Very bloated... help



  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Try getting your fiber from raw fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains instead of Metamucil. I eat around 30 grams of fiber a day but through food, not supplements, and I'm never bloated. I drink around 8-10 glasses of water a day (bigger glasses, probably 12 oz per glass at least). If the bloating doesn't go away soon, you should probably see your doctor.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Introduce more potassium:
    Coconut water (amazing for bloating)
    Sweet Potato
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    it could be the metamucil itself, not the quantity. I regularly hit 45-50 grams of fiber a day (i aim for 35) but the metamucil caused trouble for me. i switched to konsyl and no longer have trouble. also try spacing your water out to be around the metamucil doses, i found it needs more than the 8oz.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Looks like on Saturday and Sunday your sodium was high, and you may still be flushing that out of your system. Also, on the several days I checked, you were nowhere near hitting your protein target. Those are the things I would be inclined to work on first.
  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    I have read that Peppermint Tea is good for a bloated tummy, drink it after each meal.
    I can't personally recommend it as I haven't tried it for that purpose, although it is very yummy so you should have no problem taking it :smile:
  • JessieTangerine
    JessieTangerine Posts: 91 Member
    It is recommended that adult women get at least 25g of fiber a day, but if you just upped your fiber from a lower amount, it can take a few days for your body to get used to it.

    Also if you want to keep your fiber intake up without using metamucil, berries are an amazingly delicious source...and cocoa powder. Basically make yourself some homemade pudding and add in some raspberries and youll be set on fiber for the day :happy:
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    If you've upped your fiber recently that may affect your bloating. My initial reaction though is that it may be the broccoli / cauliflower - both of these foods make me bloat terribly and cause painful gas. I think it may be food related rather than to the metamucil.
  • NaturalinCO
    NaturalinCO Posts: 164 Member
    If you're trying to keep the fiber on the high end (a very good idea) I definitely would try nixing the Metamucil and eating more leafy greens like kale, broccoli, cabbage, etc. A couple of pieces of fruit in the morning and a lot of veggies at lunch and dinner help make meeting my goal of 31g/day very doable without additional supplements. Cucumbers help...I'm struggling with this issue as we speak so I'm downing cucumbers. Though mine is due to sodium :( Must do better. Good luck!! Oh yeah, pp mentioned peppermint tea...THAT is VERY helpful!!!
  • SusanMPreston43
    SusanMPreston43 Posts: 84 Member
    I didn't go through your diary too extensively, but are you eating things, drinking things with artificial sweeteners, like Splenda? It kills my husband when he eats even the tiniest amount of it.
  • jjkarnitz
    jjkarnitz Posts: 55
    Do you take a good probiotic? I used to take a lot of fiber and it bloated my like crazy but now I just take a probiotic (and get fiber only from my food and not supplements) and I am very regular and barely ever bloated...
  • nynvilva
    nynvilva Posts: 54
    Try getting your fiber from raw fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains instead of Metamucil. I eat around 30 grams of fiber a day but through food, not supplements, and I'm never bloated. I drink around 8-10 glasses of water a day (bigger glasses, probably 12 oz per glass at least). If the bloating doesn't go away soon, you should probably see your doctor.

    This. I am about the same. I hit ~20-30 grams of fiber per day and get it solely from raw fruits and veggies. I have tried things like Fiber One and Metamucil, however I did have adverse effects, such as bloating and irregularity. I would try replacing the supplement with fruits/veggies for a week and see how you feel.
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    As soon I saw this thread, before looking at your diary, I thought 'hmmmmm I wonder if its Cabbage/Broccoli causing it'

    I notice you eat Cabbage based vegetables every day, sometimes severeal times a day, whether its Cabbage, Broccoli or Cauliflower. I know that if I eat any of these more than 3 days in a row I suffer awful bloating. It's been a fairly recent development (the last year) but I have found I am becoming less and less tolerant of any of these vegetables, I rarely eat Cabbage at all as it's the worst for it, and only eat Broccoli and Califlower maybe twice a week, 3 at the most, and space it out over the week.

    Might be worth a try?
  • 0liviamarie
    Bloating can be caused by multiple things. I know cucumber makes me bloated. Or anything water based. Especially fruit.
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I didn't go through your diary too extensively, but are you eating things, drinking things with artificial sweeteners, like Splenda? It kills my husband when he eats even the tiniest amount of it.
    no artificial sweeteners
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Do you take a good probiotic? I used to take a lot of fiber and it bloated my like crazy but now I just take a probiotic (and get fiber only from my food and not supplements) and I am very regular and barely ever bloated...
    no, I don't. I will have to look into that...
  • bananasd09
    bananasd09 Posts: 57 Member
    Are you adding extra sodium to your meals? I had pizza on saturday night and today i'm barely starting to feel the bloat go down. Drink extra water and maybe for a run, sweat those toxins out and get things moving.
  • skincy
    skincy Posts: 108 Member
    Do you take a good probiotic? I used to take a lot of fiber and it bloated my like crazy but now I just take a probiotic (and get fiber only from my food and not supplements) and I am very regular and barely ever bloated...

    Yep do this!! and if that does not work

    do you feel any foods might be causing it? Try eliminating common trigger foods like gluten or dairy (not at the same time) and see if you feel better.

    If that does not work try going to the Dr. to see if there are other causes
  • whiskey5jda2008
    whiskey5jda2008 Posts: 115 Member
    how long as this been going on? if keeps going on you should go see a doctor as you may have a small bowel obstruction.
  • fiitforlife
    fiitforlife Posts: 2 Member
    That's a whoooooole lotta Metamucil. Have you tried taking that supplement out?
    I will stop taking it. The instructions say 3-4 tablestpoons a day is fine, I am taking 3. I didn't think that could be the reason.....

    The same thing happened to me about a month ago and the culprit was the Metamucil. You should notice a difference once removing the Metamucil. Good luck.
  • chroberts
    I definitely agree with the last post. I had terrible bloating after most meals. It was the wheat and other grains. I had this problem all my life and never knew that it wasn't normal. My doctor suggested an elimination diet and that did the trick. I no longer have bloating, indigestion or acid reflux. Giving up grains isn't easy but I feel so much better not eating them.