how many calories is right?

Hello everyone!
MFP says I should be eating 1420 calories but when I looked up how many calories I should be eating according to my weight and activity level (on an online calculator) it said 1900. I signed up for MFP last year and didnt use it for a while so I dont remember how it got the 1420 number. I have been sticking with 12-1400 calories a day and have been doing the 30 day shred and walking ont the treadmill and have not lost anything for a almost a week. Before I started the 30ds I was losing a pound a day and now I am staying the same. Could it be that I need to up my calories? Thanks in advance for any help.


  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    are you eating back your exercise calories? You should, if you are sticking to a 1200 - 1400 calorie diet. I like to use a calorie deficit calculator ( Not sure what you used.

    I went from 1270 (MFP recommended) to 1560 (deficit calculator recommended) about 3 weeks ago and still have noticed a significant weight loss. I rarely eat back my exercise calories as I am not hungry.
  • ebybee
    ebybee Posts: 6 Member
    No. I dont think I am eating my exercise calories back. I thought that would defeat the purpose of working out but maybe thats why I am not losing. I will try your calculator and see what it tells me. The only thing is that when I do enter the calories on MFP and go over 1400 it makes me feel like a ate too many calories when I see the (-) sign infront of my total calories. Thanks for your response. I appreciate it.
  • radicalrom
    To me, I use different calorie calculators and put my height, weight, sex, age in and all of them use usually one of 4 different types of calculations. For me, I take all 4 of them to lose 2 lb's a week and then I average that number and that begins my calorie number.
  • curvynblonde
    curvynblonde Posts: 170 Member
    The only reason you're not losing is because doing the 30DS makes your muscles hold water to repair themselves. Eating more is NOT the answer to everything.
  • ebybee
    ebybee Posts: 6 Member
    The only reason you're not losing is because doing the 30DS makes your muscles hold water to repair themselves. Eating more is NOT the answer to everything.

    makes sense..
    dumb question.. so even if I am not feeling all that sore anymore my muscles could still be retaining water? sorry I am new at the working out and counting calories stuff.