it and you will do it !!!

    Thanks Deb.. what I wonder, maybe someone can help with this, a new way to ask the question...

    If I am below 1200 cals net.. and I am eating trying to get above that and I am full, and still only at like 700 cals net.. should I try to eat more or just stop?
    Doesnt seem your body would go into starvation mode if you are full?!?!
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    sounds like you may be plateauing... have you thought of switching up your exercise regime? Maybe do just weight lifting for a few days or maybe take up pilates or zumba? Just something different to "confuse" your muscles. Good Luck!! and You've come a long way so don't give up! :flowerforyou:
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    sounds like you may be plateauing... have you thought of switching up your exercise regime? Maybe do just weight lifting for a few days or maybe take up pilates or zumba? Just something different to "confuse" your muscles. Good Luck!! and You've come a long way so don't give up! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks, I am going to work out tonight, I usually do the same thing, mostly cardio with some weights on the weekend.

    Maybe try some weights tonight and less cardio
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    Just stay with never know tomorrow morning you may be are close to being under 270 and by tghe time we leave you still could be...dong get discouraged...You did have to eat a lot last night before bed...I am sure that is why...just keep at it and you will do it !!!

    Thanks Deb.. what I wonder, maybe someone can help with this, a new way to ask the question...

    If I am below 1200 cals net.. and I am eating trying to get above that and I am full, and still only at like 700 cals net.. should I try to eat more or just stop?
    Doesnt seem your body would go into starvation mode if you are full?!?!

    You still need to take in ATLEAST 1200 plus exercise calories...if you don't want to eat all your exercise calories eat atleast half of them because even if you don't have an appetite your body still needs the calories to function properly and to lose the weight.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Just stay with never know tomorrow morning you may be are close to being under 270 and by tghe time we leave you still could be...dong get discouraged...You did have to eat a lot last night before bed...I am sure that is why...just keep at it and you will do it !!!

    Thanks Deb.. what I wonder, maybe someone can help with this, a new way to ask the question...

    If I am below 1200 cals net.. and I am eating trying to get above that and I am full, and still only at like 700 cals net.. should I try to eat more or just stop?
    Doesnt seem your body would go into starvation mode if you are full?!?!

    You still need to take in ATLEAST 1200 plus exercise calories...if you don't want to eat all your exercise calories eat atleast half of them because even if you don't have an appetite your body still needs the calories to function properly and to lose the weight.

    yesterday I actually wore my HRM to spin class, had been calc about 400-600 cals burned and I burned almost 900, and last night went to water aerobics, expecting less than 200 and I burned 450.. so at the end of the day I literally had burned off everything I ate, at 8:30pm last night I had a net of 396 cals.. so I ate and ate stuff like Mini Wheats, 94% fat free popcorn to try to get that to above 1200, but I got full and almost got sick trying to eat that much cals in a short time without junk food (ate 4 oz of the mini wheats for example)
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    oh yeah I totally understand that! Mini wheats and popcorn are very filling! That makes it tough.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    You are feeling the same frustration I am. I had to tell myself a little loss is better than no loss, and slowy/steady wins the race. Its hard to not just see the pounds falling off like I would hope.

    I actually moved my weigh in date to Fridays this week due to weekends sodium levels. I wish you luck with your weigh in tomorrow, hopefully you will see some loss.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    It will come off. your body is probably adjusting to everything ( eating and exercising) and it does need time. Please be patient and don't get discourage because that is when people feel the need of *giving up.*

    You can do this:flowerforyou: !
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