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Im convinced the Scale is the Devil...

Now I decided to make this lifestyle change back in the end of January... I have noticed that I lost some weight (More than what MFP is saying) and I also see it. This is the problem. I decided to weigh my self every month instead of every two weeks or two days or whatever because I know Lloyd (me) and he will see that its not moving and say screw this... I have a question tho, If Im noticing that Im physically losing stomach fat and everywhere else, Should I really be worried about what the scale projects. My reason is this my heaviest was 294... But you wouldnt be able to tell because I was (am) HWP... So with that said is there a reason why the scale hasnt moved, but my stomach has? lol #BeKindPeople :wink:


  • I would start measuring yourself instead of just relying on the scale! Inches matter more than pounds anyway! As far as the scale not moving but your stomach is, that will have a lot to do with what kind of workouts you are doing and if you are also building fat. Muscle takes up less space than fat of the same weight :)
  • I would start measuring yourself instead of just relying on the scale! Inches matter more than pounds anyway! As far as the scale not moving but your stomach is, that will have a lot to do with what kind of workouts you are doing and if you are also building fat. Muscle takes up less space than fat of the same weight :)

    I literally do everything, Running, Lifting (Not big heavy amounts tho, trying to get lean and not really buffed out.) OH AND I DIDNT MEAN MY STOMACH WAS GETTING BIGGER. BIG BOYS GOING DOWN, ESPECIALLY SINCE I STARTED INCORPORATING AB WORKOUTS IN AS OF RECENT. LOL
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    Now I decided to make this lifestyle change back in the end of January... I have noticed that I lost some weight (More than what MFP is saying) and I also see it. This is the problem. I decided to weigh my self every month instead of every two weeks or two days or whatever because I know Lloyd (me) and he will see that its not moving and say screw this... I have a question tho, If Im noticing that Im physically losing stomach fat and everywhere else, Should I really be worried about what the scale projects. My reason is this my heaviest was 294... But you wouldnt be able to tell because I was (am) HWP... So with that said is there a reason why the scale hasnt moved, but my stomach has? lol #BeKindPeople :wink:

    Either way you need to lose weight. I would weigh myself more than once a month. Weekly is fine. Yes, you may be losing some fat and gaining some muscle if you are exercising (weight lifting). Yes measuring is a good idea, but don't kid yourself, at 290ish you need to lose weight. Going an entire month without losing any weight means you are likely not in a caloric deficit. Use the program, track your calories and the weight will come off.
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    Measurements. I sat at the same weight for 2 1/2 months but lost inches then finally, FINALLY, this week the scale reflected it. The scale doesn't tell the whole truth about what's going on.
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    I would start measuring yourself instead of just relying on the scale! Inches matter more than pounds anyway! As far as the scale not moving but your stomach is, that will have a lot to do with what kind of workouts you are doing and if you are also building fat. Muscle takes up less space than fat of the same weight :)

    I literally do everything, Running, Lifting (Not big heavy amounts tho, trying to get lean and not really buffed out.) OH AND I DIDNT MEAN MY STOMACH WAS GETTING BIGGER. BIG BOYS GOING DOWN, ESPECIALLY SINCE I STARTED INCORPORATING AB WORKOUTS IN AS OF RECENT. LOL

    If you aren't progressively increasing the weight you are lifting you aren't really doing anything. Increasing reps or weight is the way you change your body. Get your "diet" in order.

    You don't need to spend a lot of time directly working your abs.
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    Measurements. I sat at the same weight for 2 1/2 months but lost inches then finally, FINALLY, this week the scale reflected it. The scale doesn't tell the whole truth about what's going on.

    Yes, but you've already lost a lot of weight. (excellent work btw) If you diet is in order and have started an exercise program, you will lose weight. You simply cannot gain as much muscle are you can lose fat. Many people lose 100 pounds or more in a year, no one that I've ever heard of has put on that much muscle in a year. Not even close to it and that would be with some serious chemical aids.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    Keep in mind you are converting fat to muscle, so while you are losing inches, you are gaining muscle mass. While you see a noticeable difference, the scale may not move too much, and that's totally normal. Don't let it discourage you. It's all about how you look and feel, not some number on a scale.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    I think the scale is the devil too. I only care about what I see in the mirror and my self confidence says to me (which is "you are getting skinnier and skinnier every day")
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    My scale is a sadist. I have weighed in at 201 three or four times now. One of those weeks involved double workouts and one involved a road trip with extra food for two or three days. Nothing matters. We just keep chugging away and trust the process.
  • Now I decided to make this lifestyle change back in the end of January... I have noticed that I lost some weight (More than what MFP is saying) and I also see it. This is the problem. I decided to weigh my self every month instead of every two weeks or two days or whatever because I know Lloyd (me) and he will see that its not moving and say screw this... I have a question tho, If Im noticing that Im physically losing stomach fat and everywhere else, Should I really be worried about what the scale projects. My reason is this my heaviest was 294... But you wouldnt be able to tell because I was (am) HWP... So with that said is there a reason why the scale hasnt moved, but my stomach has? lol #BeKindPeople :wink:

    Either way you need to lose weight. I would weigh myself more than once a month. Weekly is fine. Yes, you may be losing some fat and gaining some muscle if you are exercising (weight lifting). Yes measuring is a good idea, but don't kid yourself, at 290ish you need to lose weight. Going an entire month without losing any weight means you are likely not in a caloric deficit. Use the program, track your calories and the weight will come off.

    Well, Im pretty sure that goes without saying, I mean obviously thats the goal here...
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I would start measuring yourself instead of just relying on the scale! Inches matter more than pounds anyway!

    ^^^^ this

    what you look like in the mirror, how your clothes fit and loss of inches mean more than how much you weigh on the scale. Scale weight is everything... water, bone, muscle, the contents of your intestines..... as far as bones and muscles are concerned, heavier = healthier. So more weight on the scale isn't always a bad thing. If you see the inches dropping, your clothes getting looser, etc, then you are losing fat, regardless of what the scale says. Exercise can make your muscles store more water and glycogen, which means you can be losing fat but not losing weight, but a) this extra glycogen in your muscles is a good thing and b) it won't go on forever, you will start to see the losses on the scale too, as you keep on losing the fat.

    Break all emotional ties with the scale, see it as just one tool along with your tape measure, callipers and your mirror. use all of these for monitoring progress and you'll stop caring so much about the number on the scale, because everything else is showing progress in the right direction.
  • I would start measuring yourself instead of just relying on the scale! Inches matter more than pounds anyway! As far as the scale not moving but your stomach is, that will have a lot to do with what kind of workouts you are doing and if you are also building fat. Muscle takes up less space than fat of the same weight :)

    I literally do everything, Running, Lifting (Not big heavy amounts tho, trying to get lean and not really buffed out.) OH AND I DIDNT MEAN MY STOMACH WAS GETTING BIGGER. BIG BOYS GOING DOWN, ESPECIALLY SINCE I STARTED INCORPORATING AB WORKOUTS IN AS OF RECENT. LOL

    If you aren't progressively increasing the weight you are lifting you aren't really doing anything. Increasing reps or weight is the way you change your body. Get your "diet" in order.

    You don't need to spend a lot of time directly working your abs.

    My diet is in check as has been for some time now.... I WAS 293, Now it looks like im sitting at 277 Mind you Im only 2 months into this.... I just recently starting doing ab work because I felt as if I was doing my core an in justice. My weight lifing has went from 50-90 to about 150-180...
  • Never thought to use it as a tool just as I do the machines in the gym.... Thank you so much, Very informative.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I weigh myself once a month. It keeps my stress levels down about seeing higher numbers, even when I've busted my *kitten* and helped me not get discouraged. Now instead of freaking out every week, I only freak out the last week of the month! I also take measurements and go by how my clothes fit. Not that they've changed much, but I did notice my stomach getting smaller.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    tape measure is your friend
  • CDeRuyter
    CDeRuyter Posts: 75 Member
    May I suggest an exorcism?:devil:

    I personally refuse to look at the scale. The difference I note is how my clothes fit. Buying a smaller size is much more satisfying.

    ...Of course, I have to keep repeating this mantra in order to keep holy water in stock....:tongue:
  • I weigh myself once a month. It keeps my stress levels down about seeing higher numbers, even when I've busted my *kitten* and helped me not get discouraged. Now instead of freaking out every week, I only freak out the last week of the month! I also take measurements and go by how my clothes fit. Not that they've changed much, but I did notice my stomach getting smaller.

    Funny you say that because I think that is my deal right now... But I could barely read what it really said because it wasnt digital and to me it look like it said I weighed the same. hahaha Someone gets me! :-)
  • I would start measuring yourself instead of just relying on the scale! Inches matter more than pounds anyway! As far as the scale not moving but your stomach is, that will have a lot to do with what kind of workouts you are doing and if you are also building fat. Muscle takes up less space than fat of the same weight :)

    I literally do everything, Running, Lifting (Not big heavy amounts tho, trying to get lean and not really buffed out.) OH AND I DIDNT MEAN MY STOMACH WAS GETTING BIGGER. BIG BOYS GOING DOWN, ESPECIALLY SINCE I STARTED INCORPORATING AB WORKOUTS IN AS OF RECENT. LOL

    If you aren't progressively increasing the weight you are lifting you aren't really doing anything. Increasing reps or weight is the way you change your body. Get your "diet" in order.

    You don't need to spend a lot of time directly working your abs.

    My diet is in check as has been for some time now.... I WAS 293, Now it looks like im sitting at 277 Mind you Im only 2 months into this.... I just recently starting doing ab work because I felt as if I was doing my core an in justice. My weight lifing has went from 50-90 to about 150-180...

    16 lbs is really healthy loss. As far as scales go, your weight can and will fluctuate through out the day and reliable scales are expensive. Measuring is your best bet. I like to measure body fat myself but this is more difficult.

    Congratulations though, good job from the get go!
  • snoland81
    snoland81 Posts: 19
    How much are you eating on days you lift? You should be eating your body weight times 10 in calories just to function in your day to day activities. THE RIGHT CALORIES, I'm not saying to eat 2700 calories of fast food and carbs!! Lean meat, fruits, veggies and complex carbs!! If you are lifting you need to feed your muscle....you don't build muscle in the gym, you build it after your workout and what you have fed and are feeding your muscles in order to recover after lifting. You should eat less on the days you are doing cardio because you want to burn fat stores! It sounds weird to say you need to eat more to loose when lifting, but believe me I've been there. The only way I know this FOR SURE is because I started doing P90X workouts and lost 14lbs in 40 days and I went from eating about 1300 calories a day to eating about 1900-2100 calories a day and lost weight and inches! I weighed 164lbs and am 5'3". The best way to loose fat is to build LEAN muscle that burns your fat when your NOT working out! The more lean muscle you have, the more fat your body will naturally burn!!
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    The fact of the matter is your thinking about it! That is great keep it up. MFP does have a place where you can keep your measurements. See if that gives you more satisfaction in keeping your log.