My story and looking for MFP friends

Hi Everyone,
I’m looking for some support as I battle the bulge… yet again! Here is my story:
At my heaviest, I weighed 194 pounds (no pictures of this weight) but through weight watchers and exercise I was able to shed the pounds for my wedding last September and get down to 154 pounds. I felt great and healthy at this weight even though I wasn’t “super slim” and think I looked the best I ever have (see pics). However, in the last 6 months of newlywed life, I have gained 20 pounds. Yikes!!! I can’t believe I let this happen! I feel awful about myself and know that I need to make a change and get back in shape. I joined MFP a few weeks ago with a starting weight of 174 and felt disgusting. I have managed to lose 3 pounds and took the “chubby” pictures below at 171! 17 pounds to go to get back to my wedding weight.
I’m looking for friends on here with open diaries so we can continue to motivate each other!!! Please add me, and I cant wait to post my after pictures! Oh, and I am 5'8 if anyone is curious :)

Before (154 pounds or do)

[img] Big Fat Campy Wedding pro pics/308890_10100245433397205_281183768_n.jpg[/img]

After weight gain (171)



  • laraghdooley
    laraghdooley Posts: 45 Member
    Oh, and my ultimate weight goal would be in the 140s but I'm just trying to back where I was to start :)
  • laraghdooley
    laraghdooley Posts: 45 Member
    alrighty then... lol
    No one? :)
  • dimplz369
    dimplz369 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I'm also 5'8. I think you can lose it since you've done it before. You can add me and we can help keep eachother motivated!
  • prettigreeneyes
    prettigreeneyes Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I think my heaviest was 192 and I did weight watchers as well... Lost some... Gained it back... Now, I'm working with a personal trainer twice a week, and exercising on my own 3-4 times. What are you doing to get to the weight you want to be? I requested you also!

    Oh, is that the Royal Cancun in your picture?? I got married there :)
  • alaskabrat
    alaskabrat Posts: 40 Member
    Hi! Here I am! I've been on an off MFP for years. I need motivation (Friends) as well! I am 38 years old, 5'2" tall, and am currently 228 lbs. I never had a weight problem (119lbs until I turned 20) and was always active. Due to traumatic events in my early 20's I started gaining. My heaviest was 252 lbs in November 2011. I lost 26 lbs in one month doing HCG and I've kept it off this wholel time! But I realize that HCG is not a long term answer, plus it's not very healthy. Anyway, I miss the way I felt when I was smaller. I really miss it! Add me as a friend and we can get each other through our tough times! With encouragement and can be my sponsor if you will! ;)
    I'll add before pics soon to be fair! :)
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    Hi I'm Kate... I'm looking for good buddies-- ones who log their diary often! :) I will send you a request, other friends feel free to add me as well. PS.. your dress is BEAUTIFUL!
  • stacymercado
    stacymercado Posts: 15 Member
    I can relate. My daughter is 2 1/2. My end preggo weight was 209. Each summer I lost a lot of weight and then would gain back 10 each winter. Each winter I would be 10lbs less then the winter before as my start would be lighter. Last summer I was down to 136 and was able to maintain a 143/146 for almost the whole winter. I had a minor surgery last month and am now 151.. and went all the way up to 155. It feels like I am starting over. I was so excited to start this summer off at 143 to get down to my ultimate goal weight (127-130). Its a terrible feeling to feel like you slipped to the point of no return BUT we both know it will just take extra work and is do able if we focus. I am sorry for your gain and that you are not feeling comfortable.. (even though to me you look fab at either weight). Try focusing on the future rather then dwelling on what you didnt do.... that is my focus right now - no more dwelling.
  • Kxgz
    Kxgz Posts: 198 Member
    Hey there : ). I'm 5'8 as well, and our stats and goals are almost identical.
  • redponyride2
    So can relate. Weighed 144 three years ago and have only had a 10 pound weight difference since my early 30's and now I am the heaviest I have ever been at 180 (hard to write). I am 5'6" and have never had an issue until new medicine.
  • laraghdooley
    laraghdooley Posts: 45 Member
    Yes, it is the ROYAL!!! What a beautiful resort for a wedding. We spent our honeymoon there and loved every minute of it!
  • laraghdooley
    laraghdooley Posts: 45 Member
    I;ve added all of you!!! Every time I gain weight, it seems harder and harder to lose but I know it can be done. Thank you guys for the support. I will be logging all of my food and exercise every day so let's do this together!!!! No more yo-yo weight - this is the LAST time!
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    I can so relate. I am at my heaviest right now (not pregnant) at 175. Pregnant I was at a max of 195. With the first child I lost all but 10, then my second I lost it all too and got down to 160. My goal is to get down to pre-pregnancy and wedding weight of 150. I can't believe I am this high now. I'm 5'7 and 31. I have just returned and am starting over. I had great luck about 2 years ago on here but fell off track so I've cleared my list and am looking for new motivational friends, feel free to add me.
  • sunshinesquared
    sunshinesquared Posts: 2,733 Member
    I'm also 5'8 1/2. Down 15 lbs, with about 10 - 15 more to go. Here everyday, currently on day 185! Feel free to add me if you'd like....more than willing to help support! :happy:
  • laraghdooley
    laraghdooley Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you everyone! I already feel more motivated. Any other newlyweds out there who have "let themselves go" as they say?
  • Msbarnes91
    Msbarnes91 Posts: 38 Member
    I am going to send you a request, and I look forward to being your MFP friend!! Your wedding dress is so pretty!!!
  • circesfire
    Your wedding pictures are beautiful and you looked great ( not that you look bad now). I'm 29 5'9" and weighed 195 lbs last year. Down to 171 now and finally starting to work out and log my diet. Starting goal weight is 155, but I'd love to get down to my lowest ever weight of 142 again. No real timetable for losing the weight just want to do it the right way and develop good habits so it stays off. I sent you a friends request!
  • laraghdooley
    laraghdooley Posts: 45 Member
    Wow, so glad I shared my story as my new friends have been a tremendous help and motivation! Anyone else out there still looking fo MFP friends? Add me :)
  • ddfmendoza
    You look great. You seem to have great strength. I know where you are coming from. I am 5'10" and 200 pounds. I have been married for 17 years and have never been able to get rid of all the baby weight. I have finally hit bottom and I want a change. I am tired of being heavy. My goal weight is 165 and I know I have a long road ahead of me. I am hoping for support just as you are. I will support you in any way I can. Good luck :)