How do you avoid the temptation to snack?

I have been great at making my 3 main meals healthy but my downfall is always snacking!

Please give me your top tips on how to avoid the snacking!


  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    Why avoid snacking? Why not plan on healthy snacks? I'm far from perfect, but I keep nuts/70+ dark choc / etc.. in the house and factor them in to my eating. When bringing packed lunch to work, I pack snacks too. I don't have to eat them, but nearly always do. If I don't then I'm at the mercy of what the canteen has to offer - not always the best.
  • baja572
    baja572 Posts: 94
    Why avoid snacking? Why not plan on healthy snacks? I'm far from perfect, but I keep nuts/70+ dark choc / etc.. in the house and factor them in to my eating. When bringing packed lunch to work, I pack snacks too. I don't have to eat them, but nearly always do. If I don't then I'm at the mercy of what the canteen has to offer - not always the best.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Find a way to embrace your habits and turn them positive. I second the healthy snacking.
  • Charlie_Hooper
    Charlie_Hooper Posts: 18 Member
    Wouldn't avoid snacking - planning your day can improve your metabolism if you do it for long enough

    I have breakfast, snack at 10.30, lunch at 1.30, snack at 4.00, dinner at any time from 6pm onwards.

    Maybe reduce meal sizes if you feel snacking is impeding on your calories too much? But I also second the healthy snacks!

    I have a granny smiths apple every day, peanuts as a snack, goji berries are also an interesting one - especially if you fancy something sweet, blueberries always go down well.... My recent weakness is the cherry 'Go Ahead' bars - 50cal for one biscuit, come in packs of 3 -- okay for a snack though!
  • DirtyHammer
    DirtyHammer Posts: 91 Member
    Pickles... Many uses, great for snacking with 0-very low Cals. Lots of salt tho... Soo, maybe Cucumbers.. Also many uses, probably even better for snacking...
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I agree with PP... why avoid snacking?

    Just set yourself up for success... larabars, nuts, dried fruit, air popped popcorn, grapes, trail mix, cheese sticks, etc.

    If I had to go from lunch at 11:30 to dinner at 7:00 without snacking, I'd probably eat one of my own children. I try to snack healthy. Some days are more successful than others, but most days I am able to snack healthy.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I have to avoid snacking or I'll do it all afternoon long. If I can, I work on a project that gets me away from the kitchen, both hands and mind occupied.

    (P.S: I try to stick to 4 meals per day plus a bedtime snack.)
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Yeah, do some snacking! Just make it things you like.

    We plan on those 100 calorie popcorn bags and some green or herbal tea later in the evening. That helps.

    I am all for nuts and dried fruit. I usually pack raw, whole almonds with raisins, cherries, apricots, or mango. They taste awesome, are filling, and are very real and healthy for you.
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    Why avoid it? I have a veggie bowl, melon bowl, and nuts that I snack on through out the day.
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    I listen to my body. If I absolutely cannot wait till the next meal I will have a piece of fruit, some jicama, or steam some veggies. Then I will drink a bottle of water.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I don't avoid it. I make it work to my advantage. It's an horrible feeling to force myself to eat only 3 meals. so I eat 2 meals and 3-4 snacks. I have an apple or (IIFIMM) a candy bar. But the trick is only bring to work with me what I will eat for that day. Not snacks for several days. Otherwise I would probably over snack. Oh, and water. Drink lots of water.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    I agree!! Healthy snacks are key! I keep lots of pre-packaged nuts in my desk for easy snacking. I also bring yogurt, carrot sticks, mini Baby bel cheese pretzels, celery. All pretty low calorie. I find I do so much better when I "pre-log" my days the night before. Planning ahead is key for me. Also, I chew lots of gum and drinks lots of water. Good luck :happy:
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    Why avoid snacking? Why not plan on healthy snacks? I'm far from perfect, but I keep nuts/70+ dark choc / etc.. in the house and factor them in to my eating. When bringing packed lunch to work, I pack snacks too. I don't have to eat them, but nearly always do. If I don't then I'm at the mercy of what the canteen has to offer - not always the best.
    this...have healthy snacks available and snacking won't be an issue. I like to eat cottage cheese and crackers, apples, berries, granola bars.
  • llpaq
    llpaq Posts: 263 Member
    I would say Snack on, healthy filling snacks- almonds, rice cakes and PB, veggies, fruits in between each meal- but when and if you don't want to - I live by GUM AND WATER!! :bigsmile: It helps the crave, I swear :smile:
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    All I do is snack.
  • Wrenbot87
    Wrenbot87 Posts: 100 Member
    Don't avoid it! It's okay to snack! I break down my food diary as so...
    Breakfast 350 calories
    Lunch 400 calories
    Dinner 350 calories
    Snacks 400 calories

    This way I can have three snacks a day...between breakfast and lunch, between lunch and dinner, and after my workout if I feel like I need one. The last snack I try to keep low usually it's fruit or veggies for that snack!
  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    Just last night I was really wanting to snack but knew I shouldn't because I already ate plenty and wasn't truly hungry. So, I chewed some gum and grand some hibiscus tea. The tea is what really hit the spot, especially since I was craving something sweet and the tea is naturally sweet.
  • TinaCleg
    TinaCleg Posts: 87
    I'm surviving on celery sticks today and hard boiled eggs ( whites only)
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    All I do is snack.

    All I do is win win win no matter what, got money on mind


    and if your snacking on clean foods..who cares?
  • CatMcCheesey
    I don't avoid snacking; I plan snacks into my day and it helps me stay on track. I usually choose something with a good amount of protein, such as hard boiled eggs, reduced fat cheese sticks, Hummus with cut up vegetables, or greek yogurt. But if I want something sweet, I'll go with a pudding cup or some dark chocolate. Snacks have been key to helping me not feel deprived and helping me stay within my calorie budget for the day.