What food is like crack to you?



  • CAKES AND COOKIES CEREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    well, we have a dish in the subcontinent called "Biryani". Its meat, rice, some veggies and herbs, LOTS of spices, yogurt and lots of oil/butter/clarified butter. Anytime I make it, I can easily consume 4500 calories in a day... in fact I have easily eaten about 5,000 calories of it more than one.

    Biryani is my 2nd favourite savoury food, I could eat 6 platefuls of my mothers homemade lamb biryani and still want more - yum!
  • chocolate chip cookie dough...or really awesome buffalo wings...cheesey nachos...ice cold Bud Light
  • jenniferswooten
    jenniferswooten Posts: 137 Member
    Homemade mac and cheese :(

    ^ this or really any kind of mac and cheese.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    reese's peanut butter cups
  • scress0514
    scress0514 Posts: 51 Member
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
  • bellyboosmom
    bellyboosmom Posts: 55 Member
    Any authentic Mexican food, but especially tacos. You know, the ones you get from the street vendors. Oh my goodness.
  • Chips! Dear god, I f***ing love them!

    My favorite are Doritos, and I can pretty easily consume a whole big bag (which is at least 1400 calories) if I let myself. And then I feel like crap afterwards of course, mentally and physically. The small bags are completely unsatisfying. I try to just not keep them in the house, but sometimes I just gotta have that salty crunch so I go for the medium bags that they have at the check stands (4.5 servings, about 450 calories I think). Having done a lot of binging on chips in my life though, I've definitely realized how crappy they make me feel, and it's easier to avoid eating crazy portions.

    Sometimes I'll also get plain tortilla chips since they're a bit healthier than all that artificial cheese crap and easier to pair with foods that have more nutritional value (plain yogurt, guacamole, chili, etc.)

    But god, yeah, chips are total crack to me, and it's better if I can just not get started.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    my homemade chocolate chip cookie dough...I may or may not stick my head into the bowl to lick the sides
  • foot2wood
    foot2wood Posts: 149 Member
    Spanish stewed beef with rice and avocado or PIZZZZZZZZZAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Peanut butter! I can't even have a bit now and then because my boyfriend is severely allergic, but I swear I dream about it. Ugggggh.

    And salt and vinegar kettle chips.
  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
    anything with sugar and chocolate
  • Samantha9000
    Samantha9000 Posts: 9 Member
    omg. cheese! i could sit and eat a whole pound!
  • Leah_Alexis
    Leah_Alexis Posts: 139 Member
    Chocolate chip cookie dough.... evil.
  • Reese's Cups. Really anything that is a combination of chocolate and peanut butter. Chinese food.
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    Chocolate. Peanut Butter. Chocolate & Peanut Butter.
  • therasmuslove
    therasmuslove Posts: 3 Member
  • jasmine_noel
    jasmine_noel Posts: 62 Member
    Sour Patch Kids