Advice for newbies- things I wish I had known starting out



  • dylansmom87
    dylansmom87 Posts: 16 Member
    Very helpful advice. Thank you, and congratulations on 100 lb.Way To Go !!!!!
  • Jsoyica
    Jsoyica Posts: 2 Member
    Awesome post, thanks for sharing!
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    My NUMBER ONE "wish I would've known" is THIS IS NOT A RACE. Do not compare your progress to someone who has been living a healthier lifestyle for much longer than you. Do not compare your body to someone of similar shape, either. Lots of factors make up how we personally lose weight, our body composition, etc.

    Focus on yourself. It's OK to cut yourself some slack, too.
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    excellent advice
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    My NUMBER ONE "wish I would've known" is THIS IS NOT A RACE. Do not compare your progress to someone who has been living a healthier lifestyle for much longer than you. Do not compare your body to someone of similar shape, either. Lots of factors make up how we personally lose weight, our body composition, etc.

    Focus on yourself. It's OK to cut yourself some slack, too.

    this is VERY TRUE
  • Sahara0815
    Find a good seamstress/tailor! You will need it and it's much less expensive to alter your clothing than buy new. Also, look around for the resale shops ... you can get amazing deals and also make a little money back by selling your gently-worn things. And above all, get rid of your "fat clothes!" You don't need that fall-back in your life, it makes it a little too easy. :)

    DRINK YOUR WATER! I can't agree with this enough ... excellent advice. If I slack on my water, I feel awful and I don't lose.

    People ask me how I've lost my weight and I tell them it's the "more or less" diet ... I move more and eat less. But like a lot of the other posters here, I haven't tried to cut out all the things I enjoy, I enjoy the things I love only less of them, or less often. I call it my "calorie budget" ... if I'm going to over-indulge in one thing, then I save calories in my budget by eating less at other meals. And for exercise, try teaming up with other people and doing things you like. Living in Ohio, I'm excited to have the warmer weather coming up so I can get back outside and walk because I like walking outside in the sunshine! It's not "oh, I have to exercise," it's something I look forward to. Find something you like or that makes you feel good and do it consistently!

    FIND YOUR SUPPORT GROUP! Whether it's here online, at home, at work, or a combination of all of these, support is important. You don't have to do this alone. I have a great support system at home/work/with friends but since none of them have ever tried to lose a large amount of weight, it's nice to "talk" on here with people who have been through it or are going through it.

    And I agree with the "take pictures of yourself" advice as well. I wish I had! I was hiding from the camera at first but am getting less camera-shy. Seeing those changes is awesome!
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
  • sarahthin
    sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
    Don't forget to reward yourself. Not with food, but with special things for you. Maybe a spa day or just a pedicure, a short shopping trip to update some of your clothes. Maybe that belt that you've never worn.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures....

    they are the only thing that make me believe I have changed.
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    Learn how to make MFP work for you. There are groups for everything. Get connected with others like you...

    And... all newbies and oldies should check out UNOFFICIAL MFP FAQ:
  • charman99
    charman99 Posts: 88 Member
    The best advice I was given is : It didn't get there overnight and you are not going to shed it overnight....

    When I get down on myself I just keep repeating this!
  • nygrl4evr
    nygrl4evr Posts: 196 Member
    If you are like me and cannot do more then toast for breakfast then have on hand a low calorie snack for mid morning when the hungry monster starts knocking. I usually like to do a small yogurt (50 calorie size) or a light cheese stick to hold me over until lunch. I find that more smaller meals keeps me fuller all day but on the same amount of calories if I was just eating 3 bigger meals.
  • ElaineRN100
    ElaineRN100 Posts: 201 Member
    Helpful ideas everyone. I appreciate that you took the time to help us on our journeys to a healthy lifestyle.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Nobody at the gym is judging you. Do not be afraid to work out in public. This is about you, and feeling ashamed of your body is useless. Rock your journey, smile at everyone you see, find your confidence, and most important, fake it til you make it.
  • KimP202
    KimP202 Posts: 68 Member
    thank you all for sharing
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    All of the above is great advice.

    A few of my own:
    1) Don't make drastic changes in either food or exercise that you don't think you can live with forever. This is a lifestyle shift, not a crash course
    2) Don't give up on yourself. This can be hard but sometimes we just plain make it harder on ourselves than we need to. Don't be so rough on yourself. Pick yourself up and keep going when you have a "bad" meal or a "bad" day. This is life and it will happen. Don't beat yourself up over it.
    3) Find activity that you love!!!!
    4) Experiment with different foods, spices, recipes. You don't have to eat steamed vegies with nothing on them everyday. There are so many spices and such that can really add to your food without adding a ton of cals.
    5) Read labels. That low fat or fat free item may actually be loaded with sodium or sugar to make up for the fat. Find what trade off you are willing to make.

    Good Luck all and we can do this
  • kaaabney
    kaaabney Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you for all the good advice!
  • Maybee77
    Maybee77 Posts: 17
    Thank you all for this advice! You have really helped me :happy:
  • Adah_m
    Adah_m Posts: 216 Member
    Nobody at the gym is judging you. Do not be afraid to work out in public. This is about you, and feeling ashamed of your body is useless. Rock your journey, smile at everyone you see, find your confidence, and most important, fake it til you make it.

    I love this one!!!! I was TERRIFIED to go into a gym. I was terrified to even look like I was having fun, thinking I would find some skinny mean looking girl giggling and pointing at me.
    You do NOT deserve happiness less because you aren't a size 0!!! Get in that gym!! Get outside!! Screw everyone else, you are who matters, and the fact that you're in the gym means you are doing the right thing. Never let ANYONE embarass you. What we are doing takes incredible strength, courage, and faith, more than anything I have ever done in my life. This makes us AWESOME people, strong people, and incredibly smart people. Remember all of that. Congratulate yourself in that mirror every single morning for making the right decision.

    Also, taking pics is genius. I wish I hadn't been so terrified of the camera when I was much bigger. I would love to see a swimsuit pic of me now, so I can see the shape differences and have some before and after pics to be proud of.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Great advice! Mine:

    1. Have more good days than bad.
    2. What you eat in private shows up in public. I always used to sneak food as a kid so I had to keep reminding myself of this when I was alone and wanted to eat but wasn't hungry.
    3. Try to exercise around the same time every day. Eventually when that time comes around, you'll feel the urge to work out. I swear!
    4. Buy yourself some gear. People spend their money on their hobbies (video games, concerts, etc.). Spend your money on your new active hobbies. Buy yourself a great pair of sneaks, a good stock of workout clothes that you feel good in, and the right equipment to reach your goals, whether it's a gym membership, exercise DVDs, or a reflective vest for your late runs outside.
    5. Plan your meals as much as you can. I plan for the week and buy groceries on Sundays. I also trained the bf to cook healthy meals (which he loves now) for when he gets home from work before me. Don't give yourself the excuse that you have no food in the house so you need to get takeout.
    6. But....get takeout when you really want it. Just make sure it's every now and then. This goes with not depriving yourself. At a birthday party? Have a slice of cake if you want it. Thanksgiving dinner? Dig in baby! I gained 4 pounds over Thanksgiving weekend and it was gone within 3 days of my normal routine. You need to live. You need to be able to do this forever. Think you can go forever without ever enjoying another Thanksgiving?! Heck no!

    Ok I'll stop now. Hopefully someone got something out of it!