Water and Workouts

pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Pretty much all of my exercise is going running/walking for about 3 miles in 30-40 minutes. I never take water with me because I don't want to carry it, but lately the longer I'm running the more I wish I did. What I've been doing is making sure I drink at least a cup about 30 minutes before I go running. And now I know to make sure that any I drink before is room temp because I always feel thirsty faster during the run if it was cold.

So do you guys take water with you or use any 'tricks' beforehand to help stay hydrated?


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Dont they have those belts or something you can put the water in so you dont have to carry it?
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Anything less than an hour I don't take anything. If I'm going for a long walk/hike over an hour I use a "camel pack". You put it on like a back pack which helps keep you back cool and it has a straw that comes out of the strap so you don't have to stop moving. Bonus: you can also freeze it half full the night before then add water before you go. A negative w/ it is that if you are jogging/running it can slosh around. Great for hiking.
  • summersk
    summersk Posts: 59
    Try really hydrating yourself the night before, that way it any water you drink during the day is just keeping you hydrated rather than trying to hydrate. If that doesn't help then maybe you could look into a camel pack (a back pack that carries water, like the ones the soldiers wear in the dessert), that way you don't have to carry a bottle with you.

  • Yeah Avon oddly enough sells this Curves one that holds your water and your Ipod, it looks pretty cool!
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    Yeah Avon oddly enough sells this Curves one that holds your water and your Ipod, it looks pretty cool!

    Wait, both water AND iPod? Now that's something interesting if it's the case. My exercise pants are looser and wearing my ipod pulls them down, lol. And I haven't felt like spending $20 for an arm strap.

    I've been avoiding anything that carries the water since I'm running and don't want it bouncing all over me, but maybe I should just try it sometime. Thanks for the replies!
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    So here's something else: today when I went running I had gum in my mouth and my mouth didn't get near as dry as other times.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I HAVE to go with water. I carry my normal 24 oz. water bottle. It has a a rubbery center that helps me to grip it without it slipping. I figure, extra weight, right? No different than when I was 18 lbs heavier! :happy:
  • summersk
    summersk Posts: 59
    Less than an hour it is really not necessary to carry water. I was going to suggest a mint to make your mouth feel moist but you have already discovered that with the gum. Also try taking a small pack with ice in it. Sucking on ice while running will prevent you from drinking too much and making yourself sick but will help with the thirsty dry mouth.
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