Any other ladies out there who lift heavy?

Please tell me I'm not alone...I would love to find someone else my height/weight and do a comparision of what we are lifting. Perhaps this can be a thread to get other ladies to find their lifting "buddy".

5'3, 135-137 lbs here, I normally do 3x8 reps. Currently squat 115, bench 75, overhead press 50, deadlift 90, peppered with other random exercises.

Any favorite lifts of yours I should try?


  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    I'm nowhere near those weights yet but I'm working on it. I know there are several other women lifting heavy around here who have inspired me to join the ranks.
  • redwngs13
    redwngs13 Posts: 194 Member
    I've been lifting since Nov 2012, but never had any direction to follow, so i'm starting the Starting Strength program in the near future (hopefully next week if I can get through the book).

    I'm 26, 5'6", ~142 lb, and I'm not sure what my starting weights are for the lifts, but I think I"ll be somewhere around
    squat - 50-60
    press - 40-45
    OH press - 35-40
    deadlift - no idea..

    I'm hoping to make some great improvements from SS.
  • jacklis
    jacklis Posts: 280 Member
    You are not alone- I love lifting- and never knew this was something I would enjoy so much.
    I am 5'7.5" and currently weigh in at 177lbs (but I'm working on it).
    I have worked up to squating 95lbs 4X10 reps, deadlifts up to 135lbs 4X up to 20 reps, and other random stuff, but these are what really get me fired up.
    I am pretty new to lifting, so sorry- I am not a good one to recommend anything (my trainer introduced me to this and everything I do so far).
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I am presently taking a break from lifting to train for a half marathon in May. I will go back to lifting in June. I have power lifted since high school...taking a break only during pregnancy. I lost a ton of strength during those breaks though, especially in my lower body. When I was 17 my single lift max for bench was 180 and for squat was 405.
    I haven't maxed out in a while, but last time my single lift maxes were 145 for bench, 275 for squat and 315 for deadlift. I generally work at about 60 % of my max in multiple sets of 6-10.

    I plan to start 5X5 lifts in June. Oh, and my stats are 5'7" and 180 with about 26% bf (as was said, working on that).
  • KimPratt222
    KimPratt222 Posts: 36 Member
    Absolutely! Totally lift heavy. Only way to go if you ask me! Right now, I squat 140 lbs for 6 sets, bench press 95 lbs (regular bench, incline and decline), deadlift 140lbs (using low weight on these now and really working on form. I really jacked my back up on these years ago, so being cautious). I curl 50 lbs and do 60 lb shoulder presses. Those are the ones I remember...I'll add more as I think of them or go look at my journal.

    And am I big, bulky and manly? Not even a little bit! :)
  • tessmck57
    tessmck57 Posts: 1 Member
    I lift heavy too.. love it.. I do olympic lifting too, more technical but awesome fun!
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    I am presently taking a break from lifting to train for a half marathon in May. I will go back to lifting in June. I have power lifted since high school...taking a break only during pregnancy. I lost a ton of strength during those breaks though, especially in my lower body. When I was 17 my single lift max for bench was 180 and for squat was 405.
    I haven't maxed out in a while, but last time my single lift maxes were 145 for bench, 275 for squat and 315 for deadlift. I generally work at about 60 % of my max in multiple sets of 6-10.

    I plan to start 5X5 lifts in June. Oh, and my stats are 5'7" and 180 with about 26% bf (as was said, working on that).

    NICE stats!
    I'm at 24 % bf...would love to be 20 or under
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    5"6" weigh 130, I use to powerlift real heavy from 17- 24 , in a powelifting gym with some bad *kitten* guy's , my lifts where very heavy best 175 bench, 250 deadlift, 200 squat , that said I started with a 15lb bar benching, so just keep doing what your doing and adding weight , I was just a kid having fun lifting in a guy's gym , had no idea how much I would benefit later on in life from this I am now 49., i tell younger woman to lift heavy don't be afraid of getting bulky because that is not going to happen. try doing a pyramid style , start off with 8 reps, add weight do 6 reps, add weight 4 reps add weight then max out at 1 rep, go back to 4 reps, then 6 reps then 8 reps with the same weight...goodluck
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    Absolutely! Totally lift heavy. Only way to go if you ask me! Right now, I squat 140 lbs for 6 sets, bench press 95 lbs (regular bench, incline and decline), deadlift 140lbs (using low weight on these now and really working on form. I really jacked my back up on these years ago, so being cautious). I curl 50 lbs and do 60 lb shoulder presses. Those are the ones I remember...I'll add more as I think of them or go look at my journal.

    And am I big, bulky and manly? Not even a little bit! :)

    That's one of my biggest pet peeves-when people think women will bulk up. Not manly over here either! How tall are you?
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    Lifting got me to where I am now. I am not super heavy lifting but it's giving me the body I am beginning to love. I have knee issues so some days are better than others (need a knee replacement - it's bone on bone) so if I can do it I think anyone could have a go.

    I lift about 4 times a week with 2 CV days (due to the knee my CV consists of bike or elliptical or rower).
    Deads - (3 or 4x15reps) 121, and one rep max so far: (x1) = 209
    Overhead Press (hate that) - (3 or 4x10-15reps) 55
    Squat (in the rack x 15) 132
    Bench (x15) 77

    Well done on finding weightlifting, you won't regret it.

    EDIT: just read about others thinking they will bulk up - I look bigger cos I have lots of loose skin after losing so much weight in the last 12 months, so I think I look bulky but compared to what I was I am much smaller. My profile pic was taken after a session so I am a bit pumped lol.
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    5"6" weigh 130, I use to powerlift real heavy from 17- 24 , in a powelifting gym with some bad *kitten* guy's , my lifts where very heavy best 175 bench, 250 deadlift, 200 squat , that said I started with a 15lb bar benching, so just keep doing what your doing and adding weight , I was just a kid having fun lifting in a guy's gym , had no idea how much I would benefit later on in life from this I am now 49., i tell younger woman to lift heavy don't be afraid of getting bulky because that is not going to happen. try doing a pyramid style , start off with 8 reps, add weight do 6 reps, add weight 4 reps add weight then max out at 1 rep, go back to 4 reps, then 6 reps then 8 reps with the same weight...goodluck

    Thanks for this advice...will try the pyramid thing.
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    I'm getting ready to start again. I've been researching and piecing together my home gym. I used to be a member of a gym that didn't even provide an Olympic bar! I had to use machines... I'm over that. I'm looking into Stronglifts for my plan. I've been really focusing on my diet while I plan out my mini-gym (which will be in my small garage and has to fit with cars in there!). I'm stalling out now... time to start the exercise!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member

    5'3, 135-137 lbs here, I normally do 3x8 reps. Currently squat 115, bench 75, overhead press 50, deadlift 90, peppered with other random exercises.

    We're pretty close. I'm on week 4 of Stronglifts 5x5. These are my most recent weights:
    Squat: 95 lbs
    OHP: 65
    Bench: 70
    Pendlay Rows: 90
    Deadlift: 135

    I'm 5'5", 145. Right now I think I'm about 26-27% BF. I want to get down to the low 20s. I'm almost 42. Supermodelchi is also right. I lifted heavy (although different types of training) all through my college years and 20's. I lifted more than some of the guys at the gym, and I was a size 2/4 back then. I think I've maintained a decent shape all these years (although not a size 2), even when I went through stretches of not working out hard, due to all my lifting when I was younger.
  • akurtz102
    I love lifting heavy. I was a competitive soccer player for 16 years before 4 knee surgeries set me back. Since finding weight lifting, my quad/VMO/hamstring strength, although still weak, has gotten better and I've gained my confidence back. I'm currently at about 22-24% body fat but working on cutting that down to under 20. I'm 5'8.5, 139lb. Weight lifting is becoming very popular for one will regret it!
    I do 3-4 round, 6-10 reps, squat 120, Bench 60, OHP, 60, deadlift 165lb. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Meeeee! Though I'm still fairly new to it all. Current lifting stats:
    80# Squat 5x5
    65# Bench Press 4x5
    65# Barbell row 4x5 (my least favorite)
    120# Deadlift 2x5
    55# OHP 4x5
  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    I just started lifting about 2 1/2mo ago. I'm 5'2 122lbs and my stats are...

    Deadlift: 135#
    Back squat 115#
    Front squat 95# although that was just during a workout, haven't tried to max
    Push press 75#
    Overhead squat 55# (haven't tried to max)
    And today I did my first few sets of 75# hang cleans
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    I have been lifting since last summer... was pretty sick this winter so I am just getting back in the game. Currently I am 5'1" 135lbs and my stats:

    Deadlift: 115#
    Squat: 135#
    Bench: 95#

    That is all I know off the top of my head... I need my notebook for the rest!
  • curryandmango
    curryandmango Posts: 4 Member
    I want to lift heavy!

    Question: when you ladies list your stats, are you listing what weights you are putting on the bar or are you counting the bar weight (i.e. 45lbs) as part of your stats?

    For example, If you added two 25# plates to your bar when squatting, are you counting your stats to be 25+25+45 or just counting it like 25+25?
  • weightliftingchick
    me, I lift heavy
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I want to lift heavy!

    Question: when you ladies list your stats, are you listing what weights you are putting on the bar or are you counting the bar weight (i.e. 45lbs) as part of your stats?

    For example, If you added two 25# plates to your bar when squatting, are you counting your stats to be 25+25+45 or just counting it like 25+25?

    Good lord woman, it's 45 lbs! Of course it counts! :happy:
    25 lb plate on each side +45 lb bar = 95 lb