Just starting


I'm just beginning on this site after talking with a friend who has had positive results. I am a yo-yo dieter, I can lose with hard dieting and exercise, but always fall off the wagon to return to my heavy, ballooned up self. Here I sit again, unhappy with myself and my behaviors, and struggling to get this weight off. I am thinking the food journaling will be a big blessing, if I can only find the time and will myself to get started on a great exercise program. Glad to be here-best of luck to all.


  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Hello and welcome....well as you have learned yo-yo diets dont work......this site is not a magic pill.....

    The only way it will work, is if you log all your meals and your excercise.....so to get results, you have to try and make the time to enter your data

    I would suggest you try and plan out your day, and log your calories ahead of time, so you know where you day is going

    If you wait until the day is over to log, then its way too late to adjust it by then and then you will overeat

  • YasminR
    YasminR Posts: 54 Member
    Hello and welcome. I'm fairly new too. I log what I'm eating as i go along as it's so easy to forget. The exercise will come. I can't face a gym just yet but am working out at home (well day 2 of this) until i feel a little less awkward about retruning to the gym.

    Stay focused and read the advice on the message boards - it's been invaluable to me so far.
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    hello and welcome!:flowerforyou:

    i have had great fun and success by mapping out my week ahead on Saturday or Sunday--meals, then grocery shopping. Sunday is my fix ahead day--i bought a digital scale and portion out my servings on meats. I also get out my spices and do some Italian, some Chinese with 5-spice, some Cajun, some Mexican, some BBQ and a couple get marinated. Then i cook them and stash them in the fridge. I use cherry tomatoes, celery sticks and ready to serve mixed greens, apples and grissini breadsticks as staples--find if i eat something crunchy it is more satisfying for some reason. just pick foods you like that are low carb or low glycemic index--there are tons--for 'accessories' at your meals.
  • jlestes80
    jlestes80 Posts: 10
    Welcome to MFP!!!!

    It is a great tool to use, and losing weight is not a simple thing. It's a total lifestyle change. Like they say 28 days to create a habit.

    I definitely agree Yo-Yo diets don't work and you should definitely use the resources of MFP to the fullest!! Read others blogs, read forums...better yet, I just started writing blogs. It's a great way to journal how you're feeling, what you're accomplishing...when you look back at it you'll feel better!

    I had lost 20 lbs on weight watchers...but it was pricey so I stopped my membership. Bad mistake. That's why these resources are FREE and you can use them when it's convienent for YOU!!!

    I hope this helps!

    Welcome and Good Luck on your Weight Loss Journey!
  • vjjoseph
    vjjoseph Posts: 13 Member
    This is my first week. Today is day number four for me. I have never completed a food journal before. However, I am happy to say, this is really exciting for me. My friend even showed me how you can put in meals ahead of time to see how many calories you would be eating depending on what you order. That way you can plan your meal before you go. That is awesome. I was a yoyo dieter also. I no longer say I am dieting. I am making a life style change. You take one day at a time. You log everything in your journal and you will be fine. Believe me it works. You are allowed more calories than you think. The more you exercise the more calories you are aloowed. That's a wonderful incentive for me to exercise. :o)
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    I'm so glad you think of it as a lifestyle change, not a temporary thing :-)

    I've been keeping journals here and there but I've only been on this one for a few days as well, and I haven't felt deprived or anything! I even had ice cream (kids size light cake batter!) from Coldstone last night with a single Reeses cup mixed in... and it was completely satisfying and I was still under my calorie goal by 150 or so due to exercise!!!

    One day at a time. Exactly. :)
  • bmathies
    bmathies Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the support! Working out at home is just as productive as the gym. We live 1/2 hour away from any gym (rural community) and I have taken advantage of warm weather to walk outside and do some tapes. I'm glad I'm not putting money into a gym membership. Best of luck to you!