47 and starting menopause.......

Ok so I am on week 4 and have only lost 2 lbs.......I was wondering if there were any ladies out there my age and we could encourage each other.....friend me and possibly help me along the way and I will do the same for you.....I find that this is the very first time that losing weight is so darn hard as other times I never had a problem, it has to be the age.


  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    We are the same age. It definitely gets harder to lose weight over 40. Although, I really don't have any excuses except that as my 3 kids were growing up (youngest is 16 and the oldest is 24), I was just lazy. I recently upped my calories, as I was only eating 1270. It really has helped my temperment and my hunger. You may want to check out this website: http://www.fitwatch.com/qkcalc/caloriedeficitcalculator.php. You enter information like your age, height, current weight and lifestyle and then it will calculate how many calories you should eat to function. From there, it also shows what you should eat for a weight loss (20 - 30% deficit). By doing this, I went from 1270 to 1560.

    I'll send you a friend request. I have a bit more to lose than you, but will support you any way I can.
  • RomanaW
    RomanaW Posts: 108 Member
    I am 45 so not far from you and definitely, it is much harder to lose weight. I remember when I was younger, I could easily lose 2 pounds a week. I am on my week 5 now and only lost 6 pounds. It is on the right track but I wish it was faster :) I also have to control my food much more and reduce carbs significantly in order to keep losing. Unfortunately it is not only about calories deficit. If I drink wine, my losing slows down even if I am within my calories limit. I am sending you a friend request. Anyone else, please friend me.
  • I just started menopause as well, I'm 52. I need moral support as well. I've been on a rollercoaster ride with my weight and have tried several weight lose programs. I can't seem to keep it off. I need to lose 45 lbs. I'd appreciate all the support I can get.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I am 46 and have been perimenopause for a few years. I only get spotting when I run more. My key factors to weight loss has been protein, fiber and fluids. All factors from looking at your diary you are extremely low on. I do just fine with carbs. So do not go low carb if you have never done so. Carbs only matter if you are already sensitive and once you go low you have to stay there or you just gain the weight back because your body stops producing the hormones to break them down. This is also true for fats. Anything and all in moderation including alcohol. Also do not go too low on calories this will just slow your metabolism, you need fuel to keep the fire burning. I am up from 1,500 to 1,650 and am still losing steadily. I would recomend becoming more active. Walking is a good start. I did the C25K app and am now continuing with 10K trainer and went from barely running for 30 seconds to running more than 20 minutes straight. I am doing my second 5K tomorrow. Good Luck on your journey and lifestyle change.:flowerforyou:
  • lorilynne66
    lorilynne66 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm going to friend all of you! I went through meno at 33 because they had to take my ovaries to lower the estrogen production...I've had breast cancer 2x. I'm just turning 47 on March 20...love every day that I'm breathing...but the breathing is getting heavier LOL. I weighed in on March 6 at 233, heaviest I have ever been! GGRRRRRRR
  • countrygal02012
    countrygal02012 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi ladies... I am also struggling with menopause.... very hard to lose weight. And my up and down moods are hard... going thru a low time the last few days and I self-sabotage. I just started taking Evening Primrose Oil and Black Cohosh as per my doctor to see if that helps. Send if a friend add if you want support...
  • I just turned 49 last Wednesday. I'm not in menopause yet, but my periods are extremely heavy and long (over 30 days) at times. I take 3 iron pills a day to help with anemia. I've been working with a personal trainer since last July. I started 2012 weighing 285, joined Curves but their food plan didn't work for me and I only lost 18 lbs, then weighed 272 when I started with the personal trainer, and now weigh 196. I just started tracking my food on MFP today, but have been tracking it on my gym's website since July. My trainer has me on 1800 calories, 40% protein or 180 grams, 30% carbs, and 30% fat. I've never hit a plateau except was very weak/exhausted with I couldn't get my period to stop. I'm aiming for goal weight of 172, which would be 100 lbs since working with trainer. He's thinking I may need to go less than that, but we'll see. I love strength training, and he tells me that I will soon lose strength as my weight continues to drop. It's very distressing to hear that I may lose some of my new strength, as it makes me excited to be able to bench press 70 lbs. My trainer says I should care more about body fat % than how much I can lift. It took me 6 months to work up to doing a proper push-up, so I hope I can continue those. He says I'll lose more upper body strength than lower, maybe because I'm pear-shaped and bottom heavy with strong legs. I think it is harder to lose after menopause, so I'm trying to lose as much as I can before that time comes.
  • Ronnigurl2
    Ronnigurl2 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I am 48 years old and until last year had no problem dropping 10. Was on this site last year and came to realize, at a point, that it wasn't working as I'd push the calories suggested to the absolute limit. This year I'm back trying to lose weight, but only can lose 5lbs and gain it back with just a shift of the wind. I've never strayed from my small meals and exercise, but do get frustrated and say "forget it" as I occasionally return to the foods I know are so bad (but taste so good) for a moment. Spoke to my doctor just last week and she informed me that it is likely the perimenopause phase that is my issue. She suggested that I go low carb and keep exercising. She said, at this point, it maybe another 10 years before I find relief from the menopause. I am maintaining at the current weight. Although a lil looseness in clothes as a result of exercising (changes day to day with water retention), most of my usual clothes don't fit. Because of the clothes issue, I hit the depression button every other day and wanna give up. I am the heaviest I've been in 10 years.

    My usual eating habits weren't carb heavy, but weren't carb free with lil to no bread, more fiber like wheat products, no milk but soy products, lil to no sweets, meat limited to chicken and fish with lil red meat, etc. A few years ago a doctor provided a eating routine and this week I decided to dust off those papers and take it back to basics. My previous small meals weren't as structured, so this "diet" puts my mind back and hopefully gets me into my disciplined mode. My exercise hasn't faltered, so the only change I can see with it is to add more resistance exercises with weights and such. I'm going to see where this takes me. Although true, I know I still have a ways to go.

    I'd like to be part any group like this forum for from folks going through the same as me.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    yep, I FEEL YOUR PAIN.
  • SusanMPreston43
    SusanMPreston43 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey guys, I'm 43 and have been through 'medical' menopause several years ago as I had a complete hysterectomy at 33 due to a high cancer risk. I've had menopause symptoms in the last year and heard that it is now 'physical' menopause - Yay me...

    I've about 100 pounds to lose....

    Sending ya'll friend requests as I think we can all support each other and motivate each other.
  • paigelyn88
    paigelyn88 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm the same age and in the same place in life. I can use all the support I can get, please friend me if you wish!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I'm almost 45 and have been dealing with this perimenopause garbage for about 5 or 6 years. I'm so over it. The change in metabolism came as a huge shock. The changes in my actual period were an even bigger shock. Why doesn't anyone warn us about this? All you hear about is the 'comic' stuff they show on sitcoms. I think the female body should come with a warning label and a user's manual.
  • SusanMPreston43
    SusanMPreston43 Posts: 84 Member
    And don't forget how it's almost impossible to lose weight without estrogen. Bothered me enough to go on HRT just so I could get some help losing this middle tire!
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    Just to encourage you - I'm 47, and I started my weight loss mid July last year.

    I have no idea where I am re: menopause but my mum had an early one. So far my periods are still there but can vary between 3 and 5 weeks between.

    I have endometriosis so in some ways I am hoping menopause will help with that...
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I have a doctor's appointment today (in an hour actually! I'd better get moving!). So far, she's seemed pretty unimpressed by my perimenopause symptoms. I'm going to ask her today if hormone replacement is right for me. I'm not sure I'm that far along the path yet though. Or if I want to go that route. I don't know. I'm just tired of it all.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Ok so I am on week 4 and have only lost 2 lbs.......I was wondering if there were any ladies out there my age and we could encourage each other.....friend me and possibly help me along the way and I will do the same for you.....I find that this is the very first time that losing weight is so darn hard as other times I never had a problem, it has to be the age.

    Me! FR sent :smile:
    I'm 46 and going through perimenopause.
    I have no cycle to speak of anymore.
    I can go for months with nothing and then suddenly I'm gushing (sorry, TMI).
    And the belly fat :grumble:
  • lcyama
    lcyama Posts: 209 Member
    when i went to the doctor last year, she said it was great that i'd lost some weight, because during menopause i was going to gain some back. :-(

    i am managing to lose weight, slowly. i think it helps that i try to exercise every day. running with hot flashes -- oh man it makes me sweat like crazy. the worse part for me is my mood swings. i swear i am so grumpy sometimes even *i* don't want to be around me.

    add me if you like.
  • I feel all of your pain. 51 years old and have gained almost over 20 pounds this year, with no change in diet.
    I cannot lift weights or exercise like I used to, so calorie intake and nutrition will be key for me.
    I have my first grandchild on the way, and I want to be a healthy, fun Grandma!
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I am exactly your age! I started perimenopause a few years back, and my doctor put me on Yaz birth control pills to control the symptoms (I'm now on Beyaz, which is pretty much the same). I don't really know if the pills had an effect on my weight, but I did have a good weight lost through diet and exercise before I got sloppy over the past year. Now I have 20 lbs. that need to go, so I'd love friends in the same boat. Please feel free to add me.

    My gynie is the one who put me on Beyaz, but my GP (new, since the old one left the practice) is very much into natural and colitis medicine, and she doesn't like all the problems with Yaz/Beyaz. She's urging me to get off it and onto an herbal menopause remedy. I wonder if that will affect my weight. I really love Beyaz because my periods are almost non-existent, as are the killer cramps I struggled with for years, and hot flashes are rare.
  • apcartwright
    apcartwright Posts: 27 Member
    I will be 50 in a couple weeks and have had some menopause symptoms for the past year. I have said for the last 2 years that I wanted to be in the best shape I could by the age 50, but the motivation was never there for what ever reason. I got the motivation at the beginning of Feb 2013 then in March my company started a biggest loser challenge for the next 3 months. For me my fitness pal has been a huge learning curve on how my so thought healthy eating was not nearly as healthy as I expected. Not ever having a sweet tooth was surprised to find my choice in fruits and vegetables was probably why I didn't have a sweet tooth for I was getting enough sugar from them both. Water I think may have bee a key I never drank it before. I would have a couple cups of black coffee in the morning and a can or two of pepsi at night and would not drink anything else but I was never thirsty. Now I drink at least 8 cups a day and often need more. I also have a couple cups of green tea, I am not a tea drinker but I found pomegranate green tea with a splash of lemon doesn't taste too bad and they say its good for you. Hopefully something here can help I know listening to co-workers has helped me on my change of lifestyle.